girl knight zero

Chapter 48 Grade 1 VS Grade 2

Chapter 48 First Grade VS Second Grade

No one cheered, no one applauded, because everyone knew that the "relaxation" in Felton's mouth was definitely not a good thing.

"How about taking you to a game? Have a confrontation with other classes." Felton threw out the bait.


"And other classes?"

Everyone became interested instantly.

"This time I'm going to increase the difficulty a little bit. I'm going to let you play against the second graders." Felton continued.

"Fight against the second graders?" Everyone froze for a moment, then excited expressions appeared on their faces.

"Great! You can experience the level of the second grade!" Phoebe said excitedly.

"I don't know if it's fighting or spiritual power?" Cang Ling's face was also full of anticipation.

"Will you come by order?" Kali asked.

"This time we will compete in different divisions. Everyone can take this opportunity to see what their future looks like, and at the same time gain a deep understanding of the division." Felton explained.

"Is there any extra points for defeating the second graders?" Dewey said with a punch.

"It's impossible for us to beat the second grade..." Colin said.

"The match is a friendly match, and no points will be counted regardless of the outcome. Everyone will treat it as entertainment and play easily." Felton replied.

"I want to see how capable those students who have trained for a year longer than us are." Phoebe said eagerly.

"The main thing to strengthen the fight is the carrying capacity. I don't necessarily lose." Cang Ling thought to himself.

"How do you compete in the defensive department? Do you use shields in the game? That's so boring." Jiali was a little disappointed.

"Instructor, everyone has a chance to compete this time, right?" Anton asked.

"Yes, everyone will play, are you happy?"

"Long live! It's great!" Everyone cheered collectively.

Soon, the next day arrived.

Everyone arrived at the competition venue early, waiting excitedly and anxiously for the entry of the second graders.

"Is this the student who fought with us today? It looks so small."

"Brando, you were not as tall as they were this time last year."

The second-year seniors arrived soon one after another.

Although they are only one year older than the first graders, they are generally taller than the first graders, and they look much more mature.

"Wow, it feels like each of them looks like an adult." Tabetha looked at those tall senior girls with admiring eyes.

"Come on, I'm going to beat you to the ground today, so that you can experience the strength of the younger generation!" Dewey kept punching on the spot.

"I don't know who my opponent will be." Cang Ling nervously looked at the seniors in the arena.

"Okay, everyone is here, all stand in line!" Felton jumped onto the stage.

"First of all, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the students in class three of the second year who sacrificed their rest time to train with us." Felton took the lead in applauding after speaking, and everyone followed suit.

"Then let's talk about the rules. This competition is divided into three groups: strengthening system, long-distance system and defense system. Each group will compete with the skills of its own department. The time limit for a game is 10 minutes. Explanation. What I need to remind everyone is that second-year students will not show mercy, so everyone should be quite aware."

Hearing this, the students in class 13 not only did not feel timid, but looked more expectant.

"Okay, then the divisions will stand in their respective divisions, hurry up!" Felton jumped off the stage.

Cang Ling hurriedly ran to the queue of the reinforcement department, only to see that the competition area of ​​the reinforcement department was a ring like last time, the difference was only larger.

"I will be the referee for the enhanced competition."

At this time, Werner, who smelled of perfume, suddenly appeared, holding a mirror in his hand.

Werner looked into the mirror while arranging his hair and said: "I hope everyone can abide by the rules, pay attention to propriety, play the game like a gentleman, and don't mess around-ah, this angle is good."

After speaking, Werner stood motionless in front of the mirror for 10 seconds, admiring his side face.

The students below all had black lines on their faces, feeling that their enthusiasm and fighting spirit had been driven away by Wilner.

"Let's introduce the rules." Werner finally put away the mirror and said seriously, "The reinforcement systems on both sides will use weapons to fight, please treat the opponent as a night demon to attack. Except for the vital parts, other parts can be attacked. Feel uncomfortable. Say stop, otherwise you will lose if you fall to the ground for 10 seconds, understand?"

"What kind of weapon do you use?" Cang Ling asked.

"Sword for training." Werner pointed to the basket brought up by the assistant coach.

Cang Ling looked back, and it turned out to be the big sword he used before, but it didn't have a blade.

"Although there is no blade, it is still quite lethal due to the infusion of spiritual power. Please be careful." Werner reminded the first-year students.

"They're the ones to watch out for!" Dewey said proudly with his arms akimbo.

Soon, the first round began, Anton against Mark, a sophomore.

"Come on, Anton! Don't lose to that little guy!" the students in class 13 shouted.

Mark is half a head lower than Anton.

Anton didn't speak. He picked out a sword that was handy from the sword basket, weighed it a few times, and began to inject spiritual power.

Mark was chatting with his classmates behind his back, looking very relaxed.

"Both sides stand in the middle and get ready. Alright, let's start!" Werner quickly exited the center of the ring.

Anton took the lead in slashing at Mark with his sword, while Mark stood there calmly, neither dodging nor blocking with his sword.

Anton slashed Mark's stomach fiercely with his sword without an edge.

As a result, a surprising thing happened, and Mark was unscathed, not even moving his body.

"What's the matter Anton?" Dewey asked from the audience.

"The opponent has strengthened his body!" Cang Ling was the first to discover the clue.

"That's right, I strengthened my body with spiritual power, and now I'm wearing a layer of armor, you can't hurt me." Mark said with a smile.

"Damn it!" Anton stepped back and took a breath, before injecting more spiritual power into the sword.

The second attack, Mark finally moved, he raised his sword to block Anton.

"Are you quite strong, but your attack power is still not enough." Mark said looking at Anton, whose face was flushed.

Seeing that he couldn't suppress the opponent with strength, Anton stretched out his feet to hook him, but the opponent saw through and tripped Anton instead.

Before Anton got up from the ground, Mark slashed at his neck with his sword.Anton subconsciously blocked it with his hands, but the big sword slashed firmly on his arm.

"Ahhhhh!" Anton let go of the sword instantly in pain, and curled up into a ball covering his arms.

Blood spurted from his arms, staining his clothes red in an instant.

"Fortunately, the hilt of the sword helped you block it, otherwise your arm would have been cut off completely." Mark squatted down and said, "Why don't you use the sword to block it?"

"Mark, it's too much. I said restraint like a gentleman!" Wilner strode forward to check Anton's injury.

(End of this chapter)

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