girl knight zero

Chapter 469 AT Force Field

Chapter 469 AT Force Field
"According to Sergeant Major Cang's account, Hadi should have opened the Pillar of Id when the missile arrived, thus avoiding the bombing." Lewis continued.

"What was the situation at that time?" the Queen asked Cang Ling.

"At that time, Hardy and I were in the knight cemetery outside the city wall." Cang Ling recalled, "He sensed the missile when it was 35 kilometers away, and then he flew back to the city immediately, intending to take Hoddle and the giant away , but it was too late. At the last second before the missile exploded, I saw a transparent shield-like wall suddenly extending from his body. This wall blocked the first missile attack, but the second came immediately after , Three..., every time it is attacked, the wall will shrink, and finally it cannot maintain its complete shape, and becomes a four-piece fan shape, and finally folds from the middle, shrinking into a spindle, wrapping Hardy in it. After that I can't remember what happened, because I fainted."

"So we were all 'saved' by Hardy!" said Phoebe.

"He didn't want to save us at all, okay, we just happened to be covered by the Pillar of Yide." Kali said.

"We were deceived by Hardy." Cang Ling continued, "We always thought he was a long-range type, because Murphy had watched his battles and witnessed him using the 'beam of light' to kill opponents from a long distance. But in fact , he is a special type!"

"What exactly is his ability?" the queen asked.

"He doesn't just have one ability." Louis replied, "He has long-range, enhanced and physical skills at the same time, that is to say, he is both long-range, enhanced, and defensive."

"Possess three skills at the same time??"

"Yes. And every skill can be used to 100%. Sensing missiles 35 kilometers away is the ability of the defense system, the beam of light is the ability of the long-range system, and the pillar of ed is the ability of the strengthening system."

"Shouldn't the Pillar of Yide be a defensive ability?"

"I thought so at first, but later found out that it is not. Because the eight planes that make up the Pillar of Yide are not physicalized spiritual power, but another kind of substance. This kind of substance has no specific form, but it has powerful The force field, it is like an 'invisible wall', strongly repelling all the outside things that try to enter."

"Can't the strengthening system be destroyed?"

"We tried many methods, but we couldn't destroy the Pillar of Id." Felton continued, "Just before the meeting started, I also received a call from Colonel Fiona, who fired a missile from the ship. As a result, the Pillar of Id is still intact."

"Using the concept in the novel as an analogy, the space inside the Pillar of Id is Hardy's 'absolute domain'. If we can't enter his 'absolute domain', we can't kill him." Lewis added.

"What is the current attack frequency of the Pillar of Yid?" the queen asked calmly.

"Attacks every 30 minutes. Fires 384 beams of light each time. These beams are as incorporeal as the Pillars of Id, just like light, but more penetrating than light." Luis posted a shot taken from a distance The photo of the beam of light attacking, "All objects that touch the beam of light will self-explode and completely gasify within a second. After gasification, there will be almost no traces, and they will completely evaporate and disappear."

"Is the angle of attack fixed?"

"Not fixed, because the Pillar of Id rotates. And it's moving slowly."


"Yes, very slowly, about ten meters per minute."

"Moving in which direction?" The queen's face sank.

"Here." Louis pointed to the ground with his thumb.

"That is to say, Hardy hasn't given up yet, and still wants to destroy us." Phoebe clenched her fists.

"At one meter per minute, we still have 22 days." Cang Ling said after a calculation.

"Not that much." Louis replied, "The attack distance of the beam of light far exceeds 320 kilometers. This is a letter from Commander Philip from Sejawi. The letter asks what happened on our side, because their It was also attacked by the beam of light."

"Have Sehavi been attacked?" Cang Ling stood up in surprise.

"Yes. The reason why we can sit here safe and sound is because of the blocking of the shield of Alfons." Agatha said, "I called the mobile response columns across the country to encrypt and reinforce the square shield on the border. But the attack power of the beam of light is too strong, according to this consumption, the country's strategic reserves will be exhausted within two weeks."

"If the shield of Alfons disintegrates, the entire star sea will be exposed to the firepower of the Pillar of Id. Everyone can imagine the scene at that time." Louis said meaningfully.

"Can you hide underground and come up after Hardy is exhausted?" Duke Louis (Louis' father) asked.

"The question is, when will he run out? Also, how deep the ground can withstand the beam of light?" Louis asked rhetorically.

"You can't hide underground, because Hardy can fly. It's suspended now." Cang Ling pointed to the photo and said, "If we hide underground, Hardy can hit the ground as long as he flies into the air. In that case No matter how deep you hide, it’s useless to think that Sejawi, thousands of kilometers away, can be hit, so what can a thin layer of ground block?”

"Hadi is going to destroy the whole world!" Phoebe thumped the table hard.

"The worst thing is that several of our blue crystal mines are located overseas, and now these factories have shut down." Agatha continued, "If we only rely on domestic reserves, we can only rely on manpower after they are used up." .”

"The current population of the country is about 450 million, including [-]% of the elderly and children. After removing them, I don't know how long the remaining people can last. To be honest, I am not very optimistic because I have not received special training. Many people can't even transfer spiritual power out of their bodies." Louis shrugged.

"We definitely can't rely on manpower." The Queen frowned, "We still have to start with weapons."

"The current difficulty lies in conquering Hadi's absolute domain. According to my observation, Hadi has channeled most of his power into the Pillar of Yid. If the Pillar of Yid disintegrates, it should not be difficult to kill Hadi inside. said Felton.

"The question is how to overcome it?" Kali asked.

The scene fell into silence, and no one could answer this question.

"You just said that the attack frequency of the Pillar of Id is once every 30 minutes?" After a while, the queen asked Louis.


"Can you predict the direction and time of the next attack based on the frequency and rotation speed?"

"it should be OK."

"Let's make a prediction table first! Guess the time and location of each attack, and then use the gap to approach the Pillar of Id and test it. I will ask Karakoff to cooperate with you, and we will wait for the test results to come out." Let's figure it out together."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Louis immediately stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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