One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 68 - Chapter 67

Chapter 68 - Chapter 67
A certain drunken alcoholic was very depressed because his wife cheated on him and his child went out to sea, so he spent all his time drinking away his worries.

Today, he wobbled and arrived in the blink of an eye, the group of cemeteries in the back mountain.

The gloomy cold wind woke him up a bit, and after identifying the tombstone, he sat in front of his ex-wife's grave and complained, and then vomited.

A watchman with a lantern came over to persuade him to go home early.Otherwise, his disrespectful behavior will cause some bad things, follow him home.

"Hahaha, if there were ghosts, my ex-wife who was pissed off would have crawled out of the cemetery long ago, pointed at my nose and scolded me for what she deserves! Said she had said it a long time ago, that woman is not a good thing! Temper, wear a bunch of cuckolds on me sooner or later! I don't believe it, so...hahahaha!"

He laughed.

But by the moonlight, I could see that the watchman's complexion was getting paler and paler.

The spanking man opened his mouth slightly, as if his scream was stuck in his throat.

The watchman stretched out his trembling hand and pointed the drunkard in a direction.

"You can't scare me. I haven't seen anything..."

When the drunkard turned his head, he saw a coffin flying up.

It was vaguely visible that there was a terrible shovel stuck on the coffin.

Gala Gala——

The coffin lid was slowly opened, and a stench came from it, from which the mummy floated out with its neck twisted.

For a moment, the drunkard felt that his eyes met the eyes of the mummy.

"There's a ghost!"

Drunks and watchmen screamed.


Immediately afterwards, on the hillside, the girl's screams sounded like an evil spirit urging her to die.


The drunkard and the beater were so frightened that they disappeared in a flash.
on the hill.

When the drunkard and the watchman ran away, the mummy fell to the ground with a plop.

Luo clutched his heart, if he hadn't kept his mouth shut, he would have almost flew out.

He wasn't frightened by the screams of the two men, but it was Murphy's sharp screams that frightened him half to death.

"What are you shouting for?"

There was cold sweat on Murphy's forehead, and his heart was pounding.

"Here, in the middle of the night, why are there still people?"

She was already guilty and a little scared, but at the critical moment, an unknown scream came from a distance.

Whoever it is, will be shocked.

"Hey, dropped her on the floor, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, she lost weight, your shovel didn't poke someone. Hurry up." Luo urged.

Murphy hurriedly responded, brought the phylactery, walked up to the mummy, and opened the phylactery.

They were right to choose to open now.

Inside was a handful of streamer, tilted slightly, and sprinkled on the mummy.

The mummy was filled with the power of life little by little, and the skin gradually recovered its elasticity.

Murphy covered the opponent's body with the cloth he brought.

"Amazing..." Murphy exclaimed.

Within a minute, lying in front of them was a young girl who was about the same age as Murphy.

"Murphy, let's go." Luo reminded.

He seemed to see a flame flickering in front of him.

It should be the person just now, which alarmed the villagers.

Murphy turned around, picked up the girl, and left the place.
Sauron felt restless during the day today.

In the middle of the night, the drunkard and the watchman made a scene, saying that they saw flying coffins and floating mummies in the cemetery.

That place is on the slope.

That is the tomb of Guina.

If it was just a drunkard, no one would believe it, but the watchman is an honest man and is deeply trusted by the townspeople.

So they decided to form a small team to find out.

Sauron immediately joined them.

Everyone came to the tomb in fear, but what awaited them was the hollowed out cemetery.

"It's a grave robber." The village head said.

Sauron was furious, "Bastard, I must find them!"

Kuina is his reverse scale, and no one can touch it.
some hotel.

Luo stood guard outside the door, and he didn't go in until Murphy said it was ok.

The girl was sober, she was sober, but her eyes were dull, as dull as a puppet.

With Murphy's help, he took a shower and changed into Murphy's clothes.

" you remember who you are?" Murphy asked.

Kuina's eyes flickered, but she became more and more silent.

"Oops," Murphy said.

It was as if they had only resurrected the body, but not her soul.

"Rest first. Let's talk about the rest tomorrow." Luo said.

Murphy had to agree.

She was lying on the bed with Guina, and Murphy carefully tucked the quilt into place. After all, it was just a body, and Murphy had the responsibility to take good care of it.

"I'm right next door, call me if you need anything," Luo said.

Hearing Murphy's answer, Luo turned off the light in Murphy's room and prepared to leave.


There was a faint voice.

Both of them were startled, and looked at someone in horror.

"Tomorrow, you will take me away. People like me, go back to heaven or hell? If I can enter reincarnation, I want to be a boy in my next life... Even if I am not a boy, it is fine, what kind of beast, fish, or even a bug It’s okay. Just don’t let me be a girl anymore.”

Kuina's voice was slow and very calm.

But Murphy could hear the sadness in it.

"We are not impermanent in black and white, nor are we guides in the underworld." Murphy said.

"I said, why have I never heard of such a strange ecstasy. Then who are you?"

"The person who resurrected you," Murphy said.

After a few minutes.

Kuina heard everything from Murphy.

But there was no joy on her face.

Instead, with pain.

"...Why? Why am I the one who was resurrected?" Kuina said, "There are tens of thousands of people in the world who want to be resurrected, but I am not one of them. Let me go."

Two lines of clear tears slid across her face.

Only then did Murphy realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Didn't you...didn't you fall to get the whetstone?"

Kuina lowered her head, her eyes dimmed.

"So, is this how I died?"

"In the end what happened!"

But Guina was silent and did not say a word.

It's not a problem for a few people to stare at each other in the middle of the night.

She decided to rest first, no matter what the question was, as long as she was alive, she could ask it.

However, less than half an hour after Murphy lay down, she felt someone step over her, followed by the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

Mo Fei woke up suddenly, and when he turned his head, he saw that in the darkness, Kuina was holding her green lantern knife and was about to commit seppuku.

"Are you crazy!" Murphy snatched the weapon over.

Kuina got into the quilt silently.

But Murphy didn't dare to sleep anymore, holding the blue lantern, staring at Kuina.

until dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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