One Piece I want to go home

69 Chapter 68 - The Gray Monster

69 Chapter 68 - The Gray Monster

The sun rises, the birds sing in the morning, and someone sleeps soundly.


Mo Fei's head hit the handle of the knife, leaving a red mark on his forehead.

Looking over there, Gu Yina had already hung herself on the beam of the house, using a quilt that was torn into strips.

Her legs thrashed, struggling with pain.

Murphy panicked and rescued her from the beam.

"What the hell happened! You said it!" Murphy asked.

But Guina covered her face and wept.


Luo knocked on the door and entered during breakfast, and brought a light breakfast bought from the street.

Murphy pulled Luo, and while looking at Guina from the corner of his eye, he whispered to Luo.

The cause of Kuina's death is not that simple. Seeing that Kuina didn't want to mention it, it is likely to be related to violence. Maybe it's what a disgusting uncle who likes loli did to her.

Luo nodded and said that he would go back to the village today to inquire about the situation, and asked Mo Fei to watch Kuina and not run around.

If the villagers saw the guy who came back from the dead, they would only think it was a zombie coming out of the cage.

But after leaving, Luo always felt that Murphy's description was a bit uncomfortable.

Disgusting uncle who likes loli?

He was lost in thought.

I don't know if I don't come out, it turns out that the village has already exploded.

Although Kozaburo Shimotsuki is not the village head here, he made great contributions to the construction of the village in the early days, and even repelled countless pirates.

So the village here is named after his surname.

Today, the tomb of Kozaburo Shimotsuki's granddaughter was stolen, which is considered a major event.

Now, investigate in the whole village.

The key suspects were the few foreigners who had just moved in.

Among them, Luo and Murphy are the least suspected.

Because their brothers and sisters look too young, and they are not wretched.

Now they have detained a middle-aged man in his [-]s or [-]s. He squinted his eyes and looked like a mouse, claiming to be a busker who traveled around the islands.

However, he has already been labeled as a tomb robber and is being questioned severely.

Among the crowd, the most obvious one was probably the green-haired kid.He was arguing that he would definitely kill the tomb robber, but he was chased away by a polite man with glasses.

Luo recalled Murphy's description and thought, this guy is probably Nonoroya Zoro.

He was a little curious about what kind of person could make Murphy admire him.He was supposed to stay here to inquire about the news with the villagers, but unexpectedly followed him.

"Who are you guy?"

The other party asked warily.His voice was displeased, obviously angry.

"Shuangyue Kuina, do you care about that girl?" Luo said.

"none of your business."

"Do you know how she died?"

Sauron was stunned for a moment, and his face sank instantly.

"If you are just curious, please get out of here. You are not welcome in this village."

"It seems that you don't know?"

"what do you know?"

Luo didn't answer, just turned and left.

And in the next second, he felt the killing intent behind him.

"You bastard, tell me clearly before you go!" Sauron yelled, picked up the branch beside him, and chopped it with the branch instead of the knife.

Knowing the color domineering and predicting in advance, Luo sharply dodged.

With a backhand, he grabbed Sauron's wrist and pinched the acupuncture points on his wrist.

As soon as he exerted force, Sauron's wrist hurt, and the branch fell off.

"But that's all." Luo said coldly, and left gracefully.

Luo turned around and came to the interrogation place. Although he couldn't see the specific interrogation, the villagers who heard it outside said that the other party might have found an alibi.

Some widow in the village.

Luo Xin said it's bad, then they will be interrogated next.
Sauron stood there, holding his wrist, silent for a long time.

That guy is definitely not something simple.

Although he sounded a reminder behind him, the attack could not be easily dodged.

Not to mention being captured accurately, he will lead an army.

And what the other party said made Sauron very concerned.

He noticed the person and followed.

Sure enough, he saw this person inquiring about Kuina, and left in a hurry after learning that the foreigner who was having an affair had been cleared of his suspicion.

Sauron followed closely.


Sauron did not expect that he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The man opened the door, and inside the door was a gray sharp-eared monster with a pair of scarlet eyes, grabbing the terrified Kuina and refusing to let go.

He was sure he hadn't misunderstood the person.

Even though two years had passed, Kuina's voice and appearance still remained in his heart.

The monster found him the first time, and a raging flame was ignited all over his body.

A heat wave hit his face, Sauron slammed into the wall fiercely, and lost consciousness.

And this simple, all-wooden hotel ignited a raging fire.
When Sauron woke up again, the hotel had been reduced to ashes.

According to the hotel owner, when the fire broke out, everyone inside the hotel was sent out of the hotel by a mysterious force.

No one was injured or injured.

But what makes one's spine chill is that, among all the people, they are missing the brothers and sisters from other lands they are going to interrogate.

"That's a monster!" shouted Zoro. "There was a gray monster with pointed ears and red eyes! It wanted to eat Kuina! Then I was found, and there was a fire! Yes, I read that right, That's Kuina! The real Kuina!"

Everyone thought Sauron was talking nonsense, and he was even sent to a doctor for forced treatment.

Until...he found a wanted warrant.

A wanted warrant for 2000 million yuan.

Written with the name Trafalgar Valtier Rowe.

And the man above was the mysterious person who had left strange words with him that day.

"2000 million..."

He recited this number silently, the matter had come to this point, what Sauron had to do was already very simple.

Become stronger.

Then find this man.

Ask the truth.

Zoro began to train harder. The difficulty of that kind of assiduousness once made Shimotsuki Koshiro terrified.
In a snail houseboat.

Murphy was negative, like a bunch of snails.

"You said, Sauron, there should be no misunderstanding, right?"

Kuina has been depressed, waiting for an opportunity to die.

Murphy told so many jokes that it didn't work, so he thought of turning into a dark elf to attract her attention.

As a result, Kuina saw herself and was about to scream.

She subconsciously covered Kuina's mouth.

At the same time, Luo pushed open the door.

Beyond Luo's figure, a green shadow swayed far away.

Even if Murphy forgot the last six digits of his ID card, he would never forget the iconic green algae head.

"Zoro..." she said softly.

And Luo heard it clearly.

"That guy is coming after all." Luo said, "Murphy, destroy this hotel with flames. Hurry up!"

Murphy subconsciously followed suit, and it turned out...

(End of this chapter)

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