girl knight zero

Chapter 468 The Pillar of Yide

Chapter 468 The Pillar of Yide
Nineteen hours later, Cang Ling woke up.

"Zero? Are you awake?" Delang, who had been standing by, shouted in surprise.

"Hadi!" Cang Ling sat up abruptly, and was about to take the knife with his backhand, but found nothing.

"Calm down, calm down." Delang quickly supported Cangling, "Hadi is dead, you have won!"

"Hardy is dead?"

"Yes, there are no surviving night demons on the scene, and all the giants were killed. We have won the final victory!" De Lang looked excited.

"No, Hardy's not dead, he's still alive!" Cang Ling was about to get out of bed after finishing speaking, Delang hurriedly held her down.

"Where is this place?" Cang Ling looked around.

"It's Mustang's station."

"Mustan? Where's Lagrange? Is there anyone else there?"

"There are people from the Investigation Bureau and the Silver Knights. They are still rescuing the wounded."

"Let them leave!" Cang Ling pushed Delang away, and ran outside, "Hadi is still alive!"

"Ling, come back!" Delang hurriedly chased Cang Ling.

At the same moment, a phenomenon suddenly appeared in Lagrange more than ten kilometers away.

"Director, no, it can't be blasted!" An agent said sweating profusely, "This shield is too strong!"

"I can't do it either." A strengthening department said, clutching his wrist, "Hands are numb, and I can't cut them."

"Turn the searchlights here," said Felton, holding up the flashlight.

Soon, two high-power searchlights were lifted up and shone on the figure in the spindle.

As a result, all the light was reflected by the mirror, making the silhouette even more unclear.

"Hey, the guy inside!" Felton clung to the face and shouted, "Don't keep shrinking, come out!"

"Director!" Platina ran over, "I reported to Minister Louis, and he said he would bring Delia over right away."

"If both of them can't break through this shield, I'm afraid no one can break through." Felton frowned.

At this moment, there was a sudden "wow" on the ruins, and a large flock of crows flew up.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of flying birds sprang out from the surrounding woods, slamming around in the air like headless flies.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked at the sky in wonder.

Felton watched the flock of birds vigilantly, and suddenly felt a heat behind his back, and at the same time, the back was lit up, like the sun came out.

Felton hurriedly looked back and was stunned: it wasn't the sun that was shining, but the spindle!

The whole body of the spindle emits a dazzling white light, and it slowly rotates.

Through the white light, one can vaguely see the figure inside standing up.

"Get down!" Felton yelled and fell to the ground.

As soon as the words fell, the speed of the spindle body accelerated sharply. After two seconds of rapid rotation, the eight mirrors shot out 384 white beams of light at the same time. After staying in the air for a while, they shot in all directions like lightning.

These beams of light seem to be solid, but they can penetrate all obstacles encountered, whether it is a human body, a big tree, metal or a mountain, they all penetrate instantly, and there is no trace on the penetrated object!

However, all penetrated objects will self-explode and gasify instantly the next second they touch the beam of light, disappearing without a trace.

The 92 agents and knights who hadn't had time to hide in the ruins just disappeared out of thin air, not even a corpse, and no fragments were left behind.

However, the beams of light that penetrated them did not disappear. They continued to pass through the air at high speed without attenuation at all, and finally reached the border before being intercepted by the shield of Arriphons.

After the shock wave disappeared, Felton got up from the ground, turned his head and saw that the spindle had stopped rotating and returned to its original shape, and the white light was gone.

Fortunately, he got down on the ground in time and hid in the blind spot of the spindle attack, so he survived.

But even so, the heat scorched his back, and if Platina hadn't opened the shield in time, he might have been scorched.

"Platina?" Felton turned over the Platina on the side. Platina's face was covered with blood, his eyes were open and his pupils were dilated, and he was already dead.

The attack just now was obviously far beyond his ability to bear, so his internal organs were shattered by the huge backlash, and he died on the spot.

The Mastan garrison, more than a dozen miles away, was also attacked by beams of light. 3/4 of the buildings in the garrison were destroyed, and 28 knights blew themselves up to death.

Cang Ling and De Lang were lucky enough not to be hit by the beam of light, but the ward next to them was not so lucky. All four seriously wounded people who had just escaped from the front line were killed.

"This is Hardy's attack. He is still alive!" Cang Ling got up from the ground and said, "Where is my knife?"

"How is it possible? Even the giant was blown to death, how could Hardy still be alive?" Delang shouted in a broken voice.

"Master Chief!" Phoebe's voice came from beside him.

"Phoebe!" Cang Ling rushed over in surprise, staggered and knelt down on the ground again.

"What happened just now? We were attacked by missiles?" Phoebe hurriedly helped Cang Ling up.

"It's not a missile. It's Hardy. It was Hardy who attacked us just now!"

"What? That guy's still alive?" Phoebe's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, he's still alive..." After Cang Ling finished speaking, his body suddenly felt a sharp pain, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

When she woke up again, she had already been transferred to Dougville, and at the same time, the Bureau of Investigation and all the Silver Knights outside the country were also retreating.

The Queen also arrived at Dougwell to summon all concerned for an urgent discussion on the situation at Lagrange.

"The identity of the person inside the spindle has been determined." Minister Lewis said, "It is indeed Hadi."

"What is that spindle?" asked the Queen.

"I probed it at close range. It should be a variant of a shield, but it is different from a normal shield. It is only a millimeter thick, maybe thinner, but it cannot be destroyed from the outside. The most amazing thing is that it is not a mirror. , we can see Hardy inside through it, but light cannot penetrate through it because it reflects all light sources. So, I named it 'Pillar of Id'." Louis shared a photo of the spindle posted on the blackboard.

"The Pillar of Yid..."

Hearing this name with a strong religious connotation, and seeing the strange shape of the spindle, everyone present felt a little shudder.

In mythology, after the giant of light Sapuig and the giant of shadow Id were separated from Noah's body, they fought for tens of thousands of years. This war did not end after their death, and their bodies split again. The "war of light and shadow" continues between the gods representing light and the demons representing darkness.

And now, this war has finally reached its final chapter.

"Children of Light" humans and "Descendants of Shadow" night demons, who will win in this doomsday battle?

(End of this chapter)

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