One Piece I want to go home

77 Chapter 76 - True Strength

77 Chapter 76 - True Strength
Regrets have never been so quick.

The second she agreed to join, Kuina felt like an idiot.

She was taken to the middle of a ship full of navy.

Kuina has the confidence to face several sea soldiers, but she has no confidence to face a group of soldiers!

"Little girl?" a navy questioned.

"Don't underestimate them!" Said the navy next to them, "That's a wanted criminal who used to be 6000 million! Their companions must also be monsters!"

As a result, these navies are all ready to fight, and they have no intention of releasing water.

Kuina barely wounded several marines with the weapon in her hand, but was surrounded by people coming from behind.

There are at least 800 people on this ship, what are they thinking!
"Lan feet!"

An invisible wind blade descended from the sky, instantly sweeping several marines surrounding her directly into the sea.

The sea water was slightly bloody, and the navy was struggling in the sea water.

"What are you doing standing still?"

While talking to himself, Murphy flexibly avoided the attack.

"You are..." Kuina was surprised.

The strength Murphy showed was completely different from when he was fighting against Ace.

Completely one day, one place.

"Navy six styles, double domineering... you will learn these sooner or later. Now just do your best, Luo and I are here. By the way, it is also a good time to let you know our strength."

Murphy said with a smile.

In the next second, her ears began to change, becoming longer and sharper.

The skin darkens and the eyes turn red.

Her whole body became like a monster.

"This is the fruit ability." Mo Fei said, and the blue lamp blade was ignited with flames. "Guys, who wants to come over first?"

All navies looked timid.

"Stop playing." Luo said lightly, stretched out his hand, and the white storm circle spread, "ROOM, slaughterhouse!"

In the blink of an eye, all the people on board were thrown into the sea, but there were countless struggling fish on board.

However, there was only one person left who was wearing a navy cloak and who looked like he was in the highest position.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Murphy asked.

It was a fierce uncle with dark skin, sunglasses, and scars on his face.

"Commander Maynard," he said.

Murphy squinted his eyes, and seemed to have a little impression of the name, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Many lieutenant generals appeared in the Dingshang War, and she guessed that it should have appeared at that time.

And those who appear in the top battle represent the powerful group.

"What happened?" Luo stepped forward, "Why did my bounty increase?"

"You still don't know why?" Maynard said with a sullen face, looking at Murphy, "You used the fruit of the operation to control Captain Charles Murphy, and you want to use her as a shield. This ability is too tricky."

Murphy frowned, "He didn't control me. Where did you get this information?"

But at this moment, Maynard's eyes seemed to be full of sympathy.

"Captain Murphy, a person who is controlled by the fruit of the operation cannot feel that he is controlled."

"The fruit of the operation does not have this ability." Luo said coldly.

"Stop quibbling." Maynard pulled out the knife at his waist, "This matter was told by Marshal Warring States himself, and he was the one who had met the holder of the previous generation's operation fruit. He will never be wrong. "

"Marshal of the Warring States Period?" Murphy was surprised.

He had seen the owner of the previous generation, which Murphy believed.Taking a step back, even if the fruit of the surgery really has the ability to control the head, Marshal Warring States should not be able to conclude that he is being controlled.

Why do you want to do this?
Maynard looked at the three of them, a little nervous.

"I once heard that Buck and Greenbeard were arrested before you defected. The strength of the two of you must be far above the title. It's just... I will not back down. I have already notified the reinforcements, and they will soon will come. I will use my life to keep you here."

Murphy and Luo looked at each other, and both of them saw helplessness in their eyes.

Luo pondered for a while, and said, "I have no intention of targeting you conscientious navy. The reason why I left is because the Tianlong people want my life. As for the control, it is even more nonsense."

Murphy folded his hands, as if thinking about why the marshal wanted to come forward.

His parents are just ordinary people.

Could it be that the fruit of the operation attracted a certain powerful Tianlong person?
That's not right... because there is no need to revoke her arrest warrant.

Wouldn't it be better if the bounties for both of them were increased?

Murphy was puzzled.

"Murphy, get ready to work." Luo said, opening the room.

In a place like this, there is no avoiding it.

Just as Maynard made a move, he was thrown into the sea the next second.

At this moment, Murphy told his hands that a huge fireball was ready.

A fireball fell down, and the whole ship was ablaze.


Using their abilities again, the three of them had already returned to the snail boat house.

Some of Kuina, who was still immersed in the battle just now, saw Luo holding Murphy's neck in one hand, and she was weak and drooping with all four limbs.

"It's too blue." Murphy said, "Guina, please wake Lilith up, we are going to go. The direction...Northwest."

"" Kuina responded.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

A fiery red figure ran over, and the boy's face was full of unwillingness.

"You bastard! You keep talking about a fair fight! Didn't you use your strength!" Ace shouted angrily.

He just saw it all.

Luo lifted Murphy, who looked like a cat with its neck pinched.

"I didn't use those strange moves, just to put you and me on the same level. You will learn those things sooner or later. I don't want to be quick for a while, after losing." Murphy said.


"Uh...Navy Type Six. Armed and domineering, knowledge-like and domineering... You can ask Lieutenant General Garp about these things."

"You know Lieutenant General Garp?"

Murphy chuckled, "Luffy told me."

Luffy was full of question marks, and didn't remember that he had ever said such a thing.

Ace thought for a moment and looked at Murphy.

"The next time we meet, I will learn all of them. Then, let's fight again and go all out...Charles Murphy!"

"Just call me Murphy. I don't have much to do with this surname." Murphy said, "It's decided. Portgas D Ace."

"Hey, you guy..."

"Hey, it's still what Luffy said."

Murphy smiled happily.

Luffy tilted his head, still can't remember when he said it.


Lilith suddenly emerged from the shell.

"Let's go~ See you again!" Murphy said.

Luo then raised her right hand and swung it from side to side.

"Hey, you bastard, I'm not a puppet!" Murphy scolded.

"I misunderstood the wrong meaning. Do you want to say goodbye like this?" Luo said, but he let go, and instead grabbed her wrists and raised her hands up.

"Trafalgaroo! You're dead! Do you hear me! You're dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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