girl knight zero

Chapter 80 Attack Again

Chapter 80 Attack Again
After receiving the revised report, Cang Ling admired it. He changed the article, which was originally like a child's narrative, into a rigorous, concise, and standardized official document style.

"Cang Ling, I think the monitor Leon seems to be interested in you."

At night, Kali lay on the bed and said.


"Look, he helped you revise the report and distribute the documents for you. He often stares at you."

"No, no?"

"Yes. I watched it specially during your training today. He has been watching you from behind, not taking his eyes off it."

"Don't say such burdensome words!" Cang Ling said nervously.

"Stupid! That's supervising our training!" said Phoebe, the straight girl of steel.

"That's right, he's the squad leader, and it's his job to supervise our training!" Cang Ling hurriedly said.

"Hehe..." A wicked smile appeared on Jiali's face.

"It's past nine o'clock, it's time to turn off the lights!" Cang Ling hurriedly blew out the oil lamp, forcibly stopping the topic.

During the training the next day, Cang Ling paid special attention to it, and sure enough Leon was looking at her.

When she turned her head, she happened to meet Leon's eyes, and turned her head back hastily.

"You guys, don't be lazy!" Vasily walked in at this moment, "I want to see water come out of your clothes!"

After speaking, he walked up to Hume and grabbed his arm.

"Look at your arms, they are not as thick as a woman's. How do you usually exercise?"

"Some women can't be called women..." Hume whispered, rubbing his arms.

"Squad leader, look at my muscles!" Connie hurriedly raised her arms.

"Very well, this is what a knight should look like." Vasily nodded with satisfaction.

"Muscles?" Seeing this scene, Phoebe immediately cheered up. "I want to build up my muscles too, so that the team leader can impress me!"

After speaking, Phoebe frantically raised the dumbbell.

"It's over, there are more and more little Vasilis." Kali shook her head aside.

In the next few days, no new night monsters were found in the resident, so everyone was quite leisurely.

Of course, our protagonist group will not be idle. They use their spare time to insist on high-intensity training and strive to improve themselves.

Cang Ling studied the materials and war history in the reference room while conducting spiritual training.

Jiali followed Du Lan to learn the professional skills of the defensive department.

Du Lan didn't bother to talk to her at first, and after being told by Leon a few times, he reluctantly tutored Kali.

As for Phoebe, she was madly obsessed with building muscles, and every time she deliberately ran out of Vasily's office window to practice.

"If Phoebe continues to practice like this, she won't have to worry about being forced to marry by her family." Jia Li said not far away, "Because no one dares to marry."

"Haha, maybe some nobles like muscular girls." Cang Ling laughed.

"Drink it——! Captain, look, I lifted a 200-kilogram barbell!" Phoebe shouted excitedly.

"It's so noisy! You've been making noise outside all morning! Get the hell out of here!" Vasily opened the window and cursed.

Cangling and Jiali couldn't straighten up laughing when they saw it.

At night, Leon took them on patrol.

This time Vasily happened to be free, so he personally led the team, adding three newcomers and Duran.

"Hummer, have you noticed that the squad leader always takes those newcomers on patrol recently?" Connie said looking at their backs.

"Have we been abandoned by the monitor?" Hume said while picking his nose.

"Hmph, they won't be hot for long. The kid is always hot for 3 minutes." Connie said with a curled lip.

"I don't know how long they can keep warm, anyway, you are completely cold." Huo Mo sneered.

"You're so cold, you ponytail man!" Connie immediately started fighting with Hugher.

"It's my first time patrolling with the squad leader, so excited!" Phoebe said, "I hope there will be a night devil soon!"

"The team leader is here, so it's definitely not our turn to make a move!" Jia Li said.

"Maybe they will train us?" Cang Ling said expectantly.

It's been almost a month without actual combat, and her hands can't help itching, and she really wants to have a good fight.

Think what comes.

After walking for more than an hour, a strong flash of light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, illuminating the night sky brightly.

"It's the call for help from other groups!" Vasili immediately whipped his horse, turned his horse's head and galloped past.

Everyone quickly follow.

After running for two kilometers, they arrived at the battlefield.

Four knights held swords in both hands and were confronting a night devil lying on the roof.

Behind them was a group of trembling villagers, and there were a few dead sheep lying not far away.

"E-level night devil six-legged gecko!" Cang Ling recognized it immediately.

Sensing the spiritual power, the six-legged gecko opened its mouth wide and rushed towards it, but hit the shield with its head and fell off.

"Its head is very hard, and my shield may not last long!" the leading knight cried.

"I'm coming!" Du Lan jumped forward, spreading his shield to cover all the villagers.

"Leave that gecko to me!" Phoebe was eager to express, and fired a spirit bomb before getting off the horse, but was knocked to the ground by the recoil.

The aura bullet hit the gecko's front paw, breaking its leg.

"Roar!" The gecko roared wildly, and then quickly regenerated a foot from the cut.

"It has the ability to regenerate!" The surrounding villagers shouted in horror.

"It's useless to attack the limbs, you have to cut off the head!" Vasily said.

"Zero, Phoebe, you are responsible for attracting its attention, and I will behead it." Leon ordered.

Although Cang Ling and Phoebe were somewhat reluctant, they still obeyed the order and ran forward to attract the gecko.

Taking advantage of the fact that the gecko was lured away by the two of them, Leon jumped up, jumped on the back of the gecko and slashed down with his sword, causing the gecko to be decapitated instantly.

The headless gecko chased Cang Ling and the others for a few steps before stopping.

"W-Win the fight?" The knights hiding in the shield showed surprised expressions.

"Damn it, I failed to show my strength." Phoebe walked over and kicked the gecko in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, what happened?"

At this time, several patrol groups from the next door arrived panting.

"It's nothing, it's just a six-legged gecko." Leon put away his sword and said.

"Six-legged gecko? E-class night devil? What kind of flare is the E-class night devil sending out!" the other party said dissatisfied.

"Hey, how many of you, which team are you from?" Vasily walked up to the four knights and asked.

"I, we are from Dyson's team..." the leading knight replied timidly.

"How did the Dyson team come to our station? Where is your superior? Is it here?" Vasily looked around.

"Not here... there are only four of us in our group." The knight replied.

"Just the four of you?" Vasili carefully looked at the badges of qualifications on their chests, and they were all apprentice knights.

"What's the matter? Have you found the stalker?" At this moment, the people from Dyson's unit finally arrived, led by the squad leader Janis, reeking of alcohol.

(End of this chapter)

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