girl knight zero

Chapter 78 Stalker

Chapter 78 Stalker

On the weekend, Lyon used the rest time to give everyone a training, the content of the training was information about stalkers.

"Before we went to the squadron for training, and you hadn't come yet. So I specially asked them to send a training material, so that you can have a comprehensive understanding, so as not to encounter stalkers one day." Lyon said.

"Great, thank you monitor!" Cang Ling said happily.

"By the way, why are you two here?" Phoebe asked Connie and Hummer next to her.

"Let's study again! Strengthen the impression." Connie said.

"That's right. As a border knight, it's very important to understand stalkers." Hume said seriously.

"You just don't want to go on patrol, right?" Jiali told the truth in one word.

"Of course not!" said Connie and Humer without blushing.

"Then let's start." Leon picked up the chalk and began to explain while writing on the blackboard.

"The original stalker appeared in 1686 in the new calendar, which is also known as the Cloto incident." Leon said, "At that time, 12 night devils entered the shield of Alfons. This species of night devils has never been discovered, so Immediately drew the attention of headquarters."

"Afterwards, such lurking high-level night devils appeared one after another across the country. Some of them hid in deep mountains or underground, and only occasionally came out to prey; some directly rushed into places where people gathered to attack, causing a large number of casualties."

"After several years of research and investigation, the headquarters found that they all have a common feature, that is, they can disguise themselves as low-level night devils. For example, the RC-2 night devil that was wiped out in our province last year was disguised as a giant tooth sharks, swam into the inland river from the estuary, and then turned back to attack the villagers on the shore."

"Are all stalkers B-level?" Cang Ling raised his hand and asked.

"No, there are many C grades, and B grades are very rare."

"Are there grade A's?" Phoebe asked, raising her hand too.

"It hasn't been found yet."

"What does RC-2 mean? It's the first time I've seen such a name." Kali asked.

"It's a nomenclature within the Knights Order, which is convenient for rating and recording. R stands for the province of Laines, C stands for the level of Night Demon, and 2 means it is in the second rank of C-level." Leon explained.

"What class is the beetle we defeated a few days ago?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"F grade 4 grades. A total of 12 grades per grade."

"It's so low..." Phoebe glanced at Connie and Hummer.

"Although its level is low, its carapace is as hard as a C-level night devil!" Connie said immediately.

"Yes, yes, if you don't believe me, ask the monitor!" Hugh Mo hurriedly said.

"Yes, although the one-horned beetle's attack power is not strong, the hardness of its back shell has indeed reached the standard of a C-level night devil." Leon nodded.

"That's why." Connie and Hume spread their hands together.

"So how to identify the stalker?" Cang Ling asked.

"At present, it is not possible to carry out early warning identification. Therefore, the strategy of the headquarters is to change the patrol to a group patrol, increase the patrol density, and strive to find it before it causes damage." Leon replied.

"It's so dangerous. If we bump into it while patrolling, and the other party deforms immediately, it is very likely to cause great casualties." Cang Ling said.

"That's what I'm going to talk about next." Leon continued, "When a stalker is attacked, there is a 100% chance that they will change back to their original form. Therefore, the number of people in each patrol group should not be less than six, and at least two Defensive system. Once the stalker is found, immediately open the physical shield and launch the signal flare. The nearby patrol team must rush to the scene within half an hour after seeing the signal flare. Before the reinforcements arrive, avoid frontal combat and use control and defense Lord."

"Can our physical shield withstand the stalker?" Jiali asked.

"If the two defense systems work together, it's generally no problem to resist for half an hour. But it's hard to say if you encounter a B-level. Therefore, it is very important to respond in time. If you find a signal flare nearby, you must rush there as quickly as possible. "

"Under normal circumstances, how many people are needed to defeat a C-rank stalker?" Cang Ling asked.

"On the premise that there are no casualties, at least one squad is needed. If it is a higher-ranking night devil in the C-level, such as 1-3, the entire team may be needed."

"What if the people in the team don't see it or fail to arrive in time? For example, they are going to the bathroom or taking a shower..." Phoebe thought a lot.

"The unit operates a 24-hour duty system. The light of the signal flare is so strong that it can be easily seen even at noon. If you ignore the signal flare due to personal negligence, you will be held accountable, and if it is serious, you will be deprived of the title of knight and sent to a military prison. said Leon seriously.

"This, so severe..." Everyone present couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Everyone remember the specifications of the signal flares. Green represents level 3 alert, which requires cross-group support; yellow represents level 2 alert, which requires cross-squad support; red represents level 1 alert, which requires unit support. Do not launch mistakes to avoid delays to fighter planes Or a waste of troops." Leon emphasized holding three flares.

"Is there any currently known stalker illustrated book?" Cang Ling continued to ask.

"There is a list in the attached page of the manual. Except for the night demon of the Crotor incident, which is a new species, everything else is the same as the normal night demon, and the killing method is the same."

"What if the opponent is a new species? What if the killing conditions are determined?" Cang Ling asked.

"Priority is beheading. If decapitation is invalid, attack the heart. The specific judgment method is as follows: if there is a carapace, the vital point is often under the carapace; if there are many legs, the heart or center is mostly in the head; for others, the chest is the chest. The powerful night devil , Those who cannot be killed in a short time, take deprivation of freedom of movement as the first choice, deprivation of vision as the second choice, pay attention to attack from the back as much as possible, and arrange reinforcements in the front to attract their attention."

"There's a lot to talk about today, can I take the material back and digest it slowly?" Cang Ling asked.

"Of course. I still have training notes here, you can also refer to them." Leon handed over his notebook.

"Thank you monitor!" Cang Ling happily took the notebook.

"Lend it to me after you finish reading it." Connie said.

"I want it too. I just realized after listening to it today that I mostly forgot about it..." Huo Mo hurriedly continued.

"It's useless for you to read it several times, you just don't pay attention." Jia Li said rudely.

"Little devil! Be respectful to your seniors!" Connie said dissatisfied.

"Kari is right." Leon said, "Without a strong interest as the driving force, what you learn will easily evaporate from your memory."

"Well, we're interested," Connie and Hummer said awkwardly.

"By the way, squad leader! If you encounter a stalker, do you need to stay alive?" Cang Ling suddenly remembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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