girl knight zero

Chapter 95 The Duke of Downton's Banquet

Chapter 95 The Duke of Downton's Banquet

"Senior, can you find a pair of pants and put them on?" Kali looked at Hume's flowery pants and said with disdain.

"I don't have time to go back and get my pants!" Hume jumped down and ran to Connie and said, "Connie, take off your pants for me! People like you don't care about appearance anyway."

"Fart! How can a lady not wear pants! It doesn't matter if you wear them or not, anyway, you have never had an image!" Connie yelled.

"Everyone, hurry up and help carry the corpse, ready to be burned." Leon ran over and said.

"Yes!" Everyone got up and followed.

While walking, someone from behind suddenly patted Cang Ling on the shoulder.

Cang Ling hadn't recovered from the fighting mood, and immediately threw the opponent over his shoulder without hesitation.

The opponent let out an "ouch" and hit the beach on his back.

"Diego?" Cang Ling looked at the person in front of him and said in surprise.

"Hi, everyone, long time no see." Diego rubbed his buttocks and stood up.

"Diego? Why are you here?" Phoebe asked in surprise.

"I'm in the Creek team next door to you, and I was also transferred to join the battle this time." Diego looked at Cang Ling and the others and said, "Are you all okay? There are really a lot of night devils this time." .”

"Fortunately, only a minor injury. By the way, Clive seems to be on your team, right? Is he here?" Cang Ling asked.

"Here it is. Over there." Diego pointed behind him.

Cang Ling looked up, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure assisting the purification team to clean up the battlefield.

"I haven't seen you all since graduation, so glad to see you again." Cang Ling said happily.

"We are very close, you are welcome to come and play on weekends." Diego laughed.

"Hey, you guys! Don't chat there, hurry up and work!" Vasily shouted from a distance.

Everyone hurriedly stopped talking and ran to the front to help lift the corpse.

After the body was moved, the navy expressed its willingness to help dispose of the body.

"After all, they came from the sea, so it's within the scope of our duties." Marine Captain Martin Schroeder said politely to Gendarmerie Squadron Leader Grace.

Grace, who hadn't closed her eyes for a few days, couldn't wait, so she immediately pushed the boat and handed over the rest of the work to the navy.

After the navy finished disposing of the corpses, the Huafei detachment took over the decontamination task, and the gendarmerie was in charge of clearing the place to ensure that no civilians broke in before the decontamination was completed.

When it came to the purification stage, there was nothing to do with them, so everyone sneaked in and a few old classmates got together to catch up.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and I feel that you have become much stronger." Diego sighed.

"Of course, we keep training every day!" Phoebe said proudly, rubbing her biceps.

"How about you, how is your time going? Have you participated in actual combat?" Cang Ling asked.

"Participated several times. The seniors took good care of us and gave us a chance to play every time." Diego replied.

"I think they are just too lazy to do it themselves..." Jiali complained.

"Clive has made the fastest progress. He can already detect a range of 1 kilometer." Diego put his hand on Clive's shoulder and smiled.

"1 kilometer? This has already reached the entry standard for Hurricane Knight." Cang Ling said in surprise.

"Clive, are you planning to take the Hurricane Knight exam?" Phoebe asked.

Clive nodded.

"Great! Another companion!" Phoebe said happily.

"What about you, Diego?" Cang Ling asked.

"I'll let it go!" Diego rubbed his head shyly, "I'm very satisfied with the status quo..."

"You worthless guy." Kali said disdainfully.

"Haha, I really don't have such lofty ambitions as yours. I just want to live to old age in peace and stability." Diego said.

"That's not bad." Cang Ling said hurriedly.

"Several, we are going back." At this moment, Leon walked over.

When Diego and Clive saw their superior coming, they got up and saluted.

"Are you from Creek's team? Thanks to your help this time, thank you very much." Leon replied.

"You are too polite, this is what we should do." Diego replied hurriedly.

"Goodbye, Diego, come and play with us when you have time." Cang Ling and the others stood up and said goodbye.

"Let's go." Leon led them out of the war zone.

After returning to the station, everyone discovered that there were quite a lot of injured people, and some of them were seriously injured.

"I thought everyone was slightly injured..." Cang Ling said, looking at the bandaged wounded in the infirmary.

"The level of night devils is not particularly high this time, but there are too many of them." Leon said, "Fortunately, the navy discovered it in time and gave us enough time to prepare. Otherwise, the civilians must have suffered casualties."

"They flew over from the opposite bank, and their physical strength has already been exhausted, otherwise the result would be much more serious." Andrew said while checking Cang Ling and the others for their injuries.

"Speaking of which, this battle is really enjoyable!" Phoebe couldn't help but get excited again, "I really want to fight again!"

"You won't think so if you meet a Night Demon above B." Andrew said while taking the medicine.

"How is everyone doing?" Vasily walked in at this moment.

"Four of them are seriously injured, and the others are all fine." Andrew hurriedly stood up and replied.

"Take me to see."


Andrew took Vasily to visit the seriously wounded, and Kali took over and bandaged everyone's wounds.

The next day, the squadron leader, the battalion leader, and the special commissioner from the headquarters came to condolences to everyone, and at the same time launched an investigation on this huge migration.

Both Vasily and Leon accompanied the special commissioner to the scene, and the others stayed to watch the house and help take care of the wounded by the way.

On the weekend, the lord of Rhines Province: William Downton, Duke of Rhines, held a grand dinner in his mansion to entertain all the combatants and commend them at the same time.

"This time, Huafei encountered a once-in-a-century migration. With the efforts of all parties, a total of 372 night demons were wiped out in two days, and no one died. This battle not only refreshed the historical record of the Rhines Province, but also Created a miracle in the history of the Federation. Here, on behalf of all the nobles, consuls and citizens of the province of Rhines, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Navy Headquarters, the Blue Shield Knights, the Waffen Squad, the Creek Squad, the David Squad, and the Fahrenheit Gendarmerie The team pays the highest respect!"

On the rostrum, the Duke of Downton said impassionedly.

"This is Paul's father?" Cang Ling whispered in the audience, "It doesn't look like Paul at all."

"That's because I'm more like a mother." At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Paul!
"Paul? Why are you here? Aren't you in Wensenburg?" Cang Ling asked in surprise.

"I'm on family leave." Paul smiled, "Long time no see, everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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