girl knight zero

Chapter 91 Phoebe suffered a major blow

Chapter 91 Phoebe suffered a major blow
"It's so miserable, the one-year bonus is gone."

When Cang Ling and the others went to see Connie, Connie squatted in the corner and said tearfully.

"You should be glad that we didn't die. If one of us dies, you won't just deduct the bonus." Jia Li said.

"I'm miserable enough, can you have some sympathy." Connie sniffled.

"Senior, it seems that you haven't reflected on it from the bottom of your heart." Phoebe laughed.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? Didn't you come here to make fun of me?" Connie said dissatisfied.

"Of course not, we are here to deliver things to you under the order of the team leader." Cang Ling handed over a booklet.

Connie took the booklet suspiciously and looked at it. It turned out to be the "Regulations on Patrol in the Jurisdiction".

"The branch leader is afraid that I will be bored, so I review the regulations to pass the time?"

"No, he said he asked you to copy the regulations three hundred times, and he will check them when the confinement is over." After Cang Ling finished speaking, he handed over a large stack of papers.

"Three hundred times!" Connie fell to the ground.

"Hume and the others also copied it a hundred times." Cang Ling added.

"Woooooo..." Connie burst into tears.

After coming out of the underground confinement room, Cangling and the others went to Vasily to report the results.

"Three hundred times, I really feel sorry for Connie." Phoebe laughed all the way.

"Now she will never forget the rules for the rest of her life." Jia Li said.

"Don't laugh, we actually violated the rules." Cang Ling said.

Just as they were talking, an old woman walked into the residence with a two or three-year-old girl.

The guards next to them saw them but did not stop them.

The old woman and the little girl walked straight to the office building, looking familiar.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Cang Ling stepped forward and asked.

"You can't randomly enter the station." Phoebe said behind.

"Hello, I'm looking for Captain Vasily." The old woman replied politely.

"Squad leader? What do you want him for? If there is something wrong, please ask the person on duty." Phoebe said.

"No, I have nothing to do. I just came to see him." The old woman explained.

"The team leader is very busy, please don't disturb him if you are free." Phoebe put on a butler look.

At this moment, Vasily opened the office window and shouted: "Mom! Why are you here?"

After speaking, Vasily hurried over.

"So you are the mother of the sub-captain! No wonder you are so dignified and beautiful! Please forgive my impoliteness. I am Phoebe Sterling, the sub-captain's subordinate. I am originally from the province of Eddington. I am 16 years old this year and have three combat experience. Last week Just defeated a C-rank..."

Before Phoebe finished speaking, Vasily pushed her away and picked up the little girl.

"Good girl, daddy misses you!" Vasili kissed the little girl several times on the cheek.

"Daughter?" Phoebe was dumbfounded.

"You haven't been home for a long time, and she kept clamoring for you, so I brought her here on my own." The old woman laughed.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I've been too busy recently." Vasily said with an apologetic expression.

"Daddy, Daddy!" The little girl happily pulled Vasily's hair.

"Come to my office!" Vasily said holding the little girl.

"Okay. Let me take my leave first, ladies." The old woman smiled and nodded to Cang Ling and the others, and followed Vasily into his office.

After Vasily left, Phoebe stood still for a few minutes, her mouth opened wide.

Neither Cangling nor Jiali dared to say anything, for fear that Phoebe would run away.

"Squad leader married? Has a daughter?" After a long time, Phoebe murmured to herself.

"At his age, isn't that obvious..." Kali said in a low voice.

"Stop talking, Jiali." Cang Ling poked Jiali.

"No way?" Phoebe immediately melted on the ground like a puddle of snow.

For the next few days, Phoebe was in a balloon state.

The so-called balloon state is: one poke will explode.

It exploded when it rained, the rubber band broke, the soap fell on the ground, the horse ran slowly, Huo Mo burped, and the pancakes in the cafeteria were not as round as yesterday.

The whole person is a powder keg, and even big things can detonate.

"I said, what do you see me doing?" Phoebe asked, staring at the knight opposite.

"Huh? I didn't look at you..." The knight hurriedly turned his head.

"You were just looking at me and laughing! You must be talking bad about me!" Phoebe said and threw a fork, almost cutting the opponent's head into a bald forehead.

The others didn't dare to meet Phoebe's eyes, and hurriedly lowered their heads and pretended to eat.

Just then a fly buzzed over, and managed to land on Phoebe's bread.

"You bastard, how dare you dirty my bread!" The furious Phoebe lifted the table and slammed it at the bewildered fly.

"Jiali, quickly find a way to appease Phoebe's anger, or she will demolish the entire resident," Cang Ling said.

"No, I don't want to court death." Jia Li refused.

"You eat too loudly! You are not allowed to make noise while eating. Didn't the instructor teach you?" Phoebe stabbed another unlucky knight again, and sent him flying ten meters away with one punch, almost falling to the ground. In a large stockpot.

"Creatures scarier than stalkers." Du Lan complained from behind.

"What happened to Phoebe recently? She cut off 16 training swords during training yesterday." Leon came over and asked.

"It's okay, maybe it's because it's raining recently, so I'm irritable." Cang Ling laughed.

"Don't guess what the girl is thinking." Kali shrugged.

Leon looked at Phoebe, who was holding up the table to drive away cockroaches, with a puzzled look on his face.

Because of Phoebe's runaway, the maintenance fee for the entire station doubled in March (deducted from her salary).

But she didn't do all the damage, she also did some good things, such as killing all the rats, flies and cockroaches in the resident, including the passing weasels.

I believe that if night monsters appear during this period, even A-level will be beaten to death by Phoebe.

After a few days of tossing, Phoebe went from one extreme to another, from a state of rampage to a state of extreme depression.

I can't get enough energy to train, eat, patrol, or pay wages.

"I said Phoebe, do you want some chocolate balls?" Cang Ling asked holding a pack of chocolate balls.

"No," replied Phoebe, lying on her back in the grass.

"It's over, I don't even eat the chocolate balls, it seems that I was really hit." Jiali said from the side.

"I wouldn't have bought it if I knew it... It cost more than 200..." Cang Ling said depressed.

"Several, are you free now?"

At this time, Leon came over.

"Squad leader, do you have a task?" Cang Ling hurriedly stood up and asked.

"It's been raining a while ago, and there are a lot of bedding piled up in the washroom. If you are free, can you come to help dry it?" Leon asked.

"Of course, we're coming." Cang Ling immediately stood up.

"Phoebe, come together." Leon invited.

Phoebe didn't say a word, she got up and followed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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