girl knight zero

Chapter 89 Nightmare

Chapter 89 Nightmare
"When the other party was detected for the first time, what level was the other party at?" The investigation team leader asked.

"Last grade F or E grade." Cang Ling recalled.

"Did the other party find you before you attacked?"

"Well... probably not."

"When did the other party transform?"

"After I beheaded him."

"What changes occurred at that time? Please describe in detail."

"We were facing it with our backs at the time. I just remember that there was a sudden strong air current. When I turned around, its body had grown bigger, and its evil spirit had also increased to C-level. In addition, where I cut off its head, it grew Got a new head."

"Is there any new ability after transformation?"

"I think... yes! Its head can rotate 180 degrees."

"Is the opponent's attack specific? For example, focusing on attacking the person with the highest spiritual power or only attacking the defensive department."

"No, it seems to only choose the nearest attack. Oh yes! After Phoebe and Kali were covered by the shield, it stopped attacking them and turned to attack me who was not protected."

"Did the other party make a sound similar to the language?"

"No, there was no sound from beginning to end."

"When was the closest patrol to combat?"

"Yesterday morning. It was about nine o'clock in the morning when we walked to the battlefield."

"Have you found any abnormalities or experienced other battles in the past month?"

"No. The most recent one was at the end of last month."

"When the stalker was discovered, how many knights were there?"


"According to the regulations, the minimum number of people in each patrol team should not be less than six. Why do you only have three?"

"This... At that time, we misjudged that the other party was an F-level night devil, so the team leader based on the principle of training newcomers..."

"How far was the distance when you first sensed the opponent's evil spirit?"

"About 500 meters."


After asking a few more questions, the investigation team got up and left.

In the evening, Cangling and Phoebe Jiali confronted each other, and found that everyone was asked the same thing.

"It turns out that the higher-ups will send an investigation team when they encounter stalkers." Phoebe said, "It seems to take it very seriously."

"That's for sure, after all, it's the first time stalkers have appeared on the eastern border. Zero, what are you writing?" Kali asked.

"I'm writing about the questions they asked today. Did you find out? There are two very strange questions: 'Is there any new ability after transformation', 'Is there a voice similar to the other party'."

"They're asking, so it's been like this before?" Phoebe replied.

"It stands to reason that a stalker is a night demon with special abilities, and it shouldn't have derived new abilities. Also, what does language mean? Has there ever been a talking stalker?"

"If this is the case, it will be dangerous, which means that the other party has advanced wisdom." Jiali said.

"Look at this again." Cang Ling took out a map from the drawer, "This is the distribution map of stalkers. Did you find any patterns?"

"Is this what you marked? Do the red dots represent stalkers?" Phoebe leaned over to look at it.

"Yes, the following is the year of appearance. You see, in the early years, the stalkers appeared on the southwest border, and then slowly began to move north. The few that appeared last year were all close to the northern holy city of Osei." Cang Ling pointed said the map.

"Even Osei is hundreds of kilometers away from the east. Why did it suddenly appear here?" Phoebe thought.

"It doesn't necessarily come from the north, maybe it came from the east. Don't be caught by common sense." Kali said.

"It's also possible. Didn't Connie say today that every time this season comes, the night demons on the opposite side will fly towards us? Hey, no, fire ants are land animals..." Cang Ling replied.

"Maybe some kind of flying night devil ate the eggs of the fire ants, and then flew to the sea of ​​stars to pull them out. So the fire ants were able to cross the sea smoothly and hatch into adults!" Phoebe speculated excitedly.

"The eggs of fire ants are at least as big as your head..." Jiali said speechlessly.

At this time, the light-off signal rang, and everyone hurriedly blew out the oil lamps and went to bed.

After lying down for an hour, Cang Ling still didn't feel sleepy.

The child who died tragically was always hovering in her mind, unable to shake it off.

"Zero, why haven't you slept yet?" Phoebe on the lower bunk raised her leg and stepped on the bed.

"How do you know I haven't slept?"

"You've been tossing and turning."

"...I'm thinking about the child who was bitten to death by the Night Demon."

"Don't think about it anymore, didn't the monitor say it? It's not our fault."

"This is the second time, every time we find dead bodies. Can we just follow the Night Demon to collect the dead bodies?"

"At least we got rid of them before they could do more damage, didn't we?"

"Night demons can obviously be detected, why do we always take a step behind...Is there any way to find them when they first come in?"

"If there was, the headquarters would have implemented it long ago." Jiali interjected.

"It's already 1694, trains and automobiles were born, but we are still helpless against night monsters." Cang Ling clenched his fists and said, "Every time we watch people die..."

"This is not something we can change, don't worry about it, go to sleep." Kali said with a yawn.

"There must be a way..." Cang Ling pulled up the quilt unwillingly.

While Cang Ling was tossing and turning, someone didn't sleep well either.

He is Leon on duty on the battlefield.

At this time, Leon was haunted by nightmares, frowning tightly and curled up on the camp bed covered in sweat.

He dreamed of a forest surrounded by thick fog, cold and silent.

Suddenly, a series of panicked footsteps came from a distance, and then two children appeared in the woods.

"Brother, wait for me!" The little girl behind shouted out of breath.

The boy in front ran without looking back, and the fallen leaves under his feet were trampled into the air.

Before running out for a long time, a pair of bowl-sized golden-red eyes appeared in the thick fog. The eyes rolled around for a moment, and then locked on to the two fleeing desperately below.

With a roar, a huge Dongzhou caracal leaped out of the forest and pushed out the little girl running behind.

"Ahhh!" The little girl let out a scream in an instant.

The boy in front heard it, stopped in horror, and looked back at the little girl.

"Help, brother! Help me, help me!" the little girl cried heartbreakingly.

The boy trembled all over and stood there motionless.

Blood gushed out from the little girl's back, and the smell of blood entered the caracal's nose, causing its pupils to dilate excitedly.

"Brother! Brother! Help!" The little girl waved her hands desperately, tears streaming down her face.

However, the boy turned around suddenly, gritted his teeth and ran away.

At this moment, the caracal opened its mouth wide and lowered its head to bite the little girl below.


(End of this chapter)

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