Chapter 90
At this moment, Leon woke up with a start.

He was panting heavily, sweating profusely, and his heart was beating wildly.

8 years, repeated this nightmare has been 8 years.

No matter how tired you are during the day, once you fall asleep, you will definitely dream of this scene.

Leon held his forehead wearily and closed his eyes.

"Squad leader!"

At this moment a knight ran over.

"How is it? Has the first round of purification been completed?" Leon stood up and asked.

"It's done. The squadron is preparing to dissect the night demon's body, let you go there." Knight News reported.

"Dissecting the corpse?" Leon ran over suspiciously.

"Lyon, inform the station to prepare carriages, isolation tanks and antiseptics." The squadron leader Sean squatted in front of the night devil's body and said.

"Are you going to dissect the corpse?" Leon asked.

"Yes, there is a requirement from the headquarters. Anyone who finds a stalker, if they cannot be captured alive, their body will be decomposed and transported to the headquarters." Sean stood up and said.

"What do they want the body for?"

"It's for research purposes."

"I see, I'll go get ready now." Leon didn't ask any further questions, and immediately turned around and got on his horse and rushed back to the station.

As soon as he returned to the station, Cang Ling hurried over.

"Squad leader, I have thought of a way to deal with Night Demon!" Cang Ling said out of breath.

Leon looked at Cang Ling in surprise, only to see that her eyes were red, obviously she hadn't slept all night.

"Why did you wake up so early?" Leon glanced at the sky, his genius was dim.

"I have thought of a way to deal with the Night Demons!" Cang Ling said, "We can assign each of the defensive departments to take charge of an area, and then monitor them continuously in three shifts, so that no matter where they appear from, we can find them immediately !"

Hearing Cang Ling's words, Leon couldn't help but smile slightly: "Your idea is very good, but it is difficult to implement. Because there are not so many people."

"Huh? A defensive department can monitor a large area, right?"

"According to the average standard, it is about 62.5 square kilometers. There are nearly 25 square kilometers in the whole country."

"25 divided by 62.5... 4000 people are needed... multiplied by three shifts... alas..." Cang Ling calculated in the palm of his hand for a while, then lowered his head in frustration.

At present, the total number of the five major knight orders in the country is only about [-].

"In fact, someone at the headquarters also proposed an idea similar to yours, that is, to lower the defense level of the Shield of Alfons. But it was rejected by the Senate. Because this will greatly increase the annual maintenance fee, which is beyond the country's ability to bear ’” Leon said.

"Can you mobilize the common people to join? Select some qualified defense-type abilities?"

"There are still relatively few qualified people, and the cost of training a knight is quite huge."

"Compared with money and human life, human life should be more important, right?"

"It seems to me so, but not everyone thinks so. Things at the national level are not that simple." Lyon comforted.

"Well, I thought I had a good idea." Cang Ling sighed and left depressed.

After returning to the dormitory, Phoebe and Kali just got up.

"You won't go for a morning run, will you?" Phoebe looked at Cang Ling and asked in surprise.

"No, I went to find the monitor." Cang Ling repeated the conversation just now.

"I said zero, you seem to have overestimated the capabilities of our defense department." Jia Li said, "Although the detection shield is less labor-intensive than the physical shield, it can't last as long as 8 hours, and one hour is enough to be exhausted. "

"Can it only last for an hour?"

"This is still the limit. Maintaining a large-scale shield is very exhausting. I can only maintain it for about 45 minutes at present, and then I have to rest."

"Hey, if you look at it this way, at least [-] to [-] people from the defense department are enough. But at present, there are only [-] people in the whole country..."

"Ten thousand people is the sum of all the knights. If you only count the defense department, it will be less than 3 percent."

"Sure enough, this idea is very unrealistic." Cang Ling sighed again.

A week later, the follow-up work of the stalker was basically completed, and Vasily led everyone to a simple summary meeting.

"As rookies, your performance this time is still good." Vasily said at the meeting.

Hearing this, Phoebe's face immediately showed joy.

"But don't be too happy, you still have a lot of mistakes!" Vasily changed the subject and said sternly, "First, you didn't fire the signal flares in time as required!"

"We fired it! But the first shot was knocked out by the fire ant, and the second shot hit it..." Cang Ling hurriedly explained.

"Don't make excuses! You should have fired the flare the first time you saw it, and there have been countless opportunities to fire it after that, but you didn't. You just played your own heroes and put the rules and regulations aside. If it wasn't for the Lyon team next door to find out in time , what consequences do you think you will have?"

"Squad leader, they were attacked by fire ants, so it's understandable that they didn't have time to fire the flare." Leon said.

"It only takes 4 seconds to launch the signal flare, I don't believe you don't have any gaps for 4 seconds!"

"I'm sorry for the team leader, we were wrong." Kali said.

"Also, I read your battle report. Your attacks were disorderly. You should have retreated when the first attack was ineffective, but you chose to continue attacking. It's fine to continue attacking, but the three of you gathered together and still Standing in front of it. In the end, Zero thought of chopping off its legs, but when she chopped off the legs, where was the support for the two of you? I said that when the reinforcement type attack, other people should be responsible for the cover, right?"

Hearing this, Cang Ling and the others all lowered their heads.

"Go back and review yourself!" Vasily angrily threw the report on the ground.

After the meeting, Leon caught up with the dejected three.

"What's wrong? Did you get discouraged by being scolded by the squad leader?" Leon asked.

"The team leader is right. We did perform poorly." Cang Ling said in a low voice.

"Don't be discouraged. In fact, the team leader is very satisfied with your performance in private. He also said that he will focus on training you in the future." Leon comforted.

"Really?" Phoebe immediately turned from sadness to joy.

"Of course. This time, the stalker is rated as C-level 4th. It is impossible for many experienced knights to seriously injure opponents of this level."

"So we are so good?" Cang Ling and the others exchanged an excited look.

"However, you still have a lot to improve, such as the application of tactics and the synergy between teammates."

"Thank you, squad leader! We will definitely reflect on and review our tactics, and we will never let you down again next time." Cang Ling hurriedly promised.

"I trust you." Leon smiled.

The next day, Connie and their punishment came down.

All three of them were recorded as a major demerit once, and their salary for the next month would be deducted. At the same time, their bonuses and awards for the whole year would be cancelled.

In addition, because Connie was the leader of the patrol team, she was fined an extra week of confinement.

(End of this chapter)

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