Chapter 79 Cang Ling's Reasoning

"It is not mandatory to keep alive now." Leon replied.

"Why?" Cang Ling felt puzzled.

"Because it is too difficult to capture alive and the cost of casualties is too high. If they escape during transportation or custody, the headquarters will bear pressure from all parties. Therefore, it is not required to keep alive now."

"But if you don't leave anyone alive, it will be difficult to obtain detailed information..."

"Don't worry. Stalkers usually appear in the west, where there are more teams, and the sergeant is also there, and they will take on the task of capturing samples."

"I'm so envious..." Phoebe said upon hearing this.

"The headquarters has successfully captured a few of them before, and the research experiments on them are classified information and cannot be made public for the time being," Leon said.

"The night demon of the Cloto incident... Is there any progress in the follow-up investigation?" Cang Ling asked.

"No. All night demons at that time were beheaded and burned." Leon said.

"Oh...that's it." Cang Ling was a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, we will find out the truth about them one day." Leon comforted.

"Well, I also believe so firmly." Cang Ling put away the materials and notes.

After returning to the dormitory in the evening, Cang Ling started to read at night by lighting the lamp, studying those materials.

"The total number of stalkers eliminated in the whole country last year was 27... 27? Hey, isn't this exactly the number that is missing in the headquarters library?" Cang Ling suddenly regained his energy.

"Do we have any here?" Phoebe asked hurriedly, getting up.

"Let me"

"Oh, boring." Phoebe lay down again.

"Boyle and San Pharo have the largest number, and they are all concentrated in the west. There are basically no central and eastern..." Cang Ling took out a pen and began to draw the distribution map of stalkers.

"Of the 27 knights, 3 are B-class, and the rest are C-class. There are so many B-class knights? No wonder 3 knights were sacrificed last year." Cang Ling said in surprise.

"That's why there are fewer and fewer people applying for the knight exam." Kali said from the upper bunk.

Cang Ling carefully read the stalker's information for a while, and suddenly came up with a bold idea.

"Hey! Do you think these stalkers are creatures like orcs?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't it mean that orcs would turn into wild beasts under extreme circumstances? Isn't it the same for them? They are usually ordinary night demons, but under certain special circumstances, they will explode with stronger power?"

"It seems that not all orcs can turn into beasts, right? Didn't nobles do experiments in ancient times? Most of the orcs will not turn into beasts after being tortured to death. People who can turn into beasts are as rare as people with traits. I said that Beastization is actually a trait type..." Jiali replied.

"Haha, I don't know if the No. [-] knight: Arsen Wolfe will turn into a beast. It would be fun if he turned into a beast." Phoebe laughed.

"He's a mixed race, probably not..." Cang Ling couldn't help flashing the gray-haired knight's back in his mind.

"It's 9:[-], go to bed quickly! You have to train tomorrow morning!" Jiali said, looking at her pocket watch.

"You go to bed first, I'll watch for a while." Cang Ling said without raising his head.

"I advise you to sleep, or it will be bad if Vasili sees the light, and he will let you run 10 laps on the playground." Jiali said.

"Okay." Cang Ling closed the notebook depressedly, and climbed onto the bed.

After turning off the lights, Cang Ling was still thinking about those stalkers, thinking about why night monsters that can hide the evil spirit suddenly appeared, and how they restrained the evil spirit.

After thinking about it, Cang Ling fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Cang Ling had a dream. She dreamed of the scene when she applied for Kang Dun two years ago.

At that time, she tried her best in the spiritual power test, and only reached 20 spiritual power.

The purebred Phoebe easily reached 96.

After that, she broke out at a critical moment, and finally increased her spiritual power from 20 to 60, passing the test smoothly.

"In just 10 minutes, you can go from 20 to 60, Cang Ling, you are the only one in my memory." Lynch said to her afterwards.

"By the way! The stalker may be a hybrid! A hybrid of a high-level night devil and a low-level night devil!" Cang Ling suddenly sat up from the bed.


Phoebe, who was in a drowsy sleep, shook a pillow and smashed it on Cang Ling's face.

Early the next morning, Cang Ling hurried to find Leon.

"Squad leader, I have some new discoveries!" Cang Ling said holding up his notebook.

"What discovery?" Leon stopped immediately.

"I think the stalkers may be a hybrid of high-level and low-level night devils. The level is not a fixed value, but has a range. Under normal circumstances, they appear as the weak side, and they will explode instantly after being attacked. Like a human's explosive power!"

"You mean, the stalker is actually a special night devil with some kind of hidden attribute?"

"Yes. For example, RC-2, it is not disguised as a megalodon, but it is a megalodon. It's just a megalodon with special abilities!"

"If that's the case, where do their special abilities come from?"

"It may be inherited from a new type of night goblin. For example... the night goblins in Cloto Village. Aren't they a new breed? Night goblins have no reproductive isolation, and they can easily spread new characteristics!"

"Your point of view is very novel. Zero, I suggest you write your thoughts into a report, and I will help you hand it over to the squadron." Leon said.

"This... they shouldn't pay attention to the conjecture of an apprentice knight?"

"It's their business whether they pay attention to it or not, and it's our business whether to write it or not. If you have an idea, you can speak up boldly, don't worry too much." Leon encouraged.

"Well! I'll write today! Thank you monitor!" Cang Ling happily ran away.

That night, Cang Ling wrote a report of several thousand words eloquently, which listed many reasonings.

"If night goblins with this characteristic really appear outside the shield, then at the speed of night goblin reproduction, the number of stalkers will increase exponentially. All low-level night goblins that sneak into the shield may become stealth Therefore, it is necessary to especially strengthen the defense and patrol of border areas. The security level in the shield should also be increased accordingly, including the number of patrol teams. Because we will face stalkers at any time." Cang Ling wrote at the end of the report.

The next day, Cang Ling handed over the report to Leon.

"You wrote it very well, but some places are too colloquial, and some of the formats are wrong. I'll help you correct it later, and then you can copy it again and give it to me." Leon put away the report.

"Thank you monitor, sorry for your trouble." Cang Ling said gratefully.

Leon really took advantage of his lunch break to carefully revise Cang Ling's report, and circled many points that need attention and the standard format of the official document with a red pen.

 Today is the day when I reached a total of 200 million words. It has been three years in a flash, I can’t believe it...

(End of this chapter)

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