One Piece I want to go home

174 Chapter 171 - Calm Killing Intent

174 Chapter 171 - Calm Killing Intent

The sharp blade on Cook's wrist turned into a heavy hammer, and he smashed it down without hesitation.

For a while, the gravel flew over.

Cook was taken aback, and looked at the guy in the distance dissatisfied.

The body that was supposed to be smashed to pieces was now turned into a pile of smashed gravel.

Both the white bear and the tortoise have disappeared into this room.

Of course, the only one who can do all this is Luo.

Luo has sent those people to the safer empty room just now.

And all the others were sent together.

Except Murphy and Coconut.

Subconsciously, Murphy might be able to help him.

And keeping Coconut... is for soul exchange.

"It seems that you are deliberately blocking me." Cook said, "But looking at you, can you really do it?"

Although Luo was trying his best to breathe steadily, he couldn't hide his weak state.

Cook tilted his head slightly, looking at Murphy maliciously.

"I'm Cook, do you remember? I just got a different body. What happened in the's such a pity. Of course I hope to go further, but...I want to change my body back first. Persuasion Your companions, I don't want to fight pointless battles with you."

Both Cook's tone and expression were full of obscene meaning.

"The basement? What happened in the basement?" Mo Fei looked at Coconate with extremely unfriendly eyes.

And the latter seemed to have finally found a chance for revenge, he laughed.

"I have done a lot of things with your body. Many men can't walk when they see me. Although the captain of the guard is a very savage person, he is very gentle when he is on the bed. The secretary of the village chief , that greasy-faced kid, who is polite all day long, but likes to play some violent things. And..."


A crisp slap.

But this slap was no ordinary slap.

It was armed with arrogance and Murphy's rage at its peak.

Kokonat's body, which weighed three hundred kilograms, was rolled over by the beating, knocking a hole in the wall before it stopped.

Murphy, who was extremely angry, had even lost the nature of cursing.

Her eyes were cold and murderous.

"Kokonat, let's talk about the matter between me and you later. You'd better be mentally prepared, because it won't be so easy for you to die."

After Murphy beat Coconate, he walked towards Cook.

She looked defenseless, and there was absolutely no hidden weapon under the thin clothes on her body...

Cook is very clear about this.

"Prove it directly with actual actions? I like it." Cook said with a smile.

In his eyes, what Murphy did was like a betrayal.

"Hey, Murphy, calm down!" Luo shouted.

Murphy said with a smile, "Don't worry about me! I'm going to chop this guy up!"

She said, throwing a wink at Cook.

Luo's expression became more serious. Suddenly, he had the illusion that he hadn't seen Mo Fei for many years... He knew very little about her.

For someone who dared to poke his ears deaf, he couldn't hear the content of the conversation between the two, but judging from the expressions of the two, he should have won.

"It's yours, it's yours, but it's not yours... It's useless to force it." Cook looked at the beauty presented to him, and embraced it with a smug smile, "Isn't it? Little beauty?"

Murphy smiled mysteriously, parted his red lips, and exhaled lightly at Cook.

From Luo's perspective, it is very obvious.

It is a green gas.

In the next second, Murphy slipped out of Cook's arms sideways, and the power exploded under her feet. Almost in the blink of an eye, she retreated to Luo's side.

And Cook, who was blindfolded by the green mist, shouted.

"Damn biao, son! What have you done!"

"Plague breath." Mo Fei said lightly, "The demon god Poit is in charge of plagues and diseases. He is recognized as the weakest demon god, but he doesn't know that plagues and diseases are like nightmares to human beings." The presence."

Accompanied by Murphy's unhurried tone, Cook suddenly felt dizzy and light-headed, as if someone had taken away all the strength in his body.

Cook had to withdraw from the full body coverage of the corundum fruit ability, and his strong and generous body fell to his knees with a plop.

His skin was gradually turning green, and the warts on his body were growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No matter how strong the ability is, it can't withstand the plague that devours from within." Murphy said.

"Damn you... 哕——"

Cook tried to speak, but spit out a puddle of filth.

Mo Fei's expression changed, and he said, "Take Coconate out of this space, immediately! Pick me up in 5 minutes! But don't come here, just take me to the next space!"

Luo himself is a doctor. Although he has the blessing of the fruit of surgery, no one understands the power of disease better than him.

Without hesitation, he unfolded the ROOM, took Kokonat out of here, and joined the others.

But now, Cook strongly felt that all his organs were rapidly failing, and all he could think of was begging for mercy.

"Kokonat... Please, spare me. I was wrong... Help me... Hurry up, detoxify me..." He said weakly, trying to crawl over to Murphy with all his strength .

Mo Fei shook his head and said, "You know? I don't want to use this ability. It's not because it can only be effective when released close to the face, but because... I don't have the ability to cure it at all. And the plague is extremely contagious. Except for the ability users themselves, as long as they come into contact with a trace of saliva from a sick patient, they will be immediately infected. And the sick patient will experience pain ranging from three to ten days, waiting to die in despair."

But Cook couldn't hear a word, he just begged blindly.

"Help me, please... I was wrong, I can do whatever you want..."

Mo Fei's eyes were full of pity, and he said in a sad tone, "And...the souls of patients who died from the epidemic will belong to the demon god Poit."

There are only a handful of 'good' demon gods.

As far as Mo Fei knew, among the sixteen demon gods, only Azura and Meridia were harmless.

She can unscrupulously use the abilities given to her by the two of them.

"Although I don't know what they do with your soul, I believe that when they take your soul, it's like a demon controlling your soul. What awaits you must be more terrifying than the torment of the disease..."

"Koko Nat, please, you must have a way..."

"Is there a way? I do seem to have a way to get you rid of the demon god."

"I don't want to die, save me..."

Murphy ignored Cook's cry for help, and just looked at him with cold but sympathetic eyes.

"The only way to save you is... the soul flies away."

(End of this chapter)

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