girl knight zero

Chapter 73 Winning the Jackpot

Chapter 73 Winning the Jackpot
The next day, Leon took Cang Ling and the others to patrol the jurisdiction, along with the veterans of the class: Connie, Hummer and Duran.

Patrolling is one of the daily tasks of knights. Each class has a fixed jurisdiction, and it is required to patrol once a day.

Of course, most of the time you don't run into Night Stalkers.

"Hi, newcomers." Connie, a tall, muscular red-haired female knight, said, "This is your first patrol, right? Are you afraid?"

"You think everyone is as cowardly as you." Humer, with his thin ponytail, mocked. "The first patrol was so frightened by the weasel that he fell off his horse. Weasel, hahahaha!"

"Hey, this kind of thing shouldn't be said in front of newcomers, right? The man with the ponytail!" Connie flicked an aura bomb angrily.

"You want to kill me? Muscular girl!" Hume turned around and dodged, turning his head and raised his fist in protest.

"Stop making trouble, be serious." Leon stopped.

Although his tone was very gentle and his voice was not loud, Connie and Hummer immediately stopped talking.

"What's so scary about patrolling..." Phoebe and Jiali complained in their hearts.

"Jari, are you from the defense department?" Leon asked.

"um, yes."

"Release the detection shield during the patrol, and carefully capture the abnormal aura around you." Leon ordered.

"Understood." Kali immediately opened the shield.

Currently her shield can reach a diameter of 500 meters.

"She opened the shield, so I don't need it?" Du Lan asked, who had been silent all the time.

"No, you have to open it too. We have to develop the habit of at least two people detecting each time, and we can't be lazy." Leon said.

"Okay." Du Lan shrugged and opened the detection shield.

"During the patrol, the defense department is responsible for large-scale detection. When suspicious creatures are found, all members approach and surround them in a triangular formation. The leading reinforcement department makes contact first, and after the target is determined, the two ends close together to besiege. If the opponent's level is greater than or equal to D, you must Stand still, send more than 3 people to monitor the target, and the rest return to ask for support." Leon introduced to several newcomers.

"Squad leader, have you ever met a Night Demon with a D or higher?" Phoebe asked.

"I have met before."

"Oh? What breed? Is it powerful?" Phoebe suddenly became interested.

"It's a giant deep-sea python. It's very powerful. I was a newcomer at the time. When I first saw a real night devil, and it was still a C-level, I was very shocked."

"The deep-sea python... I remember that it is more than 30 meters long and its teeth are highly poisonous. It is one of the most difficult night monsters in the C-level. How did the C-level night monster enter our resident?" Jia Li asked .

"It came here with the ocean current. We are on the coast here, and the coastline is irregular, and some places are not covered by the shield." Leon explained.

"Did you beat it?" Phoebe asked quickly.

"Of course. Its speed was too fast. It took the entire team to subdue it. A knight's leg was bitten by the snake's fangs and had to be amputated." Leon replied.

"Amputation..." Hearing this, Phoebe's face turned blue.

"Squad leader, have you ever met a stalker?" Cang Ling asked at this moment.

"Stalkers? We haven't found any at our station yet." Leon replied.

"Then do you know where I can find information about the stalker?" Cang Ling asked.

"There are no original materials, but there are meeting records, which are on the left side of the third row of the second cabinet in the archive room. The squadron gave us training before, but you haven't come yet. I'll give you another training session later." Leon turned back and said .

"Great, thank you monitor!" Cang Ling was very happy.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Leon smiled slightly.

At this moment, Kali suddenly noticed a strange breath.

This breath is not very strong, but it obviously does not belong to humans or normal animals.

Jiali stopped immediately, shrinking her shield to feel the breath again.

Unusual body shape, super high body temperature, rapid breathing...

It's Night Demon!
Jiali immediately clenched her sword tightly, and looked back at Du Lan at the same time.

Du Lan's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't notice it at all.

"What should I do? Do you want to talk? But Dulan didn't open his mouth. He is an old knight, so it's impossible not to notice it. Could it be that I'm sensitive?" Jiali thought nervously.

"What's the matter, Kali?" Leon turned around and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Jiali hurriedly followed.

"Hua Fei is located in the east, far away from the night devil's territory. Logically, the number of night devils should be relatively rare. This can also be seen from the team's battle records. It shouldn't be so easy to run into, right?" Jia Li secretly thought, "When senior doesn't make a sound, I'd better not be abrupt..."

Suddenly, Instructor Qiu's words emerged from his mind: "In actual combat, subjective consciousness is absolutely unacceptable. You must believe in your true feelings, not psychological subjective predictions."

Thinking of this, Kali concentrated her attention again and probed the front again.

That's right!There really are night devils!

The night devil's unique monster aura is something that their defense department has trained thousands of times!

"Squad leader!" Jiali said immediately, "I found a suspicious target at 11 o'clock ahead."

"Oh?" Leon stopped and asked Duran, "Duran, did you notice it?"

Du Lan glanced at Jiali, and replied: "She is right, there is indeed a night devil at 11 o'clock."

"Then why didn't you report it?"

"I want to test whether there is any genuine product in this newcomer's stomach."

"Hey, Dulan! Isn't this dangerous? What if the night devils suddenly charge over? They are faster than horses!" Connie scolded.

"Don't worry, this is an F-class night devil. I guess it's either a red-spotted salamander or a one-horned beetle." Du Lan said slowly.

"F-class night goblin?" Connie and Hume immediately got excited.

"Dulan, report specific information." Leon ordered.

"At 11 o'clock, the distance is 390 meters. The target is still and may be sleeping." Du Lan replied.

"Excellent, I can only detect the general direction, but he can detect the type and level, as well as how many meters away. I still can't do this." Jiali thought to herself.

"Everyone, change the formation and approach the target slowly at a distance of 20 meters." Leon gave instructions.

Everyone immediately changed into a triangular formation, with Leon as the leader, Connie and Hummer as the two wings, and the three newcomers quietly approached in the rear.

When the distance was 100 meters, the target was determined, and it was indeed a one-horned beetle!
Leon stretched out his left hand, raised his left palm and pressed it down twice, meaning to get off the horse.

Everyone received the order to dismount immediately, drew their weapons and continued to approach.

The one-horned beetle is lurking in a cave deep in the forest, sleeping.

There was a pile of deer bones strewn about next to it, apparently having just had a good meal.

"It's so big! Although it's an F-class night monster, it's more than three meters long." Phoebe became excited.

"This night devil's shell is very hard, but its attack power is not strong. As long as it cuts off its shell and destroys the center on its back, it can be eliminated." Cang Ling recalled.

(End of this chapter)

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