girl knight zero

Chapter 41 What is the Shield of Alifons

Chapter 41 What is the Shield of Alifons

Hall 5 next door to them is the only training ground that rippling with spring-like warmth and mother-like care.

The amiable instructor Qiu is drawing on the blackboard and explaining the principle of the shield to everyone.

The students sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling very comfortable.

"A shield is a force field made up of spiritual power. Everyone here should have the experience of spilling spiritual power out of the body, right? The feeling of making a shield is similar to this. It's just that the shield needs to completely separate the spiritual power from the body to form a hollow circle '." Qiu Yan explained while drawing a picture.

"Instructor, what types of shields are there?" Diego asked.

"It is mainly divided into detection type and defense type. The detection type can cover the largest area, and the highest record in history is 2.7 kilometers in diameter; the defensive type covers the smallest area, but it is the most difficult, because it needs to physicalize the spiritual power to form a structure that can resist attacks. Shield." Qiu Yan wrote on the blackboard.

"Instructor, is the shield of Alfons a defensive shield?" Kali asked.

"That's right, what exactly is the Shield of Alifons?"

"Is the shield of Arriphons made of blue crystal?"

The students' interest was immediately aroused.

Qiu Yan said with a smile: "I can answer your questions, but before that, you need to complete a task first."

After speaking, Qiuyan walked to the middle and started to demonstrate.

She slowly released her spiritual power until it overflowed ten centimeters from her body.

"Everyone needs to release the spiritual power like me. Note that the overflowing spiritual power must not touch the body, and there must be at least one punch away from the body."

"It's easy!" Everyone tried it immediately.

However, all failed.

The spiritual power can be released, but it is all stuck to the body.

After finally making a little distance, it dissipated in the air again.

"The defensive department is known as the most technical unit among the knights. Why? Because we must master the concentration and release at the same time. And we must always maintain the balance of these two forces. Otherwise, either the spiritual power cannot be released, and the shield cannot be formed; or The released shield quickly dissipated in the air, unable to play its due role." Qiu Yan said as she walked.

Jiali was sweating profusely, her spiritual power was very high, and releasing her spiritual power was not a problem at all.

The problem is that the release of spiritual power is like ink dripping into a pond, and quickly escapes in the air.

"Imagine, you push your hand out, and at the same time, there is an invisible hand blocking your hand." Qiu Yan grabbed Jiali's hand and said, "You two have the same strength, so your hands are frozen in the air. "

According to what Qiuyan said, Jiali first tried to release the shield on the palm.

This time, she succeeded, but the shield was very unstable, and the distance was also different.

"Very good, get familiar with this feeling first, and then slowly increase it to hands, torso, limbs, and whole body." Qiu Yan nodded encouragingly.

"Jari, how did you do it?" Diego asked for help.

"I can't express it in words. In a word, it is releasing while recycling, but it can't be collected too much." Jia Li said.

"I can't take it back at all!" Diego said with a sad face.

"Very good, someone has already done it successfully, others have to work hard!" At this time, Qiu Yan's voice sounded from behind.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to see who this genius was, but they were surprised that it was Clive!
"This student must be very introverted, right? Generally, talented defensive department people are extremely restrained and forbearing." Qiu Yan laughed.

"I don't know if it's reserved or not, but it's really tolerant." Jiali said in a low voice.

"It's over! An outward-looking person like me probably won't be able to build a shield!" A hedgehog shouted in despair.

"If you don't finish it, you won't eat." Although Qiu Yan's tone was very gentle, her expression was very serious.

"Instructor Qiu always said one thing, work hard buddy." A class 15 student reminded.

Everyone gathered up enough strength to fight together again.

However, releasing the shield is a technical task, and it cannot be achieved by hard work, so until the end of get out of class, most of the students still cannot master it.

"Those who have finished can go to lunch, and those who have not finished please stay." Qiu Yan ordered.

"No!" the students wailed.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Le L L L L V ..." Looking at the two successful people, Tears flowed down his face.

"What? Your training is to cut cheese?" During the lunch break, Phoebe asked in surprise.

"I was about to finish cutting it, but Wilner said that I cut it too thickly, so he took out a new piece and asked me to cut it again..." Cang Ling buried his face in his arms and said.

"I'll show you my training results!" Phoebe excitedly pulled the chair closer, and then formed a smooth and round spirit ball from her fingertips.

"Wow, it can be suspended on your fingers!" Cang Ling was amazed.

"I can do it too." After Kali finished speaking, she released the shield.

"Wow!" Cang Ling and Phoebe exclaimed together, "You can release the shield!"

"If a shield is ten centimeters long, it's still considered a shield." Jiali shrugged.

"It's already amazing..." Cangling Phoebe looked envious.

"By the way! If a shield with a diameter of more than 50 meters can be released, will it be possible to detect Felton's movements? Should he be able to detect when he is approaching us?" Cang Ling suddenly had an idea.

"If you release that kind of shield, the other party will be able to sense it. Moreover, making a shield consumes a lot of spiritual power, and I can't last long with my current level." Jiali replied.

"Thought I finally found a way to guard against Felton," Phoebe said with a sigh.

In the afternoon, everyone continued their professional training.

After a noon break and discussion, everyone's training in the afternoon was obviously smoother than that in the morning.

In the end, students from the three departments successfully completed today's tasks before get out of class ended.

"Instructor Qiu, can you tell us about the shield of Alfons now?" Kali was still thinking about the promise made in the morning.

"Of course." Instructor Qiu Yan said with a smile, "The history of the evolution of the Alfons Shield is also one of the knowledge that defensive knights must master."

After finishing speaking, Instructor Qiuyan took out a chalk and drew a picture on the blackboard and began to explain: "As early as in ancient times, human beings have learned to release spiritual power to perceive the movements of night devils, so as to avoid danger. But this kind of shield has limitations. Significant: First, it can only detect, but cannot block the night devil's attack; second, its coverage area is relatively small, if the living space is large, many defense systems must be stationed at the border. This is obviously inefficient. "

"Later, after continuous hard work and exploration, humans invented a defensive shield. The defensive shield is a special force field that can resist the attacks of night demons. But this kind of shield consumes a lot of spiritual power and has a short duration. It cannot be promoted and used in a large area, and can only be used for emergencies."

"In the 527th year of the new calendar, a miner named Gabriel accidentally discovered that a crystal-like blue ore can store spiritual power like the human body, and it is very stable. It can keep spiritual power from leaking under high temperature and cold. Therefore, on this basis, human beings created a physical shield for the first time that is free from human power—Gabriel's Shield."



(End of this chapter)

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