One Piece I want to go home

179 Chapter 176 - This Name Is Destined to Resound

179 Chapter 176 - This Name Is Destined to Resound
"Name." Luo said.

It couldn't be easier to give a pirate group a name.

But Luo knew that this was not easy for Murphy.

Because in her heart, this name is equivalent to an oath.

I will definitely bear the oath of the captain's name.

Mo Fei smiled brightly, and a golden long sword condensed out of thin air in his hand.

She spit out two words.

"breaking Dawn."
Murphy didn't just focus on cultivating during the few years on the Trembling Isle.

She thought hard about her future.

Wanting to go home is not a goal that can be achieved in a while.

Possibly, her own life has been on this road.

And she...

It shouldn't always be thinking about leaving this world early.

You shouldn't always think about how to cut off each other's fetters, and get out of the field with a minimum of sadness.

Now that he is here, Murphy is obliged to spend this time well.

Even if she has to go home for only one day, she must take every minute and every second seriously.

The responsibility of the captain of a ship...

She won't run away any more.
"Dawn Pirates." Luo read it again, "Dawn is born, everything wakes up at dawn, chaos avoids, and evil spirits disappear invisible."

"It's indeed a good name." Kuina said with a smile, "But I think she shouldn't have thought about it that much."

Murphy blushed slightly, "Who said that. I also thought about it for a long time."

Hmm... She thought about it for a long time and wrote a page, but none of them worked. Finally, she came up with it during her cultivation.

Simple and clear, positive and powerful.

"Speaking of..." Brin said, "The color of dawn is very similar to the color of Miss Murphy's pupils."

"Huh? Indeed..." Kuina looked at it seriously.


The lights are turned off.

Asriel appeared holding a candle, walked up to Murphy, and asked her to hold it.

"It's more like that now."

"This is the dawn in the dark..." Mo Fei held the candle with a helpless face, and now she felt that she could frighten everyone by making a funny face.

"Dawn in the darkness... feels good too." Kuina said with great interest.

It was Murphy who pulled her out of the silent darkness and guided her towards dawn.

"That..." Brin raised his hand weakly and said, "I still don't understand, why should I attend such an important meeting?"

"The reason is very simple." Murphy said with a smile, "Brin, you promised me that you would join my pirate group."

The expression on Brin's face didn't tense for a moment.This damn bitch, do you feel that you are easy to be teased!


The door behind him was opened.

Brin quickly restrained her emotions, and she almost showed her feet in front of so many people.

"Hey, hey, it's not interesting to sneak around here without me."

Cavendish, the noble son of the white horse, came in from the door with a tangy rose fragrance.

He didn't know why he had a big bouquet of roses.

Luo's expression changed, when did this guy take his flowers...

"Captain Murphy, today you are also extraordinarily moving, shining like your pure and flawless heart."

Cavendish knelt on one knee with affectionate eyes.

"Get out." Murphy said succinctly.

"Hey, good!"

Cavendish turned and left.

Walking to the door, Cavendish turned around.

Oops, he almost got used to it.

"What are you doing here?" Luo asked dissatisfied.

"What else can I do? Such an important matter doesn't include me. I want to join the Dawn Pirates too!" Cavendish said.

"not welcome."

Murphy and Luo actually expressed their dislike for Cavendish with one voice.

"Hey, I'm a famous pirate with nearly [-] million! I have both strength and beauty! Why don't you let me join?" Cavendish was furious.

When Murphy was a doll five years ago, he hated himself like this.

I thought it would be better when I grew up, but I didn't expect that the fat man who was disgusting was the main body.

But... Cavendish also saw Murphy's heart.

No matter how strong she was once, she knows how weak she is now, and she can still put saving people as the first priority, regardless of her life.

Have a good nature.

Ability to resist its own beauty.

beautiful girl.

Not many can satisfy the three points.

Cavendish only knew Murphy.

As for Kuina and Breen...

Both of them are satisfied with the last two points, and the first point is unknown.

The keen Cavendish always felt that Brin's smile was fake.

"I just don't think much about it." Murphy said lightly.

She doesn't like this narcissist who looks like a girl manga.

"Then you hate him?" Luo asked.

"No." Murphy said.

Cavendish used to speak for Rebecca in the arena, and every sentence was reasonable and convincing.

After that, he was able to let go of his arrogance and join the Straw Hats, which shows that he is not so narcissistic.

"Don't you want to know about his second personality?" Luo continued.

"Of course I do," Murphy said.

"Then let him join, it's barely a usable force." Luo said lightly.

"What is reluctance! I'm not too rare to join! Even if you kneel down and beg me, I won't turn back!" Cavendish shouted.

"Cavendish, Hakuba, are you willing to join my pirate team?" Murphy asked.

"I don't...haha, it's fine!"

Cavendish's face turned ferocious in an instant, and his pupils also changed color, turning into bright gold.

"That little girl joined, and I joined too! She might become stronger! This can be regarded as a fight, haha!"

Hakuba's extremely bold voice.

"Indeed." Kuina's eyes were ignited with fighting spirit, "Murphy, we must let this guy join."

"Hakuba! Don't mess with me!" Cavendish regained his sanity.

Hakuba with golden pupils disappeared.

Cavendish's brow was sweating, and he was panting. Obviously, the fight for personality took a lot of physical strength.


"If you don't join, you don't join!"

Murphy sighed helplessly, it seemed that he really made people angry.My own attitude was a bit bad just now.

She picked up the rose that Cavendish dropped on the ground and gave it to its owner.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Cavendish, would you condescend to join the Dawn Pirates?" Murphy said.

Facing the rose, Cavendish hesitated.

"Cough, Cavendish!" Luo yelled sharply, "If you leave, those ten things won't count!"

Cavendish snatched the rose, "I joined!"

[Scene reappears——

The phone call that I haven't dialed in five years...

"What if I dial?"

"If you dial, I will agree to any conditions."

"Not much to ask for, three."

"Don't say three, ten will do."

"That's ten." Cavendish said jokingly. 】

(End of this chapter)

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