girl knight zero

Chapter 471 The Sword of Sacphons

Chapter 471 The Sword of Sacphons
"What's going on here?" The queen stood up and walked to the photo to examine it carefully.

"We are also very surprised, because Maloney's attack power is almost nothing compared to professional agents, even with the bonus of the Blade of Light, it cannot compare with them. And the agents have performed many times on the Pillar of Id before. Attacks, including Director Felton, he should be the strongest long-range department in the country, right? But none of them can cause damage to the Pillar of Ide."

"So we tried hard to find out what was special about Maloney, but in the end we were disappointed to find that he had nothing special about him, just an ordinary scientific researcher. Same ethnicity, gender, age, blood type, spiritual power We have tried all the people of the type..., and no one can reproduce his attack."

"In the end, Director Felton made a bold guess: Is it possible to cause damage to the Pillar of Ide only by releasing an attack that exceeds the body's capacity?"

"Release damage that exceeds the body's ability to withstand it? A life-threatening blow?"

"Yes, it is the kind of suicide attack that will pay the price of life. I thought this statement was simply a fantasy, and there was no scientific basis at all, but out of caution, we still verified it."

"Minister Lewis helped us contact the police station and recruited ten volunteers from the death row inmates who are about to be executed. These ten volunteers will launch a suicide attack on the Pillar of Id. If they are lucky enough to survive, they can be released on the spot ; in case of death, their families can receive a compensation of one hundred thousand, which is personally sponsored by Minister Louis. Two days ago, the experiment began."

"We gave each volunteer a spiritual power test, and then gave them a custom-made knife with a blade of light, and the spiritual power has been integrated into the blade, so that as long as they use this knife, they will Released spiritual power that far exceeded its upper limit, and suffered a huge backlash."

"The No. 1 volunteer started the experiment. When he saw the Pillar of Yide, he showed obvious timidity, but Director Felton threatened him that if he dared to shrink back, he would be executed on the spot, so the volunteer insisted Stepping forward with a scalp, he slashed hard at the Yide Pillar."

"How is it? Has the slit been cut?" asked the Queen eagerly.

"Let me show you the photo!" Karakoff posted another photo, which showed a knife that had fallen to the ground, with an obvious cut above the knife at half a person's height.

"The experiment was successful! The volunteer's body was crushed and died on the spot, and the same crack appeared on the Pillar of Id."

Hearing this, everyone in the room had joyful expressions on their faces.

"Afterwards, we asked the remaining nine volunteers to test one by one, and the results were all successful without exception. Therefore, we finally came to a conclusion: under the premise of paying the price of life, the Pillar of Id can be destroyed crushed!"

"It's really incredible." The queen sat down. "An absolute field that even missiles can't attack, but it can be destroyed by a few weak people who have never received training, just because they paid their lives."

"Yes, so I said that this result is completely beyond the scope of scientific explanation, and it is a strange phenomenon that people cannot understand."

"What about these cracks? Why is there only one opening in each photo? Shouldn't there be eleven?" The Queen asked as she flipped through the photos.

"Because these openings were quickly 'repaired' by Hardy." Karakoff replied, "The cracks of 30 centimeters will recover in about one minute."

"What if several people attack at the same time?"

"We have also experimented with this. The experiment was just done early this morning. No matter how many people attack, the repair time is the same, and it will be restored in 1 minute."

"That is to say, if we want to smash the Pillar of Yide in one fell swoop, we can't rely on executed prisoners alone?"

"Yes, more power is necessary. We are still calculating how much power is needed."

"When will it be calculated?"

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Quickly, we're running out of time."

"Okay, we will do our best. But in order to ensure the accuracy of the results, we still have to do calculations repeatedly before reporting to you." Karakov rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

He hadn't slept for two days, and this week, he had only slept less than ten hours in total.

After 21 hours, the calculation results came out.

A total of 34 volunteers were sacrificed to calculate the attack power required to completely defeat the Pillar of Yide through the level of spiritual power and the size of the gap.

Afterwards, based on the experimental results, all the scientists of the Institute worked tirelessly to create the ultimate weapon against Hardy: the sword of Sacrifice.

"This sword has only a hilt and no blade body. The blade body will only appear after inputting spiritual power into the reaction tank. It can be said that this is a giant blade of light." Karakov stood in Saxphonus The explanation on the front of the packaging box of the sword said, "Using the average standard of the Hurricane Knight as a reference, it can provide about 172 times the attack power of the knight, which is 1.02% more than the attack power required to defeat the Pillar of Id."

"Can I see the blade?" asked the queen, staring at the hilt in the chest.

"Sorry Your Majesty, this sword can only be used three times. Our experiment has already used it once, so it can't be used anymore."

"Are you sure it can cut through the Pillar of Id?"

"No one dares to make a promise without practice, but I believe in the experimental results and the joint calculation of our 23 mathematicians."

"Chai Jing told me that the cost of this sword has reached 3000 million (about 13 billion yuan), and nearly a ton of blue crystal is used, and 360 grams of diamond powder (about 1800 carats) are added. If it fails If not, there may not be much room to do it again in a short time."

"Your Majesty, I can swear to you according to the scriptures, there is absolutely no miscalculation this time, this sword will definitely be able to cut through the Pillar of Yide."

"There is another problem. Such a huge spiritual power reserve will definitely cause an equally powerful backlash. Then, who can control such a giant sword? For ordinary people, I am afraid that it will be wiped out the moment it is activated, and there is no time to attack. Bar?"

"We've calculated this too. The minimum carrying capacity required to control this sword is: 12000G."

"12000G?? Director Karakoff, do you know what the average carrying capacity of a knight is?"

"It's 1000G."

"Then who can use the sword you made?"

"Yes! There is one person whose carrying capacity exceeds this value, and she is also the person with the strongest carrying capacity in the country."


"Cangling, Sergeant Cang. I have asked Yugangkui to test her. Her current bearing capacity is 12413G, which is 1G higher than that of the former No.1024 Captain Wolfe. If it is her, she can control it. This sword, and display 100% attack power!"

 Thanks to Linxtong, Lin Dai, Feifeng Ye, and Innill for their monthly tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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