girl knight zero

Chapter 42 Weaknesses of the Shield of Alifons

Chapter 42 Weaknesses of the Shield of Alifons

"Gabriel's shield is a closed oval space, and its center is a huge crystal pillar containing a reactor, which provides spiritual support instead of humans. This kind of shield has realized the physical isolation of the night devil for the first time, making the night devil Can’t go into human territory. But it has limitations, that’s still not enough coverage, and there’s wasted space for crossing between different shields.”

"In 714, Gabriel's shield underwent a major update. The new Gabriel's shield is no longer fully enclosed, but has become a ring. It consists of countless rectangular shields with a height of 5 meters and a length of 50 meters. The shields are connected by reaction columns. In this way, the amount of blue crystals required is reduced by as much as half, and there is no waste at all."

"But this new shield has a big problem, that is, limited by the amount of blue crystal mining, the shield height can only be 5 meters, and it is still powerless against night devils over 5 meters and flying night devils. But In any case, this shield has greatly improved the security of human settlements, allowing human beings to expand their territory and stabilize their living space. In the following 300 years, the area of ​​human territory has more than tripled.”

"What really brought about an epoch-making change was the shield of Alfons, which was born in 1090. The shield of Alfons changed the shape of the shield to an ellipse again, but it was no longer fully covered, but turned into a net. The shaped shield can not only greatly reduce the amount of blue crystals used, but also provide stronger support than a flat surface. When a certain point is attacked intensively, the shield surface will disperse the force to the entire network, thereby relieving the pressure on a single point. Similarly, The Shield of Alifons does not need tens of thousands of reaction pillars to support it, it only needs five fixed spiritual power supply points. These five supply points are the five holy cities."

"Instructor Qiu, won't the Night Demon get in through the mesh?" Diego asked at this moment.

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

"You're a good question." Instructor Qiu Yan replied, "This is also the only flaw of the Alfons Shield. That is, it can only block D-level and above night devils, and low-level night devils can still pass through unimpeded. But this is already It’s much better than before. The reason why the Xinghai Continent has not fallen is due to the Ariffons Shield. It is the greatest crystallization of our human wisdom, and it is also the greatest security guarantee for our survival and continuation.”

"But now, the inside of the shield is not safe anymore, and night monsters above D-level can get in." A student whispered.

"You mean that incident six years ago?" Diego asked.

"That was just an accident, right?" A boy with a monk's head said hurriedly.

"It's not a coincidence. My grandfather is a Blue Shield Knight. He said that there have been more and more high-level night devils in the shield in recent years. It's just that they were discovered in time every time, and there were no serious consequences." Said a braided girl .

"Obviously, while human beings continue to develop, night devils are also quietly evolving." Jiali said, holding her chin.

"So we can't relax our vigilance. Only by maintaining a state of combat readiness can we deal with all kinds of contingencies and keep the hard-won fruits of victory." Instructor Qiu Yan concluded.

After returning home in the evening, Kali shared the information she got in class with everyone.

"It turns out that the shield of Alifons is a mesh shield, which was never mentioned in the textbook." Cang Ling and Phoebe were very surprised.

"The man who invented the shield of Alifons is really amazing." Tabetha hugged the back of the chair and sighed.

"Ariphonse's shield actually has a weakness, and it's a huge weakness." Jiali said, "It's not like the early shields that have an early warning function, and it's not like Gabriel's shield. Partial damage doesn't affect the whole. Arifang The integration of the Shield of Sri Lanka has led it to rely heavily on the five holy cities. Once the Holy City falls, the Shield of Alifons will disintegrate instantly, and all the land will be exposed to the Night Demon. Just like the disaster more than 300 years ago .”

The disaster Kali refers to is a major accident that occurred in 1512.

That time, because of malicious sabotage by the knights stationed in the holy city, the shield's spiritual power was interrupted for 10 minutes.

Although the knights in other holy cities quickly caught the abnormal fluctuation of spiritual power, due to the backward communication method, the news could not be sent back in time. As a result, the shield disintegrated and a large number of night demons invaded. nearly half of the territory.

In that incident, a total of nearly 20 people died, and countless people were abandoned in the wilderness before they had time to evacuate, becoming the rations of night demons.

"That's why the Templars are so strict now." Phoebe said, "It is said that everyone who applies for the Templars has to go up to three generations, and there must be no criminal records for three consecutive generations."

"There is an uncle in our town who once applied for the exam, but he was brushed off because of a fight record in middle school." Tai Beisha laughed, "I heard that you can't have a bad record."

"The Templars are so strict." Cang Ling said in surprise.

"No, that's why it's called the most difficult knight order." Phoebe said.

"But it's the easiest and safest way to get a knighthood. Alas, I'm hopeless." Tabetha sighed.

In the next few days, everyone continued the boring and tiring training.

Phoebe and Kali have improved rapidly, and they have become leaders in the long-range and defense systems respectively.

But Cang Ling's progress gradually slowed down.

Because her spiritual power is insufficient, it is difficult to break through after the performance of intensive training reaches a bottleneck, and she needs to increase her spiritual power to overcome the bottleneck.

Seeing that his grades had dropped from the top few when he first entered school to around ten, and there was still a downward trend, Cang Ling felt sad and anxious.

She had no choice but to increase the amount for herself.

Everyone else is out of class, and she still stays in the training ground to continue practicing, hoping to make up for her congenital deficiencies as much as possible with her acquired efforts.

After going down for a period of time, Cang Ling's body was severely overdrawn and exhausted, and he couldn't even eat.

"This spoon...doesn't have any mechanism? Why is it so heavy..." During dinner, Cang Ling stared at the spoon in his hand and thought.

She tried to lift the spoon, but couldn't, and her shoulder hurt like hell when she tried.

Seeing that the lunch time was coming to an end, the food in front of Cang Ling was almost intact.

Phoebe noticed Cang Ling's abnormal state, and she had an idea, and took Cang Ling's spoon to feed her.

"Thank you." Cang Ling gave Phoebe a grateful look.

Before taking a few bites, Felton's eyes swept over from behind.

"Am I reading that right? Are the two of you feeding?" Felton walked over from the instructor's cafeteria.

Phoebe was so scared that she almost dropped the spoon, she turned around and hurriedly pretended to eat her own food.

(End of this chapter)

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