girl knight zero

Chapter 92 The Good Will Catcher

Chapter 92 The Good Will Catcher
After arriving at the washroom, the aunts have already prepared baskets of washed clothes.

Everyone carried the baskets to the square together, and then dried them one by one.

"The sun is so comfortable!" Cang Ling stretched happily facing the sun.

"Cleaning really makes people feel happy." Kali looked at the white sheets and nodded with satisfaction.

"Huh? What's this?" Cang Ling took out a pair of small pants from the clothes basket.

"Oh, these are the trousers of the sub-leader's daughter. Maybe I forgot to take them with me, so let's dry them and give them to the sub-captain." Leon replied.

Phoebe immediately pricked up her ears when she heard the word "Squad Leader".

"Did they go back?" Cang Ling asked while glancing at Phoebe nervously.

"Well, they left in the morning. The team leader has been sending them to the station." Leon replied.

"The team leader loves his daughter very much." Cang Ling said.

"Isn't his daughter cute?" Leon asked with a smile.

"Indeed, it doesn't look like the squad leader at all." Kali replied.

"Her mother must have been a beauty," Phoebe said sourly.

"By the way, the wife of the team leader is my elementary school teacher." Leon broke the big news.

"Ah? The wife of the team leader is your teacher, the monitor?" Everyone immediately gathered around.

"What kind of person is she?" Phoebe asked quickly.

"A very mature and intellectual lady. She always has a smile on her face no matter who she talks to, and she's a great listener."

"Mature and intellectual...that's really attractive." Cang Ling and Kali glanced at Phoebe in unison.

Obviously, Phoebe has nothing to do with either of these terms.

"And she is also the hero who led the team leader to the path of knighthood." Leon continued.

"Really, monitor, can you elaborate?" Phoebe pleaded.

"Do you want to hear it? If you want to hear it, I will say it." Leon asked.

"Squad leader, tell me, tell me so that Phoebe will give up—ouch!" Before Jiali finished speaking, Cang Ling pinched her back severely.

"Okay, then I'll tell you. The team leader used to be with us, and he was a famous gangster." Leon laughed.

"No way? The team leader used to be a gangster?" Both Cang Ling and Phoebe opened their mouths in surprise.

"Yes. At that time, he idled around every day, picking quarrels and provoking troubles. It can be said that he was a local tyrant."

"Then how did he become a knight?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"It's all because of his wife: Ms. Jessica." Leon sat down and told everyone about Vasily's past.

Vasily was born in a civilian family, his mother died young, his father was an alcoholic, and the family atmosphere was extremely bad.

In that environment, Vasily developed a self-defeating character, did not study well, did not do work, idled around all day, and caused trouble everywhere.

One rainy night, Vasily, who was beaten by his drunken father, ran out of the house angrily, and met Jessica who was being molested by a drunk in the alley.

Vasily, who hated drunks the most in his life, happened to be so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he went up and beat up a few hooligans.

Jessica, who was still in shock, saw that Vasily was injured, and hurriedly took him to the clinic.

Vasily pushed Jessica away and ran away without looking back.

The next day, Jessica took medicine and fruit, and found Vasily after inquiring all the way.

"Thank you. If you hadn't saved me yesterday, I can't imagine what would have happened. I am really grateful to you. I must express this gratitude to you personally." Jessica said with a smile.

Vasily, who was said thank you for the first time, couldn't help being touched.

"My name is Jessica. How about you? Can you tell me your name?" Jessica asked expectantly.

"... Vasily." Vasily hesitated, and finally said.

"Vassily, it's a very gentle name, just like your own. I remember it!" Jessica said with a smile.

In this way, in just 2 minutes, Vasily experienced two first times in his life: the first time he was appreciated, and the first time he was praised for being gentle.

At that moment, Vasily suddenly felt that his world had changed.

Afterwards, Jessica often took the initiative to come to Vasily, chat with him, and bring him snacks she made herself.

Vasily, who has no female experience, keeps silent every time, but Jessica has a special ability to make him feel that even if he doesn't speak, the atmosphere will not be awkward.

Slowly, Vasily began to open up, willing to communicate with Jessica.

He spoke awkwardly, couldn't look Jessica in the eye, and often stuttered.

But Jessica listened carefully every time and looked into Vasily's eyes intently, making Vasily talk more and more involuntarily.

Half a year later, these two young people with huge differences in age, status, and status finally became a pair of lovers.

After having Jessica, Vasily's whole person has been completely reborn.He no longer fights, swears, and wastes no time.

He decides to apply for Condon Knight Academy and try to become a Blue Shield Knight so that he can marry Jessica and give her a happy future.

At that time, Vasily was 17 years old.

In the first year, Vasily lost the election.

He didn't lose heart and continued to train hard without resting from morning till night.

In the second year, Vasily successfully passed the exam.

Vasily, who only entered school at the age of 18, was ridiculed a lot in the academy.

He gritted his teeth and endured, immersed himself in training, and did not conflict with others.

At the age of 20, Vasily successfully passed the graduation examination, became a Blue Shield Knight, and married Jessica in the same year.

"Did you know? When Vasily came back in his uniform, the whole town was in a commotion." Leon laughed, "No one could recognize him. I can't believe that the majestic knight in front of me is the old bastard Vasily."

"What a beautiful story, Jessica is such a great woman." Cang Ling was fascinated by it unconsciously.

"It turns out that the team leader has such a past..." Jiali said.

"That Ms. Jessica, why didn't I see her this time?" Phoebe asked.

"She is no longer here." Leon lowered his eyes and said, "At the age of 32, she passed away due to dystocia."

"What? She died?" Everyone was shocked.

"At that time, the team leader had just joined the job for two years. Because of this blow, he sank for a long time, and also contracted alcoholism, and was almost fired."

"How could this be..." Cang Ling said sympathetically.

"And what happened afterwards? Did the squad leader regain his strength?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"Of course. Jessica's mother, that is, the lady you met this time, took the child under one year old to the team leader and accused him of not fulfilling his father's responsibilities."

"It's really irresponsible." Kali said.

"When the branch leader saw his daughter, he burst into tears. The child looked exactly like Jessica. Since then, the branch leader quit drinking, regained his strength, and vowed to take good care of his daughter for the rest of his life, because that is Jessica. The continuation of Sika's life."

(End of this chapter)

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