girl knight zero

Chapter 88 Leia...Who is it? ?

Chapter 88 Leia...Who is it? ?

"Okay!" Phoebe immediately pulled out the red flare, and before launching the fire ants, she jumped over and knocked them all over.

"Go to the tree!" Cang Ling took the lead in throwing out the hook and jumped onto the tree, then aimed at the fire ant and jumped down, stepping on its back.

"Drink!" Cang Ling swung his sword and slashed fiercely at the fire ant's neck.

The fire ant survived Cang Ling's heavy sword strike without breaking his head.

The irritated fire ant turned its head 180 degrees, opened its mouthpiece to aim at Cang Ling, and bit it.

"Be careful!" Phoebe shot the Fire Ant's head off by 30 degrees, and Cang Ling quickly jumped off.

"Oops, we can't deal with it with our strength, we must call for help as soon as possible!" Cang Ling took out his own flare.

As soon as the safety catch of the signal flare was pulled, the fire ant tightened its body, and then jumped up into the air and pressed onto Cang Ling.

Cangling's signal bomb hit the ant's stomach directly, burning a hole in its body.

"Cangling!" Phoebe and Jiali rushed over immediately.

The fire ant reacted quickly. It quickly turned around and rushed towards Phoebe and Jiali, opening its mouth wide to swallow them.

At the critical moment, Kali released the physical shield to block the ant's attack, and then Phoebe quickly jumped back, jumped onto the tree and fired several aura bombs again.

Several holes were punched in the ant's body, and it fell on its back.

Seeing that its neck was exposed, Jiali immediately jumped up and swung his sword to slash it.

The fire ant couldn't turn over and was in a hurry. Seeing Jiali jumping on its chest, it quickly moved its claws together to slap her to death.

"No, Jiali!" Cang Ling immediately grabbed the claw hook and swung over, then rescued Jiali.

"You can't get close to its front!" Cang Ling said.

"It seems that it is very difficult for us to kill it with one blow. Let's cut off its legs first!" Jiali said.

"No, the team should be notified first..."

While they were talking, the fire ants rushed over and bit the tree they were standing on, biting the trunk in two.

Immediately afterwards, the fire ants launched a series of ferocious attacks.

Cangling and the others encountered such a powerful opponent for the first time, and they were unable to dodge for a while, and they were hit several times.

"Phoebe, Jiali, you go to attract its attention, and I'll chop off its hind feet!" Cang Ling shouted.

"Damn it, my foot seems to be bitten off by it..." Phoebe managed to run a few steps forward, then fell to her knees again.

"Be careful with Phoebe!" Kali rushed over, spreading a physical shield above her head.

The fire ant bumped into the shield with one bite, causing several cracks in the shield.

"It's too much effort to open two shields at the same time!" Kali's back was covered with sweat.

At this time, Cang Ling seized the opportunity, leaned forward and slashed forward with both hands holding the sword, instantly chopping off one of the ant's hind legs.

The ant with the broken leg turned around angrily, and slammed Cangling hard into the tree trunk behind her with its body, causing her to vomit blood.

The ant weighed Phoebe Jiali and Cang Ling, and then resolutely chose the exposed Cang Ling. It raised its tail, rushed to Cang Ling with its front four legs, and opened its mouth to bite down hard.


At the critical moment, Lyon led the team to arrive.

"Squad leader!" Cang Ling raised his head in surprise.

With the help of the claw hook, Leon rushed to Cang Ling with two or three jumps, and then cut off the upper and lower jaws along the root with a sword.

Dulan behind opened his shield and replaced Kali who had reached his limit.

"Abby, Bob, go and distract the target!" Leon ordered.

The two knights running from behind immediately rushed up to attack the front of the fire ants.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the fire ant was lured away by them, Leon jumped from the air onto the fire ant's back with his claw hook, and then chopped off its second head with a sword.

"Great, knock it down!" Abby and Bob exclaimed excitedly.

Leon didn't bother to look at the fire ants, he quickly jumped down and ran to Cang Ling and asked, "Are you all right? Are you injured?"

Cang Ling clutched his wound and said, "It's nothing, it's just some skin trauma."

Leon, who was full of anxiety, heaved a sigh of relief. He put his shoulders on his shoulders and muttered: "Fortunately, Duran sensed it in time. Great, Leia..."


Cang Ling couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

Leon didn't seem to notice his slip of the tongue, he stood up to check Phoebe and Kali's injuries.

Fortunately, Phoebe and Kali were not seriously injured.

Phoebe's foot is broken, but it's not a big deal.

"Why are you three? Where are the others?" Leon looked around and asked.

"Zero! Phoebe! Kali!"

No matter what, Connie and the others rushed over panting.

When they saw the body of the stalker, they were dumbfounded.

"What did you guys do? Why did you leave the team without authorization?" Leon walked up to Connie and asked sharply.

"I, we..." Connie looked at the wounded Cang Ling and the others speechless.

"I have said countless times that every act of indolence may cause irreparable damage. Why don't you take it seriously!" Angry Leon punched Connie in the face, beating her to the ground Nosebleeds.

Everyone saw that Leon, who had never made a move, actually made a move, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

"Go back and wait for punishment." Leon turned and left coldly.

After notifying the detachment, Vasily hurried over with the purification team, and then cleaned up the battlefield and transported the wounded.

"This is the first time that Huafei City has discovered a stalker. The matter is of great importance, and it must be reported to the higher authorities immediately." After finishing speaking, Vasili ordered the deputy head of the division to go back and send a telegram to the squadron.

"Stalkers? No way? There are also stalkers in our station?" The knights of the purification team were surprised when they saw the huge corpse on the ground.

"Who is this corpse?" Leon knelt down to examine the victim carefully.

When he found out that the deceased was a child, his pupils suddenly dilated and his face turned livid.

"Reggie! It's Regi!" A knight who often patrolled nearby recognized the victim, and burst into tears.

"This kid is from Jushi Village, and he usually goes up the mountain alone to collect firewood." The knight said with a sob.

"I'm sorry monitor, we couldn't save him." Cang Ling said as he propped himself up.

"When did you discover the stalker?" Leon asked.

"About 40 minutes ago."

"The child has been dead for at least three or four hours. His death was not caused by you."

After finishing speaking, Leon suddenly turned around and walked forward, then got on the horse and said without looking back: "Escort the wounded back to the station first! At the same time, notify the adjacent station!"

"Yes!" The knights in charge of the carriage immediately mounted their horses in a hurry.

After returning to the station, Lyon arranged for Andrew to heal Cang Ling and the others, and then rushed back to the battlefield to assist Vasily with follow-up matters.

Soon, the squadron's investigation team came.

They first went to the scene to check the situation, then talked with Cang Ling and the others one by one and recorded it for the record.

(End of this chapter)

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