girl knight zero

Chapter 47 The Crazy K Book Begins

Chapter 47 The Crazy K Book Begins

"Isn't it? This book is thicker than a brick!" Dewey hugged his head in despair.

"Memorize them all? It's impossible." Tabetha said with a livid face.

"Of course you don't need to memorize them all. You just need to memorize the name, appearance and killing conditions of each night devil. It's very simple, right?" Hai Sen laughed.

"Instructor, there are more than 800 night monsters in this book..." Oscar looked at the catalog and said.

"These are all the knowledge that knights must master, and it is related to whether you can survive in the battle. So please pay enough attention to it. I will give you a month to check at the end of the month. I hope everyone can pass the time." Hai Sen closed the book. road.

"My God, I'm going to die!"

After returning to the dormitory, Phoebe looked at the tome in her hand and groaned, "Memorizing all these materials will really kill you!"

"What should I do? I'm most afraid of endorsement..." Tabetha also had a sad expression on her face.

"But the content in the book is quite interesting." Jiali said while flipping through the pages, "Look at this night devil, it looks like a rooster. And this one, it has six heads..."

"Ahoyamenes worm... My god, why do these night monsters have such long names!" Taibetha didn't want to read any more after reading a few pages.

Cang Ling didn't make a sound, she was staring at the book, looking up the night demon from that night page by page.

"Class B...mammals...over five meters..."

After flipping through the entire book, Cang Ling couldn't find the night demon who killed her parents.

"Why? Why not?" Cang Ling searched again unwillingly, but still couldn't find it.

"By the way, these are 800 common types of night devils. Maybe that kind of night devils is not a common type..." Cang Ling thought in despair.

In the next month, everyone was madly endorsing.

I also recite it when I brush my teeth, when I run, when I eat, and when I sleep... All the spare time is used by everyone to memorize the illustrated book. Tai Beisha even talks about "Herba Gemenitan goat" And East Sbycross Wikimon."

At the end of the month, Hai Sen checked everyone's recitation.

"The test is divided into classes, and the results are included in the total score of the class. The teaching assistants will randomly list the wall charts of different night monsters, and you can answer its name and killing conditions." After speaking, Heisen distributed the wall charts to ten teaching assistants .

Two hours later, the test was over, and Heisen announced the total score of each class.

"I really can't believe that there are only two people who passed with perfect marks." Hai Sen said with a look of disappointment, "Did I tell you that you must memorize them all? Did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

"Instructor, we also want to memorize them all, but there are too many night monsters in this book!" Oscar complained.

"I have tried my best, but I have only memorized more than 600 kinds..." Phoebe said depressingly.

"Then why can Paul and Zero memorize them all?" Heisen asked.

"Those two are monsters..." Dewey whispered.

"You don't seem to understand the meaning of this illustrated book." Heisen held up the illustrated book, "Every piece of information on this is bought with the blood of countless ancestors. The characteristics, habits, attack habits, and characteristics of each night devil. Weaknesses... all have to be exchanged with life, this is a book written with life! But you don’t take it seriously, and you still can’t memorize it after a month. Your attitude will hurt If you kill yourself, you will also kill your future teammates!"

Heisen, who was almost never angry, blushed with anger.

Everyone stared blankly at the angry Hai Sen, then lowered their heads guiltily.

"I'll give you another week. If you can't memorize it any more, I'm sorry. All future dinners will be canceled until you memorize it." Hai Sen put down the book and said.

After coming out of the classroom, Paul and Cang Ling were surrounded by all the failed subjects.

"Paul, how did you memorize it? Share your experience!"

"Zero, can you teach me? I really can't memorize it!"

Everyone begged in unison.

"I don't have any tricks, I just memorize them by rote." Paul replied, "I set a task amount for myself, and I don't sleep until I complete the set amount every day."

"I have summed up some memory skills." Cang Ling took out a stack of small pieces of paper.

"First classify night demons according to their weaknesses, such as beheading to death, stabbing the heart to death, cutting the central nervous system to death, etc. Then make subdivided classifications, such as those whose heart is located on the head, The one in the chest, the one in the antennae..." Cang Ling introduced.

Everyone scrambled to look through the memory cards made by Cang Ling, and sure enough, the names and characteristics of various night devils were written on them by hand.

"You wrote it all by yourself?" Diego asked in surprise.

"Yeah. If you write it by hand, it will be easier to memorize it than just memorize it. That's what I used to do when I was in school." Cang Ling replied.

"You are good at analyzing and summarizing." Anton looked at the card and said.

"Also, use a red pen to mark the weakness of each night devil on their illustrations, so that when you see the illustrations, you will remember the location of their weaknesses." Cang Ling continued to share.

"You are amazing. We all memorize things by rote, but you can sum up empirical methods." Colin said sincerely.

"It's nothing, it's just to make it easier for me to remember." Cang Ling said shyly.

"Great, with these methods, we will definitely be able to pass!" Dewey said happily.

"I advise you not to be too optimistic. We also used the method of zero, but we still haven't memorized it..." Phoebe and Tabetha said with a depressed face.

"It's still a matter of attitude." Jiali pointed out the crux of the problem.

"Starting today, let's work hard together! Spot check each other and ask each other questions when you have time," Paul said.

"come on!"


Let's all swear together.

A week later, everyone finally memorized it successfully, including No. 1 household with memory difficulty Tai Beisha and No. 2 household with memory difficulty Dewey.

Many people lost weight.

No matter how hard or tired I was during the training, I never lost weight, but I lost 2 or 3 catties by memorizing this illustrated book.

"I feel that memorizing is more tiring than training. To be honest, I would rather run 10 kilometers with a load..." Tai Beisha said while touching her sunken cheek during class break.

"Everywhere I look now is night goblins. Look, there is a black rock beast standing here, a winter wolf on the stage, and a swamp snake woman lying behind Felton..." Dewey said while lying on the ground.

"Is that snake girl pretty?" Oscar asked.

"What's the matter, everyone? Are you tired of memorizing?" Felton spoke at this time.

Everyone dared not answer, for fear that Felton would say "run 10 kilometers to adjust" as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I know you've been working hard on endorsements recently. How about this, I'll take you to relax this weekend." Felton stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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