girl knight zero

Chapter 96 Paul's Disclosure

Chapter 96 Paul's Disclosure

"You're late! You can catch up with the big event by coming a few days earlier." Phoebe said proudly.

"I heard about it on the train. The headlines in the newspapers these days have been full of this incident, and the entire Federation has caused a sensation. By the way, you are not injured, are you?" Paul asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just minor injuries, and it's almost healed." Cang Ling replied.

"It's really not easy for this migration to be so large, but no one died. Thanks to the timely discovery of the navy." Paul sighed.

"I thought the navy was just a display, but I didn't expect them to continue patrolling. This is better than many Blue Shield Knights." Kali said, crossing her arms.

Hearing what they said, Cang Ling suddenly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong for a moment.

"Everyone, let's toast together and pay tribute to our heroes!" At this time, the Duke of Downton on the stage raised his glass to call.

Everyone present raised champagne together to congratulate the captains.

After the Duke of Downton finished his speech, the commissioner of the Blue Shield Knights Headquarters and several captains delivered speeches respectively, and then the commendation ceremony took place.

The entire Hua Fei team collectively won the fourth-class merit. Phoebe, as the knight who single-handedly wiped out the most night demons in this battle, received an additional award from the headquarters and awarded a medal for defending the country and borders.

Phoebe, who likes to mention double prizes, was ecstatic and ran around the venue all night, showing off her medals to everyone.

"That Phoebe, I wish I could have a medal on my forehead." Kali said contemptuously.

"Haha, it's really rare that she didn't go to the sub-captain to show off." Cang Ling laughed.

"That's because the team leader has been talking to the people at the headquarters all night, so she dares not disturb her."

"Huh? Where's Paul?" Cang Ling looked at the hall.

"Who knows, just ignore him." Kali replied.

"It's so hot here, let's go to the balcony to blow some air." Cang Ling said while taking a glass of juice.

Jiali nodded, and went to the terrace with Cang Ling to enjoy the cool breeze and watch the moon.

At this moment, Cang Ling saw several people standing in the garden below, one was a middle-aged lady in a black dress, the other was a 12- or 3-year-old boy, facing the Duke of Downton and his secretary .

The middle-aged lady seemed to be wiping tears, and kept wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. The boy should be her son, standing motionless with his head down.

After the Duke of Downton talked to her for a while, he asked the secretary beside him to give her a check.

The lady took the check and kept thanking him and asking her son to do the same.

The boy lowered his head and remained silent.

"Who are they?" Cang Ling asked curiously.

"It can't be the mistress of the Duke of Downton." Jia Li said while leaning on the railing.

"That's the widow of Captain Ebert." At this time, a businessman came from behind, "Captain Ebert is my friend. After he died in the expedition, the Duke of Downton has been supporting his widow and son."

"I didn't expect the Duke of Downton to be so good." Cang Ling praised.

"The Duke of Downton has always been philanthropic and caring for the people. It is a blessing for everyone to have such a lord in the province of Reines." The businessman laughed.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by the expedition you just mentioned?" Kali asked.

"It's literally. Go to Sejave, Sandia and other places to explore." The businessman replied.

"These places have already fallen, right? Isn't it courting death to go there now?" Jiali said.

"It's true to say so. But there are always bold people who want to block it. After all, human beings are extinct, and resources and wealth are still there. When I was young, I also went to Sejave to buy fluorite, and now I do business The principal was accumulated at that time. But it is really too dangerous, it can be regarded as exchanging life for money." The businessman shrugged and said.

"So there are still people going to that kind of place to pan for gold..." Cang Ling felt his eyes widened.

"As long as there are enough interests, I dare to go to hell. This is a businessman." Jiali said.

"This lady knows our businessman very well." The businessman smiled.

"Because my friend's father is also a businessman..."

"Zero, Kali! You are here!" At this time, Phoebe ran over with an excited face, "There are comedians performing pantomime, come and see!"

As she spoke, she dragged Cang Ling and Kali into the hall.

Cang Ling glanced back while walking, and the Duke of Downton and the lady in black were gone.

The lively dinner lasted until two o'clock in the middle of the night. Everyone had a great time and ate a lot of delicious things, such as chocolate.

"Goodbye everyone, I'm going back to Wenxembourg tomorrow. I don't know when the next meeting will be." Paul said standing at the door.

"See you next time, we might already be Hurricane Knights." Phoebe said proudly.

"By the way, are you planning to participate in the tournament?" Paul asked.

"A martial arts tournament? What is that?" Cang Ling asked curiously.

"The Blue Shield Knights' annual knight competition. Although it is an internal event, other knights will also organize to watch it. It is an annual event." Paul explained.

"Wow, interesting! We must participate!" Phoebe said excitedly.

"Martial arts tournament, not bad." Kali had an expectant expression on her face.

"When is the meeting?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"At the beginning of June, there is still more than one month. If you want to participate, you can start preparing now." Paul said.

"Several, it's time to go back."

Then Leon shouted from the side of the carriage.

"Okay, we will definitely participate, see you then!" Cang Ling and the others hurriedly said goodbye to Paul, and then ran to the carriage.

In the carriage, everyone asked Leon about the tournament.

Lyon said that there is indeed such a competition, but there is only one place in each class.

"Huh? Only one place per class? Doesn't that mean that only one of us can go?" Phoebe was disappointed.

"Yes. In the past years, the team leader decided the candidate through the competition, because he didn't want people with poor ability to lose face. If you want to participate, you have to train hard during this time." Leon laughed.

"The special training starts tomorrow!" Cang Ling clenched his fist and said.

"I won't lose to you either!" Phoebe was full of enthusiasm.

"I must be the last one to go." Kali said confidently.

On the second day, everyone really started to train hard.

Vasily didn't know that they were competing for the competition places, but thought they were simply working hard, and praised them several times with satisfaction.

After May, Connie, Hume, Duran and others suddenly became active and started special training like crazy, obviously aiming at the tournament.

"It seems that there are quite a few competitors." Phoebe said looking at the overcrowded training ground.

"These guys must be going for the prize money." Kali snorted.

"I heard from the squad leader that the other four major knight orders will send people to the conference every year to find potential newcomers. If they are spotted by them, they will talk to you in private and persuade you to apply for their knight orders." Cang Lingbian Say while lifting the barbell.

(End of this chapter)

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