One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 175 - The Demon God Who Hates the Dead

Chapter 175 - The Demon God Who Hates the Dead

A golden long sword appeared in the palm of Mo Fei's hand, and a light cluster emitting a soft light emanated from the hilt.

When the long sword approached Cook, he actually felt the magical power of being healed.

He closed his eyes and waited for the moment when the disease would clear.

But Cook didn't know that once he closed his eyes, he couldn't open them again.


The long sword went straight into his chest, instantly stopping Cook's heartbeat.

Murphy's expression didn't change much. She backhanded, and the Azura Star condensed in Murphy's palm out of thin air, and then pressed it on Cook's Tianling Cap.

The moment the soul leaves the body, it is first inhaled by the star of Azura.

The dim blue Azura Star instantly turned into a shining scarlet.

The bright red light seemed to be burning Cook's soul.

There are two ways to recharge Azura Star.

One is natural recovery, at least three months.

One is to use the soul recovery of intelligent creatures to determine the degree of recovery according to whether the soul is strong or not.

And the maximum upper limit of Azura Star is closely related to Murphy's strength.

Therefore, at this stage, as long as a guy with similar strength as Cook can fill up instantly.

And the soul sucked into it will be shattered, turned into ashes, and turned into pure soul energy.

The cost is more than that.

Star of Azura utilizes sentient beings to restore souls, a form of necromancy.

And Azura itself is a demon god who strongly resists necromancy, so once this method is used to recharge, Azura's faith will drop.

After finally reaching the level of 90, now it has directly become level 85.

The further you go, the harder it is to upgrade.

After being promoted to this level, Murphy didn't know the year of the monkey.

And now...

The red color of Azura's star shone in Murphy's pupils.

Her expression didn't change much from before.

Murphy was looking for some spectacular excuse to say—

She was doing it for Cook's sake, saving his soul.

But in fact--

Although Murphy felt a little guilty, he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

On the contrary, I feel that the best result for this kind of bastard's soul is to lose his soul.

Mo Fei followed closely after turning into a dark elf, and a fireball hit him.

Looking at Cook... Erion's body was engulfed in flames, and the plague dissipated.

Murphy just watched all this coldly.

She thought that she would be more sad and blame herself even more, and she would never forgive herself for doing such a cruel thing in this life...

But in fact, "there is no wave in my heart and I even want to laugh."

"This is me, what's the matter?" Murphy clutched his forehead, suddenly feeling a little scared.
Five minutes later, Murphy's body was teleported away.

In a flash, he was in the previous room.

This is the master bedroom of the castle. A large bed covered with velvet stands in the center, and several patients lie side by side on it.

"How is it?" Luo Ying came up and asked.

"It's solved." Murphy said, forcing a smile.

"I won't ask what happened," Luo said, "but you need to rest now. Me too...everyone."


Suddenly, Murphy heard someone groaning in pain.

The expression changed instantly.


"Hey, calm down." Luo grabbed Murphy's arm and firmly stopped her who was about to rush to kill.

"You told me to calm down? Do you know what she did with my body! You can't understand what she said!"

"That's why I tell you to calm down... Of course it's not the kind of over-calmness with killing intent." Luo said helplessly, "Her borrowed fruit is different from soul exchange."

"What?" Murphy was taken aback.

"Your injury..." Luo sighed, "It was left when you were Coconate."

Murphy blinked, then suddenly realized.

"Ah, that's right... If it's a soul exchange, my fruit ability should also become a borrowed fruit, but it hasn't changed..."

Luo nodded and said, "Borrowing the fruit means transforming her body into your body's appearance and physique, and transforming your body into hers' appearance and physique. When the borrowing contract is destroyed, this change will not exist."

Therefore, no matter what Kokonat does, she just uses her appearance, not her body. Even if Kokonat is pregnant, after transforming back, the fetus will be in the current Kokonat body. nothing to do.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, "Scared me to death... um, wait?"

If so, did she go a little too far with Cook?
But it's too late to apologize now...

"I seem to feel sorry for someone," Murphy said.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Luo said coldly, "He almost killed you. Even if you don't do it, I won't let him die well."

He still remembered the previous arrow.

If Coconut wasn't that fat, the arrow might have pierced through the heart.

Everyone took a rest here, and Luo finished treating their wounds.

Afterwards, Murphy took out the Azura Star again to restore Luo's strength.

Although Luo didn't say anything, but looking at the color of Azura's star, he seemed to have guessed something.

Luo immediately deployed his ability and took everyone to the last room.

Entering this place, it is full of greenery and vitality.

This place seems to be the greenhouse of the former owner of the villa, cultivating various rare flowers, but after a long time, the original precious and famous flowers disappeared, replaced by various weeds with tenacious vitality.

And a certain sheep that lives on weeds eats it happily when everyone else is suffering.

He was lying round and round on the ground, with his hooves turned upside down, and he was still chewing a handful of grass.

"The taste is so-so." Asriel said very critically, and hiccupped by the way.

"If it was really unpalatable, you wouldn't eat so much!" Mo Fei said, "It's a shame I still worry about you!"

Asriel tilted his head, trying to look at Murphy over his tall belly.

"Xiao seem a little strange."

"What's weird?"

"There's... an inexplicable redness surrounding you. It's similar to blood." Asriel said, "Although it was there before, it was very faint. But now you've caught up with those pirates."

"Bloody gas? What is that?" Murphy asked.

"I can't tell..." Asriel tried hard to turn over, his chubby body was supported by four small hooves, and he walked over, "After eating the fruit power, some people will be surrounded by warm white light, and some people will be surrounded by warm white light." Surrounded by red light... I rarely see white light, and there may be three or four people up to now. But I have seen many people with red light, all of them are pirates. You also had it before, and it is not as thick as it is now."

Asriel asked, "What happened?"

Murphy was silent, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Nothing happened."

(End of this chapter)

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