girl knight zero

Chapter 82 Vasily is a Strict Captain

Chapter 82 Vasily is a Strict Captain
"Adopt your size!" Vasily knocked Phoebe on the head.

"These live cubs can be used to make specimens to help the defense department with perception training." Leon walked over and explained.

"Corps are fine too!" Phoebe rubbed her head and said.

"Lives are the best. Adults are not easy to catch. Since there are cubs, we should make good use of them." Leon said patiently.

"Leon, you take two people back to the station and bring the carriage. The others stay here with me." Vasily ordered.

Leon nodded, called Cang Ling and Phoebe to turn around and leave in a hurry.

Du Lan, who was staying in the cave, glanced at Jiali and asked, "I didn't expect you to be able to perceive such a weak evil spirit. Are your parents also defensive?"

"No, I'm inherited from another generation." Kali replied.

"It seems that your talent is very good." Du Lan said lightly.

"It has nothing to do with talent. It's the result of my own hard work." Jia Li said, "When I was in Canton, I doubled the standards set by the instructor every time, forcing myself to challenge with higher difficulty."


"Because there is a lunatic next to me who is desperate to fight, and I don't want to be compared to her..."

"You're talking about the black-haired one, right? Hmph, brats are always so hot-blooded..." Du Lan said disdainfully.

"Senior, you are also a person with goals." Jia Li said, "Without strong drive and perseverance, it is impossible for you to reach this level."

"I'm just doing my job."

"You two! Come here and pack up the relics. I will take them to the village for confirmation later, and then hand them over to the purification team." Vasili walked over and said.

Jia Li and Du Lan hurriedly stopped chatting and got up to work.

The next day, the wagon with three eggs was escorted by Leon and Duran to the squadron.

There they will be taxidermied and sent to Condon as training props.

Vasily went to the battlefield to supervise the work and comfort the terrified people by the way.

The deputy team leader stayed behind to organize everyone to hold a summary meeting and write a report.

"I don't know what will happen to the four trainee knights last night." Cang Ling said while writing, "They mistakenly fired a signal flare and attracted four teams, they will definitely be held accountable?"

"Don't worry, the first person responsible must be the squad leader with the moustache." Jiali replied.

"The team leader was so handsome last night! I must write his heroic appearance in the report!" Phoebe said excitedly.

"I bet these reports will become the things you most want to destroy in the future." Jiali said without raising her head.

After finishing the report, everyone went to the duty room to change shifts.

Connie and Hume were on duty at the previous post. They were squatting at the door of the duty room, with their buttocks pouted and intently looking at the ground.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Cang Ling asked curiously.

The two were watching so intently that they didn't even hear it.

Everyone leaned over to take a look, and saw two groups of ants crowded on the ground, fighting desperately.

"Come on! Kill them!" Connie shouted and cheered.

"You have the guts, everyone will be desperate in a fight!" Huo Mo also watched with all his strength.

"Hey, shift change." Kali kicked Hummer's ass.

"What are you doing!" Hugh patted his butt dissatisfied.

"It's time for us to be on duty." Cang Ling said loudly.

"Huh? Is it time for the changing of the guard? So soon?" Connie woke up like a dream.

"We don't mind if you want to continue," Kali said.

"Wow! These ants are fighting so hard!" Phoebe squatted down and said.

"Excellent, isn't it? Ants are divided into families, and if they meet each other, they will kill each other!" Connie said excitedly.

"Where did the ants come from?" Cang Ling asked.

"We got it." Hume held up a sugar-coated stick with ants crawling on it.

"If you don't do your duty well, watch the ants fight here, and be careful to let the squad leader know that you will be punished for lifting the water basin." Phoebe said.

"The squad leader is not here. The duty list is inside, sign it yourself. Leave us alone, we will see the outcome." Connie said without raising her head.

"I think they are about to become the same as that mustache monitor."

Kali shook her head and said.

In the next two weeks, no new enemy situation was discovered.

Although there are no night demons, it is not easy for everyone, because they have to participate in training and organize exercises.

Vasily personally supervised everyone's training. He listed a row of targets on the playground. The defense department was responsible for opening the physical shield in front of the targets, and the long-range and reinforcement departments were responsible for attacking the targets.

After everyone ping-pong-pong attacked for a while, other physical shields disintegrated one after another, but Dulan and Jiali's were still standing.

"Let me do it!" Phoebe stepped forward eagerly, and then waved a Reiki bomb.

Dulan's shield shook, but there was no crack.

"Look at me!" Cang Ling also rushed over, and slashed down with a sword, but the shield was still unscathed.

"Duran's shield is roughly equivalent to the hardness of the C-level night devil's carapace. If you can't attack his shield, it means you can't deal with the C-level night devil!" Vasily shouted standing on the stage.

"Anyway, we won't be able to meet the C-class night devil." Connie muttered.

"That's right, even if we meet, there is no need to worry if there are sub-captains and monitors around." Huo Mo continued.

"Your spirit bomb is too soft! Are you perfunctory me?" Vasili jumped off the stage and grabbed a long-range system and shouted.

"No, I've tried my best!" The knight replied hastily.

"This is your full strength? You have been in the team for a year, and you are still playing like this? I warn you, if you want to hang around under me, there is no way! It doesn't matter if you start low, but let me see your progress !"

"Yes! I will work hard!" the knight replied hastily.

"It's strange, my attack power isn't bad, right? Why can't I penetrate his shield?" Phoebe said dejectedly.

"That's because your aura bomb is too big! You have to learn to gather power." Vasili walked over and said, "The long-range attacks will be lost on the way. If you can't gather the spiritual power tightly, It will not be able to form a large lethality."

After speaking, Vasili aimed at Kali's shield, generated a giant ax from his hand, and threw it fiercely, smashing Kali's shield instantly.

"Wow! Captain, your attack is so cool!" Phoebe applauded desperately.

"It turns out that the team leader is from the long-distance department..." Cang Ling and Jia Li dripped sweat at the same time.

They all thought that Vasily was an enhancement system.

After spiritual power training, everyone was divided into groups for combat practice.

"Squad leader, come and fight with me!" Hummer drew out his sword and jumped in front of Leon.

"I still have something to do, let Connie be your opponent." Leon replied.

At this time, Cang Ling ran over.

"Squad leader, can you please guide me?" Cang Ling asked.

"Of course." Leon walked over immediately.

"Is something wrong with you? You big liar!" Hume shouted angrily from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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