girl knight zero

Chapter 57 The Attacking Fat Pig

Chapter 57 The Attacking Fat Pig

This "fruit wine feast" caused more than half of the students in the school to get drunk, including those assigned to help in the cafeteria.

That night, when the students were sleeping soundly, the black pig Griya in the college staged a "victorious escape".

Because the students did not close the door of the pigsty, a total of 106 Griya black pigs ran freely.

When the logistics staff went into the pigpen to feed the next day, they were surprised to find that all the pigs inside were gone.

"Isn't it? Pigs that have just come out of the slaughter!" The logistics staff hugged their heads and said, "This year's meat can be counted on them!"

Soon, Lynch knew, and he immediately called all the students together.

"Since today is the first day of the new year, I will not pursue the matter of you drinking privately. But the pigs must be recovered. Pigs will not cross the sea. They must still be on the island at this moment. Give me the whole island immediately." Search and arrest them all, be sure to bring them back alive!" Lynch ordered.

The students didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed out to search for pigs all over the island.

Soon, everyone found several pigs in the woods.

"I'm coming, I'm an expert at catching pigs!" Cang Ling strode up the tree, then jumped down from the air, and hugged the fat pig.

As a result, Gelia's pig was fat, but his movements were very flexible. With a flick of his butt, Cang Ling was thrown off, and then he ran away.

"Where to escape!" Phoebe and Jiali surrounded from both sides and rushed towards the fat pig together.

Fat Pig is not stupid, he knows what will happen if he is caught by the person in front of him, for freedom, for survival, he fights hard!
"Mom!" Phoebe, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, was flipped back by a fat pig weighing more than 300 kilograms, and Jiali was also knocked out.

"Kari, I'll use the aura bomb to drive away, you use the physical shield to intercept!" Phoebe immediately came up with a battle strategy.

Kali nodded, and flew after her.

Phoebe ran up to the fat pig first, and shot the first Reiki bomb.

The fat pork bone mortal, who can't withstand the attack of the spirit bomb, was immediately headshot.

Cang Ling who rushed over from behind looked at the bloody fat pig, dumbfounded.

"Don't kill it!" Cang Ling shouted depressingly.

"Sorry...I forgot it was just a pig..." Phoebe said guiltily.

"The next pig will attack with fists, it's easier to control the strength." Cang Ling said.

However, the berserk Griya pigs are more difficult to deal with than the strong men. Under the premise that they cannot be killed, they really have no advantage in the face of the fat pigs, and they are chased by the pigs.

Half a day passed, and the students didn't catch a single live pig, and killed three of them.

"How should I say hello to you? It's so hard to catch a pig, what have you learned this year?" Felton stood at the door and cursed.

"Instructor, don't underestimate these pigs, they are Conton's pigs, knights among pigs!" Oscar whispered.

"You are also a knight. Are you worse than a pig?" Felton slammed Oscar on the head.

"Instructor, it's not that we can't beat pigs, but it's too difficult to catch them alive. If we don't require them to be alive, we promise to catch them all within an hour." Cang Ling said.

"That's right, it can attack us, but we can't attack it, which is obviously not good for us!" Phoebe also said.

"Pigs have to eat anyway, living or dead are the same." Jiali also said.

"Yes, yes, the living and the dead are the same!" All the students agreed.

Soon, students from other classes also ran back dejectedly, expressing that they could not catch the pig without hurting it.

"Isn't it okay to use a net?" Wilner asked.

"The jungle is too dense, and the net cannot be cast." The students said sadly.

Felton didn't believe in evil, so he went to catch the pig himself, but he caught it immediately.

Just as Felton proudly picked up the fat pig and strode back, the pig let out an angry howl, and then struggled desperately.

Although Felton is a man who can carry more than 300 catties of fat pigs with one hand, he is still helpless in the face of pigs twisted like maggots.

Seeing that the fat pig was about to slip away, Felton punched it in desperation, until the fat pig's brains burst and he died on the spot.

"The instructor is mighty, he beat a pig to death with one punch." Cang Ling hurriedly helped Felton down the steps.

Felton looked at the tragic death of the fat pig, and was speechless for a moment.

"Forget it, cancel the order to capture alive. You can use weapons." Lynch, who was standing at the entrance of the college, said.

"Yeah!" The students rushed to the training ground happily, picked up the big sword and rushed out.

Now, the end of the fat pigs has come.

Without the animal protection order, the fat pigs were no match for the students at all, and soon everyone rushed back carrying the (dead) fat pig with pride.

"106 dead pigs..." Lynch said, looking at the pig carcasses all over the playground, "give me an order to eat pork for the next three months."

"Three months..." Everyone suddenly gasped.

People who love chickens, cattle, and sheep even wailed.

On the first day of the New Year, both Phoebe and Kali received New Year's gifts from their families.

"Look, this is the gift pack of New Year's snacks sent by Ellie. There are three copies for each of us." Phoebe excitedly opened the carton and found that it was filled with all kinds of delicious food.

"Wow! Chocolate balls (Mai Lisu), my favorite!" Phoebe tore open the package and ate one by one.

"Your butler is really considerate...cheese omelette? I like it!" Kali took her share unceremoniously.

"Jari, what did your family send you?" Cang Ling asked curiously.

"To be honest, I didn't expect much from their gifts at all..." After finishing speaking, Jiali opened her cardboard box, only to find a letter and a jar of something unknown inside.

The letter said: "Gali, I heard that you will release the protective shield? Oh, the children of the executioner family are actually going to protect others. Are you going to laugh at us to death? I hope that when you hide under the shield, there will be no Forget the rhetoric you said when you left home. To be honest, your current appearance is very different from what we expected. Note: The jar is special badger oil, which has the best effect on bruises. This is Your dad and I got it from experiments on prisoners."

"Pr, experiment on prisoners? Jia Li, your family's work also includes this content?" Cang Lingdi sweated.

"That's right, they are not busy beheading every day. Researching instruments of torture and interrogation are also part of their work."

Hearing this, Phoebe and Cang Ling couldn't help breaking out a few drops of cold sweat.

"Do you want to hear what kind of torture they have invented? I'm not bragging, they are really good at torture. Even the Royal Knights order torture equipment from them." Kali asked.

Phoebe and Cang Ling shook their heads at the same time.

 The world map and knight order structure table are out!Click on the essence area to see all the information posts~

(End of this chapter)

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