girl knight zero

Chapter 93 Entering Level 1 Combat Preparation

Chapter 93 Entering Level [-] Combat Preparation

After listening to the story of the team leader and his wife, everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

"Although Teacher Jessica is just an ordinary person, she can use her power to change another person's life. I admire her very much." Leon said.

"It turns out that the weak can change the world..." Kali murmured.

"I also received a lot of care from her when I was a child, and I am still very grateful when I look back. Although she has passed away for many years, the spiritual support she provided still inspires many people to work hard. I think such a person can be called great. " Leon stood up after speaking, "Okay, the sheets are finished, thank you. You can go to rest now."

Cang Ling and the others nodded, bid farewell to the squad leader and left.

"I really can't see that the team leader is such a sentimental person." Cang Ling sighed.

"Phoebe, you'd better give up. To be honest, you are too far from Jessica." Kali said mercilessly.

"Hey, Jiali, Phoebe is already very sad, so don't provoke her anymore." Cang Ling said hastily.

"Never mind, Zero," Phoebe replied. "I've figured it out."

"Really?" Cang Ling asked happily.

"Well." Phoebe replied, "I'm not strong enough now, so I can't be the support of others. From now on, I will double my training until I can be strong enough to reverse the fate of others, hahahahaha!"

After speaking, Phoebe ran to the training ground like a gust of wind.

"She didn't want to understand at all..."

Cang Ling and Jia Li had black lines on their faces.

In the days that followed, Phoebe really turned her grief into motivation and began to train crazily.

Maybe the training had drained Phoebe's energy, but she stopped throwing tantrums and feeling depressed, and slowly returned to normal, with a smile on her face.

Only occasionally, he would run to Vasily like an idiot to claim credit and praise.

When the last flowers of spring fall from the branches and the warm summer wind blows from the sea, Huafei ushers in its first major battle of the year.

"The following is a major alert: the largest night demon migration tide in history has appeared in the East China Sea, and all coastal units have entered the first level of combat readiness!"

At four o'clock in the morning, the big bell on the tower rang suddenly, awakening the entire knights stationed instantly.

"Everyone in the first class listens to the order: 1 group and 2 groups immediately go to the beach to face the battle; 3 groups stay on standby; the purification group prepares for large-scale purification!"

Vasily, who was fully armed, rushed out of the telegraph room first, and rode out on his horse in just 2 minutes.

Lyon hurriedly organized the 1 knights in groups 2 and 12 to set off and follow Vasily to the east coast.

"What's going on? Is there a stalker?" Cang Ling asked immediately.

"No, it's a migratory tide." Leon replied, "At this time every year, sporadic night devils fly over from the other side, but this time the number should be relatively large, probably more than a dozen."

"A dozen!" Connie's face turned blue.

"Interesting!" Kali showed an excited expression.

"Great, I can finally practice my hands!" Phoebe said eagerly.

Along the way, we kept seeing teams of military police holding torches and organizing nearby fishermen to evacuate.

"Master Gendarmerie, may I ask what happened? Have you found a new stalker?" The people asked one after another.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry to the city!" the gendarmes who hadn't slept all night urged impatiently.

"So many people have been evacuated, it seems that this battle is really big." Cang Ling looked at the crowded crowd and thought.

"Squad leader!"

At this time, the people from the second class and the third class also arrived.

"Is everyone here? All defense departments obey the order and immediately establish a circular defense circle!" Vasily ordered.

Upon hearing the order, the 10 defense departments quickly lined up along the coast to form an arc-shaped separation zone with an interval of 10 meters and a total length of 100 meters.

"How far is the nearest night devil?" Vasily asked the navy captain on the pier.

"It is estimated that we will reach the east coast in 10 minutes. If we do not turn halfway, we will be the first battlefield here." The captain of the navy said with a telescope.

"We will organize the long-range system to attack first, and try to block them at sea." Vasily said to Leon beside him.

"About how many Night Demons are there this time?" Leon asked.

"It's about fifty by eye." The captain replied.

"Fifty?" Leon was taken aback. There has not been such a large migration wave in recent decades.

"The squadron has sent people over. Before that, we must try our best to hold back the night demon. All obey orders! Prepare to fight!" Vasily shouted.

The knights of Huafei's team all drew their swords, and the coastal formations were ready to attack.

Soon, the first night demons flew over.

"Class E 2nd class vampire bat." Du Lan immediately judged the identity of the enemy.

"Nine in total." Kali continued.

When the first night devil flew into the attack range, Vasily on the dock took the lead in attacking.

"Drink!" Two giant axes appeared in Vasily's hands instantly.

The two giant axes spun at high speed and flew towards the leader Night Demon, smashing its head to pieces.

"Whoa! One hit kills, you're awesome, Captain!" Phoebe yelled from below.

"You haven't started fighting yet, why are you shouting?" Vasily turned around and cursed.

"I'm coming!" Phoebe immediately spread out her palm, generated an aura bomb, and threw it out with a flick of her hand.

The shuttle-shaped aura bomb hit the head of the second bat on the left at a speed of 20 meters per second, smashing it to the point where its brains were overflowing.

"Yeah! My aura bomb is super powerful and invincible! Did you see the squad leader?" Phoebe jumped up happily.

"That's great Phoebe, you're so good, it seems that we don't need to play this time." Hume said while picking his nose.

Other long-range systems also took action one after another, and the first batch of night devils fell from the sky soon one after another.

Before everyone was happy, the second batch of Night Devils arrived.

"This time there are more than 20!" Du Lan shouted.

"They're so fast!" Phoebe yelled, throwing an Aura bomb.

It takes 8 to 10 seconds for her to throw an aura bomb, and the speed of the vampire bat is 16.6 meters per second, and soon the large army rushed to the shore.

"Three people focus on one, don't spread the attack power!" Leon shouted, "It's better to cut off one finger than to hurt five fingers!"

A large number of vampire bats rushed forward frantically, and after hitting the shield one after another, they kept hopping on the spot, stirring up sand and dust into a cloud.

"Come on, teammates! It's time for our enhancement system to play!" Hume jumped to the side of a bat that fell to the ground first, and cut off its neck with a sword.

Cang Ling also rushed forward, drew his sword and aimed at the bat and slashed.

"The ones that have landed will be handed over to the strengthening department, and all the long-range department will return to the shore and continue to attack the bats in the sea!" Vasily ordered.

After a while, the third and fourth batches of bats also arrived, totaling more than 50 bats.

(End of this chapter)

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