One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 55 - Chapter 54

Chapter 55 - Chapter 54
"Although you should be held accountable for stealing the fruit of the surgery, since you are still young, I will let it go magnanimously."

Charmac St. stretched out his hand, grabbed Mo Fei's hair and pulled her over.

"In my capacity, I can naturally use strong methods. But, I am a kind-hearted Tianlong person. So I plan to use you stupid people's trading methods."

"Let go of her!"

Luo's hand was already on the knife.

But a white shadow sprang out and kicked him flying in an instant.

There is no power to respond.

Luo got up and saw clearly.

It was a strange guy in a white suit and a mask, and in his hand was a long knife that was taken by the other party.

"CP0..." Luo said slowly.

In CP0, there are a group of terrifying monsters, but these monsters are like domesticated pets, and they all work for the Tianlong people.

"Hahaha, it's easy to handle if you know it." Saint Charmac laughed, "Hey, slave, tell them."

CP0, known as a slave, said in a mechanical tone.

"The content of the transaction is as follows. Ryder and Wolff on Swallow Island will no longer be held accountable, and their status as civilians will be restored. Basil Murphy and Basil Deringer will personally accept the guidance of the three admirals of the Navy, and Train them into the mainstay of the navy. There is even a chance to join CP0.”

"Absurd, how can I accept this kind of deal!" Luo shouted.

"No, you will agree." CP0 said, "If you don't accept, Murphy and Ryder will be killed in front of you, and you will be imprisoned, and then watch Delinger and Wolff You are killed by more cruel means. Until you agree, or you die too. It is too coincidental to eat the fruit of the operation and happen to be talented in medicine. But we don't mind waiting a few more years."

The two navies who escorted Murphy and Ryder had no choice but to be angry about this.

There is no need to shy away from the threat of the Tianlong people.

He could even say this in front of the entire naval base.

"Fool, where's your answer?" Saint Charmak tugged at Mo Fei's hair, and the latter had to stand on his feet.

Murphy looked at Luo with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Ro...I don't want to die yet. For us, accept it, please."

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Larns laughed even more, "Little girl, you can only be crazy at ordinary times! When you are about to die, you still cry like a bitch!"

"Murphy..." Ryder looked at Murphy in disbelief, but with complicated emotions.

He didn't want to judge whether what Murphy did was good or evil.

Just because he is also in it.

Ryder didn't want Murphy and Delinger to lose their lives because of this.

"Your little cousin is also begging for mercy." CP0 said lightly.

Luo Momo, it seemed that it was very difficult to make this decision.

"I accept your proposal."

Charmac Saint burst out into a sharp laugh, "Very good very good, then let's start now!"

"Before the operation begins, I need you to sign a contract certificate."

"Okay, okay, no problem." Saint Chalmak is usually not so tolerant, but as long as he thinks about it, he will become an immortal existence. These small requests are completely worthless in his eyes.

"Also, before the operation, I need to do some preparations. This is not a minor operation." Luo said.

"When is the soonest?"

"after one day."

"No." St. Charmac stretched out his hand and pinched Mo Fei's chin. "The slower you are, the less I know what will happen. After all, this little girl is quite juicy."

Luo gritted his teeth, really wanting to cut up this scumbag on the spot.

"Twelve hours."

"Oh? It's enough for me to sleep leisurely. It's a good choice to be accompanied by a beautiful woman."

"Six hours. This is the minimum! If you reduce it any further, I can't guarantee the effect of the operation! During this period, if you dare to touch a hair on them, I will die at the same time!"

"Okay, okay, don't be so angry. Now, hurry up and get ready. Slave, count the time for me." Charmark Saint said.

After all, the other party is his own surgeon, so he can't really be in a hurry.

Even if you are a Tianlong person, when you meet a doctor, you should be counseled.
Afterwards, Charmac St. went to the luxurious residence prepared by Larns, and spent time with the beauty of that residence.

The "minion" followed Luo closely, observing his every move.

Murphy and Ryder were taken back to prison.

And Larns actually followed along.

He made the surrounding navy back down, and then stuck that hideous face in the crack of the Hailou stone prison.

"Hey, little girl. Where is Ghost Ax's treasure?"

"Ghost Axe? I don't know what you're talking about." Mo Fei had tears in his eyes, looking terrified.

"Stop pretending! You know it! You damn brat, you wanted to poison me to death!" Larns slapped the railing angrily.

"I said I don't know, but I don't know!"

"Hey? You little girl is so stubborn! See if I don't take care of you!"

Larns used the key to open the prison door, then picked up the hot iron on the side and poked Murphy.

This is also a punishment used to torture criminals.
It didn't take long for the navy guards outside to hear the screams of a man.

A girl's scream followed, "Ryder!"

They shook their heads impatiently.

Although this matter has never been made public, they still know something.Criminals Ryder and Wolf have a good relationship with the three little ones.

I just don't know what conflict Lieutenant General Larns has with them.Just now he told them not to go there if there was any sound coming from inside.
Deep inside the prison.

Ryder looked at the girl holding the soldering iron in surprise, the Hailoushi handcuffs on her hands had fallen to her feet.Larns in front of him was burned to the point of unconsciousness.

Just now, what happened?
When Larns was about to attack Murphy, she broke free from the handcuffs in an instant, then snatched the soldering iron with her backhand, and gave Larns a blow instead.

The soldering iron was burning... Even Ryder couldn't help clamping his legs when he saw it, and his expression changed drastically.

"The navy doesn't have uniforms suitable for children. In the early days, the uniforms of the three of us were all specially made. Of course, in this prison, there are no special Hailoushi handcuffs for children. Want to break free? It's not too simple. These idiots."

Murphy's tone was steady, without any timidity from before.

She will never understand why this group of people think that people who are handcuffed can never escape?The golden lion who cut off his legs and escaped from the city is the best example.

If it was the same as her hometown, with a clavicle bone, she would not be able to escape if killed.

Then Murphy touched herself, and surprisingly, she took out a bunch of keys from her pocket.

She used the key to unlock Ryder's sea stone handcuffs, as well as the collars around their necks.

"This, what is this..."

Now Ryder was left with nothing but shock.

 Thank you Kabang for the bag, dyed golden feather feathers, meow meow meow two cute rewards~!

(End of this chapter)

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