girl knight zero

Chapter 56 Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol

Chapter 56 Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol

Seeing this, the other instructors cast teasing looks at Felton.

Felton felt that he could hardly sit still.

Fortunately, Cang Ling lowered the curtain in time to block the chaotic scene.

In the third act, Dewey finally played.

Wearing a lion costume and holding a big axe, he ran from one end of the stage to the other as soon as he appeared on the stage, posing and yelling all the way, completely ignoring King Odin and the others behind him.

"Oh! Brother Lion King! Domineering!"

The students below whistled and shouted together, excited.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the audience, Dewey was even more carried away. He simply ran to the center of the stage, beating his chest and screaming.

"My lord, where is the Odin you want me to investigate!" Cang Ling, who played the role of the minion, had no choice but to bite the bullet and come forward to smooth things over.

Dewey was so excited that he regarded Cang Ling as an enemy and sent Cang Ling flying with a punch.

Cang Ling got up awkwardly, and said, "As expected of the Lion King, I don't think Odin is your opponent!"

Colin, Diego and others couldn't stand it anymore, so they took the initiative to attack.

"Should die, Brother Lion King, today is your death day!" After saying that, they rushed over with their swords raised.

Dewey was caught off guard, and was thrown to the ground by several generals under Colin, and he didn't get up for a long time.

Odin Fang was dumbfounded. They were originally defeated in this plot, so how can the other party belch first?
"Hahaha, don't be too happy too early, my king is best at playing dead, and he will make a big move when you get close to him!" Cang Ling had no choice but to make mistakes and force the plot to continue.

"Let me check!" Colin bravely stepped forward, holding a big sword.


At this time, a carp that Dewey lived up to expectations, jumped up again, but hit Colin's big sword hard, rolled his eyes and fell down again.

The crowd behind were dumbfounded, and the atmosphere at the scene fell into a moment of freezing.

"Ah, my eyes! I can't see my eyes!" Colin's acting skills broke out, and he covered his eyes and backed away again and again.

"This is the poisonous gas released by my king, hahaha King Odin, you are dead now!" Cang Ling said bravely.

"Ahh—there is poisonous gas!" All the generals suddenly realized that they fell down and pretended to be dead.

The audience below almost laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

Felton's face turned blue and white, and he wished he could rush to the stage to tell them not to act.

"My king, how can I let you die? God of light, please listen to my prayer, I am willing to exchange my life for Odin's light!" Diego knelt next to Colin, stabbing at Odin with his sword. own breast.

Before the tomato juice dripped from his chest, Colin jumped up, hugged Diego and said, "Isabel, you gave your life for me! I swear, I will..."

Speaking of this, he was suddenly stunned, because he realized that he had turned in the wrong direction and hugged the wrong person.

Now in front of him is Anton who cameo as a night devil minion.

After a few seconds of silence at the scene, Anton yelled and fell to the ground: "His spiritual power has increased, and he will be killed if he looks at him, everyone pay attention!"

"What the hell!"

"Has Odin turned into a biochemical monster?"

The audience protested.

Paul with a black face lowered the curtain, pulling the plot to the last scene.

The fourth scene was even more horrible. Paul, who was in charge of carrying Oscar, couldn't see the front clearly, and before he could get to Colin, he fell and threw Oscar on Colin.

Colin's reaction was quick, he immediately turned over and pressed Oscar under him, and then beat him hard.

After the fight, everyone at the scene was stunned. This is a decisive battle, how could it be settled so quickly?
Cang Ling had no choice but to call on all the young people to launch a general attack on Colin, only to find that Dewey, who had died in the third act, reappeared.

"Dewey, what did you do? Why didn't you change your clothes?" Cang Ling scolded in a low voice.

"Ah, I forgot!" Dewey slapped his head.

"Hahahahaha! Brother Lion King is out again!"

The audience below burst into tears with laughter.

"Everyone, it's already like this anyway, why don't you go up together!" the high priest Phoebe shouted holding up his staff.

The other people who didn't make much appearance on the stage heard what they wanted, so the maids, attendants, generals who died in battle, and night devils all rushed onto the stage, and the whole stage became a mess.

Colin's crown was trampled off, and Diego's wig fell out.

"This group of bastards, I will punish each of them for 500 push-ups later!" Felton thought with a breakdown in the audience.

Although the stage play of Class 13 eventually became a farce, this wonderful show was unexpectedly popular, and won No.1 in the following "My Favorite Party Show".

After the party, the carnival feast begins.

This was the only day the students were allowed to stay up all night, and everyone ate and drank to their heart's content, boasting and having fun.

"Hey, everyone, come and try this." Oscar handed over a bowl of fruit soup and blinked.

Tabetha took a taste, her eyes widened immediately: "This? Is this wine?"

"Hush——" Oscar acted mysteriously, "This is made by the student chef with wine mixed with canned fruit, keep it secret, keep it secret."

The students immediately became excited. Usually, the college does not allow drinking. Even on special occasions like Chinese New Year, only the instructors are allowed to drink. Now they can have a good time.

The wine with fruit is sweet and moist, and everyone drank a big pot in one go.

Then the students in other classes also discovered this secret, and they sneaked into the back kitchen to ask for "underage fruit wine".

"Don't drink too much, everyone, what if something happens?" Diego reminded worriedly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll sleep for a long time at most, what are you afraid of?" Dewey blushed from drinking.

"Come on, everyone, let's toast Felton." Paul called.

"Go get Felton drunk!" Oscar cheered.

"Then draw him into a big painted face!" Tabetha was also eager to try.

There are already many instructors who have been drunk by the students, some with braids, and some with beards.

Flaming red lips were painted on Werner's face, and a beauty spot was also dotted on it.

He murmured: "It's not a gentleman!" He unconsciously let the students in his class manipulate him.

Holding special fruit wine, everyone came to Felton with malicious intentions and toasted him.

"Instructor, you have worked hard this year, please accept our respect." Paul took the lead and said.

"Instructor, have a few drinks with us!" Oscar also pushed forward.

Felton saw through the intentions of these little devils, he did not refuse, and calmly clinked glasses with them one by one.

The students accompanied them down with several bowls of fruit wine, and Felton's expression did not change at all.

"Instructor, you can drink really well..." Phoebe shook and fell down.

"It's the best I've ever seen..." Kali, the king of drinker, also lost consciousness.

Cang Ling and the others were already too drunk to pass out.

Felton took a bowl of their fruit soup from the table, sniffed it, and frowned.

"I know that the juice of these little devils is famous. Forget it, let's not argue with them for the sake of the holiday." Felton put down the bowl, shook his head and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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