One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 178 175 - See you at 8pm

Chapter 178 175 - See you at eight o'clock in the evening

Smoker squinted to see the ship speed away.

In terms of strength, he really can't beat the opponent.

The vortex spider Skuad is not only a famous pirate in the new world, but also a character who once fought against the pirate king Roger and survived.

However, Smoker knew that he was still a pirate under Whitebeard.Whitebeard is the more moderate faction among the four emperors, and most of the other pirate groups have inherited Whitebeard's habits, and they will not do things like burning, killing and looting.

And when they encounter the navy, as long as they don't force them too much, they will not kill them.

The reason why Smoker pursued him so hard was not because of the justice in his heart...but because of curiosity.

These pirates from the new world somehow ran to the starting point of the great route, what did they do?
Even for seasoned sailors, the journey is by no means easy.

If it wasn't for something that had to be done, these old guys wouldn't just leave their one-acre three-point land casually.

And now...

Smoker knew.

The black tapped phone bug in front of him said it all.

Smoker's ship is a ship borrowed by Zhan Chengxi in friendship, directly borrowed from the nearby islands. Although the owner of this ship is a vice admiral, he is very happy because of the face of the admiral of the navy. lent it to him.

And the configuration on the ship is all the highest configuration, even including the newly developed phone-tapping bug by Vegapunk. Although it is only in the experimental stage, judging from the reaction just now, the anti-tapping device on the other ship has no effect at all. Didn't even notice the eavesdropping.

So it was a success.

"It turned out to be Whitebeard's daughter..." Da Siqi stared with frightened eyes, "No wonder he dared to be so crazy, so he has a backer."

Smoker raised his eyebrows, "Not necessarily. If she wants to use a backer, her surname should not be Basil, but Edward."

"We need to tell the Marshal of the Warring States immediately about this matter. This is a big deal." Da Siqi said.

Smoker stopped him, "I'll report to my superiors later. Contact Major General Zhan Chengxi first."

The plan in my heart has already taken shape.
Two days later.

Kuina and the others recovered quickly from their injuries, and Murphy's recovery speed was even more astonishing.

In the simple medical room, Luo performed the last full body examination on Murphy...

Luo really wanted to check without using his ability.

cough cough...

But just think about it.

It is probably because Cocona's special benefits are a bit too much, so even on a sunny day, Murphy is still wearing long pants and long sleeves, which seems to be a bit of a sequelae.

"ROOM, scan."

Swept across Murphy's body with the handle upright.

What Luo saw was someone completely healed.

It stands to reason that internal injuries are more difficult to treat than external injuries, but how did she recover so quickly.

Luo expressed surprise, saying that Dantao has such an amazing ability?

For Luo, Murphy felt that there was nothing to hide.Luo now fully knows what they saw and heard in the rainbow fog.

Luo couldn't help wondering if he relied too much on his fruit ability, and he slackened his practice during this period, but Murphy was catching up step by step.Didn't Luffy and the others recover faster than this?

Compared with them, Murphy is already lagging behind, right?

"By the way, Luo, is there anything else tonight?" Murphy asked blushing slightly.

"It's okay." Luo replied decisively.

As smart as he is, why didn't he notice what Murphy was going to do.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, I will wait for you in the captain's cabin. I have something very important to tell you." Murphy said.

Luo Mian responded without changing his expression, but in fact his heart had already blossomed with joy.

It was after he separated from the little girl that he realized his true intentions.

Regret all the time.

What about her?

when will she...

【Luo, actually I was very early...】

Just thinking of that blush cheek, he couldn't hold back any longer. He went out immediately, put on a black suit that he was most proud of, and tidied up the corners carefully.

He even borrowed cologne from Cavendish and dressed himself like a groom attending a wedding.

And the large bouquet of roses that I also asked for from Cavendish is placed in my room, and I can switch my hands by turning on the ability at any time.

That night-

Luo hesitated at the door for a long time, silently rehearsing his lines in his heart.

When he was finally about to knock on the door, someone stood behind him.

Turning around, it turned out to be Murphy who was well-dressed.

Her pretty face was covered with warm colors and light makeup, which made her a little less childish and a little more charming.

A cherry-colored long dress made the rose color in her eyes more vivid.

...However, why does Luo feel that this dress looks familiar?
Looks like it was worn by Amelia.

But that's right, Murphy boarded the boat very quickly, so he didn't bring any clothes.So I can only borrow one.

However, Luo thought he would not mind at all.

"You are here! Let's go!"

Murphy stepped forward, took Luo's arm affectionately, pushed the door open and entered.

At the same time, someone who was ambushing in the dark followed with a smirk.

Perfume and roses...Cavendi may have to know what someone is doing, let alone let go of the opportunity to watch a good show.

He pressed his ear to the door, listening to the voices inside.
Push the door in.

In the last second, Luo's heart beat violently.

In the next second, my heart plummeted into the cold water.

With a sullen face, Luo looked at the few people who had been waiting in the house.

Frostmoon Kuina, Charlotte Breen...

And that damn goat, like himself, was wearing a black suit.What's even more exasperating is that this guy's suit is still rolled in gold.

Comparing the two, he is more like a housekeeper.

"Miss Murphy, calling all of us here must be a very serious matter." Brin said in a slightly worried tone.

Kuina yawned for a long time, "Hurry up. I have to rest early. I have to get up for training at four o'clock tomorrow."

"Are you in good health?" Murphy glared at her. "Training can only be done at seven o'clock. It's not negotiable. If you dare to get up early, I'll put sleeping pills in your meal tomorrow."

"It feels like an old lady." Guina smiled helplessly, "So, what's the matter?"

Murphy walked to the middle of the captain's cabin, coughed twice and said.

"I know that my experience is shallow. In fact, to be honest, I am a little unconfident... But, I swear, I will do everything I should do as a captain."

Her eyes were firm.

"Everyone, would you like to join my pirate team?"

Kuina laughed and said, "What should I be? Wasn't I one of them five years ago? Don't count your words now."

Asriel shook his head helplessly, "It's a pirate after all...but there's nothing you can do about it, Tianlong people. I will follow you two girls to prevent you from getting lost on the road of life."

He always wants to give the Warring States an explanation.

"What about you? Trafalgaro? Would you like to be the deputy captain of my pirate team?" Murphy asked.

(End of this chapter)

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