One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 130 127 - Kuina VS PX-66

Chapter 130 127 - Kuina VS PX-66
"Bron!" Murphy gritted his teeth and said, "Get out of here quickly! That lunatic will drag you into it without hesitation!"

"What happened?" Bronn wondered.

"You don't need to know!" Murphy said, "This is our battlefield now!"

Although Bron really wanted to satisfy his curiosity, but when he saw the terrified eyes of the female navy behind Murphy, he immediately made a decision.

"Heed all! Sail! Get out of this port!"

The situation in front of him no longer allowed him to delay.

"I'm going to kill him! Kill him!"

A navy suddenly ran wildly, holding a weapon and rushed to PX-66, and behind him was a female navy who had just been shot to death by a laser.

A goat suddenly jumped out and threw him directly.

"Hey, kid, listen, calm down." Asriel said, "Leave these things to them."

"What are you again!" Haijun struggled, looking at the talking goat in horror.

Asriel had to knock someone out with his front hoof.

The boat slowly left the coast, but the gate behind them was closed, and they could only stop as far away from the coast as possible.

Asriel looked at them worriedly.

He often listened to the old Warring States chanting, scolding the Tianlong people.

But how did they get involved with the Tianlong people?
That's why they want to leave the Navy? -
on the coast.

The ships behind leave.

And the navies surrounding them also retreated tactfully.

Now, in this "arena", only PX-66, Murphy, and Guina are left.

"Hey! What's going on with that female navy! Get out of here!"

A navy shouted in the distance.

Kuina raised her head and glared at the other party, then pulled out the blue lantern at her waist.

"I'd be happy to experience the power of this iron block. Murphy, don't interfere."

Murphy looked at Kuina speechlessly.

She still remembered that on the boat, Kuina was arguing with herself, and she was blaming herself for killing the evil dragon and the others so quickly.

Kuina said that she will solve the next opponent she meets.

Murphy agreed, but he didn't expect that his next opponent would be... this?
"Can you really do it?" Murphy was a little worried.

"Don't bother me!" Kuina said.

"Okay...Come on!" Murphy smiled.

Murphy stepped aside and watched Kuina launch an offensive.

PX-66 aimed at Kuina and fired a laser from the palm of his hand.

But before the laser beam happened, Kuina had already dodged it with her knowledge and arrogance.

The blue lantern she was holding was wrapped with armed domineering, and Murphy could see Kuina's speed and strength, showing no mercy at all.

[Thousands of swords in the sea of ​​clouds, white clouds fly alone. 】

A sword qi shot out.

Murphy thinks this move is somewhat similar to Sauron's Annoying Phoenix, and its power is about 36...or even weaker.

Annoying Phoenix is ​​a kind of sword energy that rotates and resembles a small tornado with extremely strong cutting power.

But Baiyun an attack that can superimpose several sword qi.

Kuina swung the knife several times, and several sword qi superimposed, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

All sword qi attacks were concentrated in one point.

Very destructive.

Kuina likes to call this move White Chrysanthemum Bloom, but Murphy strongly urges her to change the name.


The sword energy hit PX-66's body, and a puff of smoke rose.

But before the smoke dissipated, two lasers shot out.

Obviously, the guy inside used two-handed attacks.

One of the lasers grazed Murphy's hair, and hit the basement door where she stretched out her hand, melting a round hole the size of a finger.

Murphy could see a navy lurking behind the iron gate.

She smiled and said to the people inside, "I strongly suggest that you hide further away!"

When Murphy turned his head again, Kuina had already leaned close to PX-66, and the blue light hit the iron block, tinkling—it felt like striking iron.

[Thousands of swords in the sea of ​​clouds, black clouds over the city. 】

This is a move to suppress the opponent with momentum, and at the same time give continuous slashes like a storm.

It is a move that gives up strength and wins with speed.

If it was Murphy herself, she would definitely not use it.

But because she couldn't control her hundreds of swords all gathered together.

But Kuina was able to reduce the error of hundreds of swords to the minimum.

I remember that during practice, after Kuina finished cutting, only a dozen obvious sword marks could be seen.

And the scars left by Murphy... are as terrifying as the forest after the wild beasts have ravaged.


A crisp sound.

Murphy quickly took a step back, looking at Duan Ren in front of him, with lingering fear in his heart.

"Guina, is your real target me?" Murphy was dissatisfied.

Kuina distanced herself from the enemy, holding a green lantern with a broken blade in her hand.

"The knife is too hard."

The corner of Murphy's mouth twitched, dawn condensed in his hand, and he threw it to her.

"Thank you."

She said something lightly, then rushed over again.

Murphy knew what Kuina meant.

The sword is obviously better than the knife in terms of softness, so in addition to slashing and chopping, it can perform many changes in moves such as slapping, slapping, and swiping.

Of course, all the moves of Yunhai Wanjian are based on the characteristics of the sword.

And now, Murphy is actually a little happy, because Kuina has gradually forgotten the knife now.

Sengoku once said that when Kuina completely forgot how to use a sword, she would really know how to use a sword.


Murphy picked up two fragments of the blue lantern.

"I'm so sorry, Nij."

"Cracking Stone and Piercing Cloud!"

A cry attracted Murphy to him.

She watched Kuina's dawn break through PX-66's right knuckle.

Kuina slashed directly along the joint.

With a bang, the right hand of PX-66 was removed,
Blood mixed in the machine and hit the ground.

Pacifists are machines based on human cloning, so they're still human at heart.

With a light leap, Guina landed on the other arm of the pacifist, ready to repeat the trick.

Both of his arms had scars from previous attacks, so as long as Lie Shi Chuanyun used this arm, it would definitely be severed as well.


PX-66 aimed at Kuina and opened its mouth.

It actually began to accumulate in the mouth.

Although it takes a few seconds to charge up, it is more powerful than the laser emitted by the palm of your hand, and it can melt even steel——



He fired towards his left arm without hesitation.

The dazzling and hot laser hit him instantly, and the next second was a deafening explosion.

Murphy raised her hand to block the blasting wind caused by the explosion. She squinted her eyes and tried her best to see what happened.


At the same time as the explosion, Murphy could hear a shout from the ship, it was Asriel's shout.

Everyone saw a goat in a suit jumping off the boat.Then... fell into the sea.

He didn't even splash the water, and just sank to the bottom.

Bronn twitched the corner of his mouth and jumped into the sea.

He fished out the goat, but the guy spoke unwillingly.

"Send me to shore, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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