girl knight zero

Chapter 83 When did you start to have this idea?

Chapter 83 When did you start to have this idea?

"Squad leader, attack with all your strength, don't show mercy." Cang Ling clenched his sword tightly and assumed a defensive posture.

"Understood." Leon smiled slightly, and pulled out a training sword from the equipment basket.

After only a few rounds, Cang Ling couldn't stand it anymore and began to retreat steadily.

Five minutes later, Leon cut off her training sword.

"It's strange... I was able to easily defeat the E-level Night Demon in the graduation exam, why is it turning back more and more now?" Cang Ling picked up the broken sword and was very depressed.

"You're talking about Heisen's spiritual beast, right? Virtual creatures are different from real ones after all." Leon put away his sword and said, "Generally speaking, even recruits with relatively good talents have to go through one or two years of training. Only by exercising can we reach the level of independently defeating the E-rank night devil."

"Will it take so long?" Cang Ling was a little disappointed.

She originally thought that she would reach the entry level of the Hurricane Knight soon.

"There are no shortcuts on the road to growth, whether you are a genius or a mortal." Leon comforted.

"Squad leader, if I train hard every day, how long will it take to defeat the C-level Night Demon?" Cang Ling asked.

"C-level? Why do you want to challenge the C-level?" Leon asked puzzled.

"Because I want to apply for the Hurricane Knights." Cang Ling replied.

"Hurricane Knight?" Leon's expression immediately became focused, "Do you want to fight abroad?"

"That's right, that's my dream and the only goal in my life!" Cang Ling said seriously.

Leon looked at Cang Ling in surprise and said: "The profession of Hurricane Knight is very dangerous. The death rate is very high."

"I know, but someone must do it. Otherwise, we will never get rid of the fate of being hunted." Cang Ling's tone was firm.

"When did you start to have this idea?" Leon's voice lowered.

"From the age of eight until now. Never changed."

"Aren't you... not afraid of death?"

"Scared! Of course I don't want to die. That's why I have to work hard to become stronger, so that I can improve my chances of survival, just like what the team leader said."

After hearing this, a sad expression flashed across Leon's face.

"Please, monitor! Please help me become stronger! No matter how hard the training is, I can bear it. I want to become stronger!" Cang Ling begged.

Leon stared at Cang Ling's face silently for a while, and replied: "Okay, I will do my best to help you."

"Thank you monitor!" Cang Ling was overjoyed.

As it turns out, Leon is a man of his word.

That night, he began to accompany Cang Ling for special training.

"Your attack is considered good among newcomers, but your movements are not precise enough." Leon said while demonstrating, "Attacks are organized, and you must try to save your energy and carry out the most effective attack. Otherwise, once you encounter When it comes to protracted battles, it’s easy to lose physical strength.”

"For example, when beheading, the position and angle of the beheading are very particular. If the position is wrong, you will not be able to cut continuously, which will give the enemy a chance to counterattack." Leon drew the outline of a six-legged gecko on the blackboard. , and then draw a line with chalk at the base of the neck.

"When the opponent bows his head more than 30 degrees, this position is the easiest to succeed in cutting. When cutting, you must follow the texture of the muscles to prevent the sword from being caught by the muscles."

"I'm good at this. Our family is best at beheading." Jiali, who was a training partner, said.

"What about me? How can our ranged system achieve the most effective attack?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"The biggest function of the long-range system is not to give the enemy a fatal blow, but to control the field." Leon explained, "Therefore, attacking the enemy's eyes and limbs should be the first priority, and try to cooperate with the reinforcement system to relieve the enemy's attack power. , and then the reinforcement system launches the final blow."

"The reinforcement system is not present or hangs up, what should I do?"

"...If you want the long-range attack to reach the lethality of the strengthening system, there are two methods. One is to increase the attack speed, and the other is to turn the spiritual power into a blade."

"What do you mean by blade? Is it like the squad leader's axe?"

"Yes. In fact, both of them have the same meaning, that is, to gather and compress the spiritual power as much as possible. The spiritual power with the front is definitely more lethal than the circular spiritual energy bomb, there is no doubt about it."

"I see! Looks like I'm going to practice Juli well! Kali, come and train with me!" Phoebe rolled up her sleeves and said.

"I'm going to charge you."

"Huh? Don't be so stingy! Besides, I have no money."

"Won't you have money if you get paid immediately?"

"You are too much!"

Phoebe and Kali chattered away to practice.

"Then how can I strengthen my attack power?" Cang Ling asked hastily.

"In the reinforcement system, 3 points of attack power come from physical strength, and 7 points come from spiritual power. If you want to increase attack power, strengthening your spiritual power is the most efficient way."

"I see... No wonder my carrying capacity is higher than Phoebe and Jiali's, but my attack power is always inferior to them. It turns out that my spiritual power is low..." Cang Ling lowered his head in frustration.

"I've seen your study records in Condon. Your carrying capacity is quite high, but your spiritual power scores have always been mediocre. This is indeed a bit weird. Has your instructor analyzed the reason?" Leon asked.

"That's because of my blood relationship." Cang Ling said calmly, "My father is from Gulei."

"Your father is from Gulei?" Leon was taken aback. "I want to take back what I just said. If you only have half spiritual blood, then your attack power is already very strong!"

"But it's still lower than normal people." Cang Ling lowered his head depressedly.

"No, your attack power is definitely higher than the general standard." Leon said, "You only feel low because you are surrounded by rare and powerful people."

"Really?" Cang Ling quickly turned from sadness to joy.

"You must have paid a lot for being able to practice to this level, right? It seems that what you said during the day was not a joke." A trace of melancholy flashed across Leon's face again.

"As long as you can realize your dreams, it's nothing to suffer a little bit. Thank you, monitor. I've been feeling anxious recently, but I feel much better after hearing what you said." Cang Ling smiled.

"Don't worry, as I said before, it takes time to improve your grades, and it can't be done overnight. How about it, I'll take you to the next province tomorrow to meet Yugang, the top spiritual tool craftsman in the country. Aoi, see if he has any suitable training equipment for you."

"Yugangkui? This name sounds familiar... Oh right! He is the grandson of Yugangcheng, right?" Cang Ling suddenly remembered what Felton said.

"Yes, it's him."

"That's great, he must have many props to improve his spiritual power! Thank you, monitor!" Cang Ling said happily.

"You're welcome. Let's leave at seven tomorrow morning." Leon said softly.

"En!" Cang Ling nodded, and ran away happily.

(End of this chapter)

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