One Piece I want to go home

131 Chapter 128 - Wolf Blood Infection

131 Chapter 128 - Wolf Blood Infection
It was a mess after the explosion.

When Asriel came over, he ran directly to Murphy.

"Hey! Did you just watch like this?"

Murphy silently pointed over there.

Asriel squinted his eyes, and barely managed to see Kuina who was blown into black in the shadow over there.

The latter waved his hand to this side, indicating that he was fine.

"Just now I felt that Kuina avoided the explosion one second before. Wasn't she restrained?" Murphy said, "But I think the AI ​​system of the pacifist may need to be changed. Oh ... No, their brains should still be human."

The Tianlong people who were watching the play on the fence were also stunned at this time, and followed closely, just swearing.

"Those SSG idiots, didn't they say that this thing is invincible! A guy of unknown origin defeated him! What a joke!"

In fact, if he wasn't stupid enough to blow himself up just now, it might take a lot of effort for Kuina to completely take down that big guy.

"My lord." Said a suspected scientist next to the navy, "The pacifists are still in the experimental period. The performance after the 50th is not as good as before the 50th."

"Then get me number one!"

"No. Before the 50th, all were recalled to the Navy headquarters."

"Then you let me out! Let me out the rest!" St. Charles Rose shouted as he jumped on his feet.

"All? That's terrible..." Murphy's expression changed.

With the roar of the machines, three machines stepped out from the shadows.

PX-67, PX-68, PX-69.

"It seems that we can only act first," Murphy said.

【Werewolf Form】

The petite and weak body instantly tore through the clothes and turned into a ferocious werewolf with thick fur and sharp teeth.

Affected by werewolf blood, Murphy was instantly dominated by bloodthirsty instincts.

Become manic and restless.


Murphy growled.

Charles Rose St. was directly frightened and fell off the stool.

"Wolf...wolf werewolf!!! How could there be such a thing!"

The moment Murphy turned into a werewolf, the three machines directly lost their target.

Because their target is the female navy.

Therefore, they aimed at Kuina at the same time.

Even Kuina felt bad at the moment.

Two pacifists fire lasers, while the other PX-69 accumulates energy in its mouth.

"I'll help too!" Asriel said without hesitation, turning into a sheep-headed man.

"Devil! Sheep-headed demon!"

Saint Charles Rose's voice was distorted with fright.

"Stand back! Don't make trouble!" Murphy roared, slapped the sheep-headed man with a wave of his hand, and rushed to PX-69 with all fours.

She jumped up, wrapped in domineering aura, and a cherry-colored light burst out from her body.

"Flower Sakura!"

Murphy slapped PX-69's head with his palm, his mouth merged directly, and the impact rushed directly into his head.


The accumulated energy explodes instantly.

The whole head was blown away.

Using the wind from the explosion, Murphy jumped directly onto the body of PX-68.

She opened her fangs.

【Wolf Blood Infection】


Bite down hard.

No matter how it changes, this guy is still human, isn't he?
The werewolf leaped back, putting distance between the two machines.


She yelled at the sky.

The terrifying howling of wolves echoed throughout the island.

PX-68's body was blunted and its head was creaking, like an old antique that was about to break down.

Immediately afterwards, his skin grew hair and his shape began to change.

Everyone could hear clearly, the collision sound of bones or machines in PX-68 was mixed together.

Seeing the opportunity, Kuina accumulated her luck, and the air around her body was agitated.

"Thousands of swords in the sea of ​​clouds, flying dragons ride the clouds!"

Qi condenses the cloud dragon, the tip of the sword turns into the dragon's mouth, and goes straight to the enemy.

Yunlong neighed and hit PX-67 heavily.

At this time, Kuina suddenly withdrew her force, and the machine weighing several tons directly slammed into another machine.

The machine in PX-68 conflicts with the flesh and blood part. The flesh and blood want to change their form and turn into a rampant werewolf, but the fixed position of the machine has become the biggest obstacle to turning into a werewolf. They are squeezed and deformed in the body.

On the verge of an explosion.

The PX-67 flying upside down was the flame that ignited the fuse.


Two pacifists exploded violently.

At the same time they involved the wreckage of the other two, and the explosion was even more powerful.

All of a sudden there was smoke and dust.

No one present could see what happened.

"Asriel, are you coming with us?"

Suddenly, he heard Murphy's voice behind him.


"Good luck then."

As if hearing his hesitation, Murphy turned and left.

Asriel grabbed the werewolf's fur.

"I'll go with you! I want to watch over you for the old Zhan Guo! You two girls are really not reassuring!"

"I see."

The werewolf stretched out his hand and picked up Asriel with one hand, as if grabbing a chick.

But... There seems to be nothing wrong with the wolf grabbing the sheep.

Afterwards, Kuina and the werewolf holding the sheep stepped on empty steps and broke through the smoke.

"Catch them! Catch them!" St. Charloise shouted hoarsely.

The navies on all the walls kept pointing their guns at them.

But the two dodged flexibly, and escaped from the No. 16 branch of the Navy in the hail of bullets.

And these were seen by Bron, leaving him dumbfounded.

After that, the Tianlong people immediately issued a warrant for the two... oh no, it was the two and the sheep.

This time, even the Warring States Marshal couldn't have any excuses.

A day later, Brigadier General Brin Brin was voluntarily applying for resignation for unknown reasons.

Two days later, Brigadier General Zhan Chengxi arrived here, holding the arrest warrants for several people, completely puzzled.

"why why……"

They are characters that her grandfather told her about since she was a child. In her heart, they are like heroes in mythology. They are the pillars that support her, and even girls can practice and become stronger.

But now...

Zhan Chengxi grabbed Bronn by the neck and almost strangled him to death.

It seemed that everything happened because he didn't like the two of them.

blu blu-

Bronn motioned for her to let go.

He took a few breaths with difficulty, then picked up the phone, but when he heard the voice on the other side, his expression changed.

"...Well, please wait a moment. I'll ask Zhan Chengxi to talk to you."

Brown carefully handed the phone to Zhan Chengxi.

"It's them."

He uses exaggerated mouth shapes.

Zhan Chengxi quickly grabbed the phone, "That...Hello?"

"Uh... Hey, Zhan Chengxi. I'm sorry to talk to you in this situation."

"What the hell happened to you guys?"

"That... I know that your navy has positioning means. So let's keep the story as short as possible. And this matter, I only want you and Sengoku to know."

"Please tell me." Zhan Chengxi straightened his expression.

"Trafalgaroo is my companion and my family. We are very important to each other. As long as the bond between us is not broken, then we are not only each other's reliance, but also each other's weakness, so this is the Tianlong people A reason not to give up."

"That guy is a lawless pirate! How could you be with that kind of person..."

"Listen, tell Sengoku that the child Miguo saved was Trafalgaro, and he will be able to understand everything."

"Micro? Who is it?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a few seconds, then he spoke slowly.

"Please tell Master Warring States, we are sorry, we... knew from the beginning that we could not become a navy. But we swear that we will not kill any innocent navy."

(End of this chapter)

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