girl knight zero

Chapter 74 Don't Be That Kind of Adult

Chapter 74 Don't Be That Kind of Adult
At a distance of 50 meters, Leon gestured again, first stretching out his palm, then making a fist and stretching out his index finger, meaning to open the physical shield.

Du Lan understood, and immediately released a physical shield with a diameter of 50 meters, so that the one-horned beetle could not escape.

As soon as the physical shield was released, Connie and Hume immediately jumped out of the grass.

"Squad leader! This beetle is handed over to me!" Connie said and was about to release the Reiki bomb.

"No, no, I'll do it!" Hume kicked Connie away, drew his sword and rushed over.

"Get out of the way! Last time you took the credit, it's my turn this time!"

"Can you smash its carapace? Leave this kind of strength work to our reinforcement department!"

"Get out of here! See how I smash it!" Connie stretched out her hand and fired a bullet, which hit the beetle's horn.

The one-horned beetle, which was dreaming sweetly, woke up instantly, then shrank back suddenly, and shrank into the hole.

The diameter of this hole is about the same as the body length of the beetle, and its contraction just blocked the hole tightly.

"Look at what you've done!" cried Connie angrily, pointing at the beetle.

"Go to hell! You obviously did this!" Hugh scolded back.

"Squad leader, don't you want to stop them?" Cang Ling asked as he watched the two huddled together.

"Squad leader, don't stop them, let them continue beating. We'll be clean after we're all killed." Du Lan said later.

"Stop!" Leon stopped Connie and Hummer, and then stepped forward to check.

The whole body of the one-horned beetle is stuck in the hole, and if it does not come out, it cannot attack its center.

"Let's find a way to force it out of it first," Leon said.

"Squad leader, night devils like to eat high-spirited humans. We can send someone into the cave to lure it out, such as Hummer!" Connie quickly suggested.

"No, no, your spiritual power is higher than mine, so you must be sent first." Hume made a "please" gesture after speaking.

"Squad leader, we can smoke it out." Cang Ling took out the lighter and said.

"Very well, let's do this. Zero is responsible for igniting the fire, Connie is responsible for attracting its attention, and Hume is responsible for cutting off the center." Leon ordered.

"What about us?" Phoebe asked quickly.

"This is your first actual combat, let's watch and learn from the sidelines first." Leon replied.

"No, I want to fight too!" Phoebe was anxious.

"According to regulations, newly recruited knights cannot participate in the first battle as the main force." Leon explained.

"Why? This is discrimination against newcomers..." Phoebe said dejectedly.

"I lit the fire!" While they were talking, Cang Ling had already rolled up a grass ball, lit it and threw it in without error.

Soon, the hole was filled with choking smoke, and the beetle jumped out immediately.

"Come on, baby! Come to my sister!" Connie jumped in front of the beetle.

Although the beetle entered without knowing it, it smelled the spiritual power, and it immediately cheered up and crawled over quickly.

"Bonus to you!" Connie almost knocked the beetle over with a Reiki bullet.

"Connie! Are you trying to smash me to death?" Humer, who had just jumped onto the back of the beetle, fell to the ground immediately.

The pain-eating beetle exploded instantly, raising its head in a sweep, and Connie, Leon, and Cang Ling in front jumped back in a hurry.

"Hey, baby, you're angry!" Connie looked at the trees that had been swept away.

"I'll kill it!" Hummer jumped up in the air, swung his sword and slashed at the beetle's back.

There was a loud bang, and a long and thin crack appeared on the thick carapace of the beetle.

"You incompetent waste!" Connie threw out the claw hook, jumped onto the mountain wall more than ten meters high, and then ruthlessly fired four or five aura bombs.

The one-horned beetle's back was smashed into several pits, but it didn't crack.

The beetle that had been set on fire finally ran away. It rushed towards Hume who was the closest, and after being dodged by the opponent, it bumped into the shield.

Jiali stood right in front of the beetle, and happened to see its mouthparts clearly. It was an extremely disgusting and terrifying shovel-shaped mouthpart, and there was a long brush-like tongue inside.

"It's disgusting!" Kali, who has a mild obsession with cleanliness, immediately jumped up to avoid it, and swiped her sword at the beetle's head.

The one-horned beetle's horn was broken by Kali, and it broke with a violent flick, hitting Phoebe who was running over from the side.

"This guy's horn is really heavy!" Phoebe said, lifting the broken horn that was pressing on her body.

"Go to hell!" At this moment, Connie and Hume's attacks greeted the beetle at the same time.

The beetle was riddled with holes, but the back shell was still intact.

Dirty dark green body fluids flowed out, and the beetle suddenly propped up its body and launched a final attack.

"Be careful, Phoebe!" Cang Ling shouted in panic.

The beetle stood up halfway, opened its mouth and stretched out its long tongue, rolled up Phoebe and smashed it to the ground.

Just as Phoebe's head was about to touch the ground, Leon leapt forward and cut the beetle's tongue in two with his sword.

Then, he turned around and jumped on the beetle's back, and slammed down with his sword, splitting the beetle's back shell in two.

The beetle whose center was cut off immediately collapsed limply as if it had no electricity, and at the same time, a large amount of foul-smelling liquid overflowed from its body.

"Wow, the squad leader is amazing!" Phoebe jumped up and applauded.

"Phoebe, are you okay?" Cang Ling ran over and asked.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt or itch." Phoebe said, patting her clothes.

"Be careful, everyone, don't come into contact with its body fluids." Leon jumped down and said, "Connie, Hume, you go back and inform the purification team. Duran, Kali, you take turns maintaining the physical shield. The rest of the people get out of the shield first .”

"Damn it, I was preempted by the monitor again!" Connie looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Why are you so incompetent? You can't beat so many shots!" Huo Mo sneered.

"You are incompetent! It's useless to go down with a sword, you soft-legged shrimp, waste!"

Connie and Hume went to the station while scolding each other.

"Two guys who only know how to show off." Du Lan snorted, and said to Cang Ling and the others, "Don't become adults like them."

Cang Ling and Phoebe looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone, do you all have purification agents?" Leon came over after wiping the sword clean, "Take one first, and then take another after returning to the station."

"Squad leader, what about the land here?" Cang Ling asked, pointing to the polluted battlefield.

"Don't worry, the purification team will deal with it later." Leon replied.

"Dulan, you should rest first, and I will take it instead." Jiali walked over to take Dulan's shift.

Du Lan was not polite, he retracted his shield, sat down, took out the purification agent and drank it.

Cang Ling and Phoebe also drank a cleanser, a 3ml bottle, which tastes cool and refreshing, very delicious.

"Speaking of which, we are quite lucky. We encountered night monsters on our first patrol!" Phoebe was still excited.

"Although it is a low-level night devil, its back armor is quite hard. I don't know if I can cut it off." Cang Ling said.

"How about we try it?" Phoebe suddenly became excited.

(End of this chapter)

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