One Piece I want to go home

78 Chapter 77 - Returning to Frost Moon Village

78 Chapter 77 - Returning to Frost Moon Village

While on the boat, Murphy had already begun to teach Guina the tricks of domineering.

What's frightening is that in just one day, Kuina was able to use the armed domineering color.

Genius is terrifying.

At the same time, since she is already a member of the Murphy Pirates, there is no need to hide her abilities.

And they returned to Frostmoon Island just for the soul box of Talos.

Murphy asked Kuina, do you know anything about Talos?
The other party shook her head and said that she could only think of the oldest old Barolo woman in the village, but she had passed away three years ago.

For the rest, Kuina really couldn't think of anyone who might know.

"Does she have a son or daughter?" Murphy asked.

If she had children, what might have been revealed.

"Let me see... her son and daughter-in-law died in a shipwreck a few years ago, but she single-handedly raised her only grandson. If nothing has changed in the past two years, he should still be there The blacksmith at the east end of the village is Uncle Baroques Blacksmith."

Murphy nodded, praying that he would know something.

"Murphy, speaking of it, there is a key question that I haven't asked."

"Please say."

"What's the name of your... pirate group?" Kuina said.

Her question was very common, but it stumped Murphy.

"This one……"

Coincidentally, Luo, who had been concentrating on reading, also turned the book slightly and stared at Murphy.

There was cold sweat on Murphy's forehead.

"Then how about...calling the Murphy Pirates directly?"

"Objection." Luo said lightly.

"What do you say!"

"Heart Pirates, that's a good name."

"I'm against it too! Kuina, what proposal do you have?"

"The First Pirates."

Kuina had a serious expression, without a hint of joking.

"Uh... I think we should think about the name again. After all, it is a matter of caution. It's too crazy, and it's not good." Murphy said with a smile.

Luo didn't speak, but flipped through the book and turned his attention back to his eyes, obviously agreeing with what Murphy said.
a few days later.

They arrived at Frostmoon Island late at night.

Murphy was carrying a fully equipped toolkit, ready to rescue the temple buried by mudslides.

Luo is also full of energy.

But when they arrived at the ruins of the temple, they stared dumbfounded at everything in front of them.

The temple... has been excavated in advance.

This is only half a month.

Holding torches, the three of them walked into the temple cautiously.

The temple is much smaller than the temple of Akai, and it is also much simpler.

It feels like a stepmother was born here.

In the center, stands a statue of a sword-wielding warrior without a head, and in front of him is a small altar in the shape of a sword and shield.

Murphy found a hole under the statue, and it was empty.

Based on the previous experience, Mo Fei speculated that they should have taken the soul box from it.

Since Murphy and Luo had already shown up in the village, even if it was a disguise, as long as the two of them walked together, they might be recognized.

After all, the 1.9-meter elder brother and the younger sister with a pair of rose-colored pupils should not be too eye-catching.

After discussion, Guina decided to disguise and act with her "timid" younger sister, Guerna, who covered her eyes with wig bangs.

Sure enough, Kuina knew the situation of the village, and soon got the news from the most trustworthy people in the village.

It is said that a while ago, someone who claimed to be Shichibukai's subordinate asked about the remains of Talos.

No one knew that they used a method to open up the temple in just two or three days.

The man said that the other party claimed to be from the "Sugar Chicken Hehe" family, and the leader was a wretched uncle with a runny nose.

In addition, the other party can no longer provide them with any valid information.

Mo Fei's expression changed instantly, and he pulled Kuina away.

"It's a member of the Don Quixote family. The leader should be the second in command of the Don Quixote family, Torrebol."

Guina's forehead was filled with confusion.

For them, the meaning of Qiwuhai is not very clear, let alone its members.

Murphy had no choice but to popularize knowledge with her in detail, and then talked about Luo's relationship with them.

Even without any emotional rendering, Luo's story is enough to touch the heartstrings.

"I really didn't expect it." Kuina looked sad, "He had such an experience."

Kuina only felt in her heart that what happened to her was nothing compared to him.

But the other party was struggling to survive, while he shamefully wanted to escape.

"Then how did you meet him?" she asked.

Murphy smiled mysteriously, saying that she would gradually understand later.Don't be in a hurry.

Instead, they went to the home of Uncle Baroques and asked about Talos.

Baroques thought about it seriously, and said that his grandma had always been nagging, and told him a lot of weird legends when he was a child, but he can't remember too many now.

However, he remembered that Talos belonged to the Eight Holy Spirits, and the opponents of the Eight Holy Spirits were the Sixteen Demon Gods.

"Demon God?" Murphy's eyes changed.

This number is exactly equivalent to the number of doors in the pagan shrine.

It's a pity that the other party didn't know.Even if she said the name Azura, the other party had no impression at all.

Murphy was frustrated and planned to return without success, but Kuina thought of something.

"Then did she leave any books? Or notes?"

"Well... Ah, yes! She does have a notebook! But the self on it is too scribbled, and I have never been able to understand what is written."

The blacksmith dug out the deepest box under the bed, a brown cowhide journal with scratches full of years.

"If this can help you, you can take it."

The other party generously gave them what the old lady Barolo had left behind.

Before leaving, the blacksmith looked at Kuina seriously.

"I always feel like I've seen you somewhere before?"

Kuina shook her head hastily, "I look very ordinary, and I have a public face, and people often say that."

"Uncle blacksmith! Help me fix this knife!"

In the distance, someone shouted.

Looking back, Kuina was frightened and trembled all over her body.

How can I not die, but Sauron!

Kuina left as if fleeing famine, but she didn't know that Sauron's eyes had been following his back.

"I always feel like I've seen it somewhere..."

"You also think it looks familiar." The blacksmith rubbed his chin, "But who is she?"
After leaving, Murphy asked tentatively.

"Aren't you going to tell them the news of your resurrection? I don't care. I won't keep the soul box as a secret."

"It's better to keep it a secret, just to be cautious." Kuina said, "Oh, by the way, can we leave tomorrow?"

"what happened?"

"Tonight, I'm saying goodbye to someone."

(End of this chapter)

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