girl knight zero

Chapter 470 Weird phenomenon

Chapter 470 Weird phenomenon

Louis is very efficient and quickly made an early warning form within 30 days.After 10 hours of testing, it was found that the error was basically within 1%.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the Investigation Department, the Joint Ordnance Research Institute jointly launched a technical test on the Pillar of Ide.

During the test period, Cang Ling was mainly responsible for recuperating, resting, and recovering physical strength.Because she may still be needed to play in the follow-up.

"I didn't expect that I was still alive." Cang Ling sat on the bed and said to everyone, "I thought I was going to die, and the suicide note was written."

"We all wrote suicide notes beforehand," Phoebe replied. "As far as I know, everyone who went to war this time wrote suicide notes."

"The suicide notes of many people have already taken effect now." Charlene said softly.

"I want to thank you, Charlene." Ryan said, who was covered in bandages, "If you hadn't forced me to support Du Lan and the others, I'm afraid I wouldn't be here alive."

"You should thank Hardy." Kali snorted.

"I thank him the hell, if it weren't for him, would we have been hit by missiles?"

"makes sense……"

"It's a pity that Dave's leg was bitten off by Hoddle." Cang Ling sighed, "Although his life was saved, he will never be able to stand up again."

"Don't worry, Agatha is already helping him contact the prosthesis factory, and he will be able to regain mobility after the prosthesis is installed." Charlene comforted.

"Is Du Lan okay? I don't seem to have seen him."

"He consumed too much and used up all the spiritual power in his body. Dr. De said that he would need two or three years of rehabilitation before he could return to his previous state." Kali replied.

"Anyway, it's good to be alive..."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the battlefield in the future." Ryan smiled bitterly. "My arms and thighs were injured. Although I saved them through surgery, my movements have slowed down a lot, and I can't use Whirlwind. To be honest, this It hurts me more than death."

"Actually, I'm the same as you." Charlene said to Ryan, "My eyes are injured, and everything is blurry now. I can't see your face clearly when you sit next to me. The doctor said that I may go blind in the future .”

Charlene lowered her head as she spoke.

"Don't be discouraged, medicine is very advanced now, maybe you will be able to recover in a few years!" Phoebe said hurriedly.

"Yes, medicine is constantly improving. Although you can't recover now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to recover in the future. As long as you are alive, there is hope." Cang Ling followed to comfort.

"Yes, as long as you are alive, there is hope." Ryan turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window. It was sunny and sunny outside.

In the past, this was just an ordinary and ordinary scene, but for the few people in the house who narrowly escaped death, it was an unprecedented and moving scene.

It is so wonderful to be alive, and life is so precious.

A week later, Felton and Karakoff presented their findings.

"We used thousands of methods to test the Pillar of Id, and finally got an unbelievable result." Felton said, "This result is really weird. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that there were other people at the scene Seeing it, I would have thought I was dreaming."

"What do you mean?" the queen asked hurriedly.

"Director Karakoff, let you explain! You should be able to explain more logically and scientifically than I can." Felton made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay. But I don't think I can explain it better than you, because this matter is not scientific at all..." Karakov wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran to the podium.

"We have conducted thousands of tests on the Pillar of Id, from cutting, burning, strong acid, strong rot... to machine guns, cannons and even missiles, but they have not been able to cause any damage to it."

"Aren't missiles okay?"

"Yes, not at all. According to common sense, even if it cannot be destroyed, it can cause certain damage or cracks, but there is no trace of the Pillar of Yide, and Hardy inside is also motionless and unaffected. Just when we are confused Then, an accident happened."

"It was the evening four days ago. According to our calculations, the 176th attack will start at 17:31, so everyone immediately exited the test area and went to the pre-determined safe area to hide. However, within a distance of Ide A tester 42 kilometers away from the beam failed to dodge the attack of the beam of light, and was hit by the beam of light and died on the spot."

"Why doesn't she retreat to safety?" asked the Queen.

"She was in the safe zone at the time, but the beam of light still hit her. Afterwards, we conducted a lot of investigations and repeated calculations, and finally found out the reason: there was an error between our early warning table and the actual situation. The error was less than 1%, almost It can be ignored. However, after 176 attacks, the position deviation of the Pillar of Id expanded to 1.2 meters, so the attack angle of the beam of light also produced a 3.8-degree error, and this 3.8-degree error was captured 42 kilometers away Zoomed in to 3.5 kilometers, so the tester, although he hid in a safe area, was still hit in the end."

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, this is all my responsibility. I didn't measure accurately enough, and I couldn't correct the error in time." Louis took the initiative to plead guilty.

"The field of science does not tolerate any errors, and there are thousands of miles of error." Karakov continued, "But this accident has inadvertently helped us a lot, allowing us to discover a way to destroy the Pillar of Id."

"What method?" the queen asked hurriedly.

"It's like this. After the death of the tester, her husband, Maloney, the tester of Group 1, was very emotional and rushed forward to cut the Pillar of Id. He had been in love with the deceased for six years and was just married. The relationship was very good, so we didn't stop him, we wanted to wait for him to calm down before comforting him."

"Unexpectedly, in extreme grief, Maloney snatched the sword of the investigation agent and slashed at the Pillar of Id with all his strength. The swords of the agents are all custom-made, with lights on both sides The sword, and Maloney is just an ordinary scientific researcher, who has never even used a sword before, the powerful backlash far exceeded his physical load, and Maloney's body was shattered on the spot."

"Like Captain Wolfe?"

"Yes, just like Captain Wolfe, his body was wiped out, not even a corpse left."

"And then? Go on."

"Just as we were grieving, Director Felton suddenly discovered a shocking thing: the Pillar of Id was cracked! We rushed to the front and took a closer look. The mirror was indeed cracked, and a 45-meter-long line appeared. centimeter crack."

Karakoff posted a photo of a large gash in the surface of the Pillar of Id, about the length of the forearm of the tester standing nearby.

 Thanks to Yang Zhu Yang Zhu, changing the name of the existing monthly ticket ~
(End of this chapter)

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