Chapter 56 55 - The Plan Five Years Ago
"Luo is a person with the ability of the fruit of surgery. The ultimate ability of this fruit of surgery is that he can perform the surgery of immortality at the cost of his own life. You only know this, but Luo himself knew it before he ate the fruit. And he knows from whom he took his life."

"Five years ago, when we stepped into the naval base, Luo already knew what he might face. So he had already made more than ten plans to deal with various situations. This is Plan C, after pretending to agree , waiting for an opportunity to escape. The key was secretly stuffed in by Luo using his ability."

"We like the Jonathans very much, and we even considered giving the navy a chance. But they never know, it's not that we don't want to, but we can't."

"One day, we will leave the Navy."

"And that day is now."

Ryder saw the two marines who had been knocked out, and Murphy calmly took out his own weapon and some belongings from the seizure box.

"Five years ago, that child was only 13 years old, and you were only eight years old..."

"I'm only 13 now, but do you think I look like a child?" Murphy asked back.

Ryder was silent.

Indeed, when he adopted the two of them a few years ago, he already felt that Murphy's mind was a little too mature.

Murphy took out his small phone bug and made a call.

"Hey, is that Mr. Wolfe? Now, leave Swallow Island immediately and escape. Don't let anyone find you... This is not a joke. The situation is like this..."

Murphy relayed the matter briefly and tactfully, and the other side also understood the situation here, and chose to leave Swallow Island.

After hanging up the phone, Murphy was visibly relieved.

Obviously, the Tianlong people had two hostages, Murphy and Ryder, so they didn't send anyone to supervise Wolfe.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank that pig for picking you up from Jincheng City, otherwise I would have to drag Luo to come up with a prison robbery plan." Murphy said with a smile.

blu blu-

The little phone bug in Murphy's hand rang unexpectedly.

It's better to come early than to come by coincidence.

The phone turned out to be Delinger's.

"Sister, I'm at Lieutenant General Jonathan's side. I'm safe. Don't worry."

"So fast?"

"Jonathan came to pick me up on the way. It seems that the matter is urgent."

"Is that so... My sister told you that something broke out."

Murphy said it again tirelessly.

"...Deringer, you stay with Uncle Jonathan right now, and don't leave him even a single step. Afterwards, my sister and brother will go back to pick you up."

"Okay, sister."
On the other side, Luo went to Murphy's room first.

He took down the crystal diamond hanging picture in Murphy's room, and put it in a bag.

The CP0 slave said, "Don't make any crooked ideas. Everyone you care about is in our hands."

"I know what kind of face Tianlong people are. You don't need to remind me of this." Luo said coldly.

When Luo looked up, he saw a navy man walking by, with a distinctive mustache.

Coincidentally, this moustache navy is a racist, he especially discriminates against Delinger, and also hates the three little ones by the way.It caused them a lot of trouble.

"Hey, come here." Luo shouted.

When the mustache Navy saw Luo, he looked disgusted, but the opponent's military rank was higher than his own, so he could only obey orders.

"Colonel Luo, what are your orders?"

"ROOM, transplant."

In the next second, Mustache felt that his perspective changed, and he looked at Colonel Luo from another angle, and the other party actually grabbed a fruit knife from the owl statue on the table and stabbed at him.

The CP0 slave on the other side realized when he saw his body fell to the ground. He subconsciously wanted to draw a knife from his waist, but found nothing.

And these few seconds are enough to determine life and death.

Luo wiped the blood off his face and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he doesn't like killing people, it doesn't mean he can't kill people.

Especially at such critical times.

He looked at the dagger in his hand, couldn't help laughing, then flicked it, and threw it into the owl's mouth.

The handle of the knife turned into the sharp beak of an owl, and there was no sense of disobedience.

Only Murphy would buy such a weird thing.

But this thing saved itself at a critical moment.

Luo decided not to stop her from buying these things in the future.
"What? Such a thing happened?"

Tom and Jerry had happily put the two criminals in prison and waited for their promotion, but they got this news.

Murphy was imprisoned.

Luo wants to perform an operation on the Tianlongren, why not an old operation.

The condition is Colonel Luo's life.

The Tianlong people didn't deliberately block the news, probably because they felt that it didn't matter if it leaked.

After hearing this, Tom and Jerry were very angry, but the friends around them advised them to calm down.

It's useless even if they like the three little ones, the other party is a Tianlong person.

Tom and Jerry took a big sip of the stuffed wine, and they looked at each other, seeing determination in each other's eyes.

I heard that the Tianlong people are arrogant and do everything.

But that is hearsay after all.

The two listened to it as a joke.

But once you put it on yourself...

They decided not to let it go.

The two entered the prison, and then...

They bumped into each other cheek to cheek with Murphy and Ryder who were about to leave.

"Haha, as expected of Captain Murphy, nothing can stop you." Jerry laughed.

"And what about Colonel Rowe?" asked Tom.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here." Murphy was displeased.

"We're here to help you escape..."

"Help me! It's good if you don't cause trouble!" Murphy was angry.

The two of them... were utterly disgusted.

"We're fully prepared to come to our senses!" Jerry said seriously.

"What awareness? Do your old parents have the awareness of sacrifice? Tom, are your wife and children ready? The other party is from Tianlong, and can do any disgusting things! Do you think this is a joke?" Murphy snapped.

Tom and Jerry got rid of the drink immediately and became somewhat sober.

Looking at the bewildered expressions of the two of them, Murphy felt a little distressed and said with a sigh.

"Listen, you met me who was running away, and you tried to stop me, and then you were knocked out, you know? But ordinary acting skills can't be fooled... So now, attack me and do your best."

Tom and Jerry hesitated.

Mo Fei smiled and said, "Do you think you two ten-year-old children can really beat me? Hurry up! Pick up your weapon!"

Seeing that they were still hesitant, Mo Fei shook his head and picked up the knife in his hand.

"But I won't show mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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