One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 94 - Time Limit: Rainbow Fog

Chapter 94 - Time Limit: Rainbow Fog


Murphy has a love-hate relationship with the name.

This means that she has a long way to go home, and the primary goal of surviving is definitely not a joke.

But in other words, she doesn't have to worry about disappointing them, and even has a reason to form a pirate group.

On such a sea, the Lone Ranger can't go far.

It is definitely not a beautiful thing to say, and mutual support is the only way to go on.

"It's really complicated..." Mo Fei sighed.

[Task 28: Go to the rainbow fog and open the good box. 】【Time limit: 24 hours】

Murphy was thinking wildly, but the task was suddenly updated, and he was taken aback.

"Time limit?"

Murphy gritted her teeth. She swore that the task she hated the most was this kind of task!
Immediately she jumped out of the pagan portico and out of the cabin.

When she came to the deck, she discovered that there was a second red dotted line on the sea level.

"I want to see what that thing is."

Murphy said something.

"Guina, help me! Turn the boat around!"

"Huh? Where are you going?"

Kuina, who was cleaning the blue lamp, raised her head and asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, it is a rainbow fog."
A day later, the island without salt.

A ship flying the heart pirate flag docks.

In the past month or so, there has been an uproar, and the crew recruited by Trafalgarro has spread across most of the East China Sea. No one does not know what this flag means.

But, didn't they hear that the other party had already set out on the great route?

Why are you still here?
However, as soon as their crew members landed on the island, they immediately questioned everyone.

Two heart-shaped pieces of paper with strange names written on them.

That is a life card, water and fire are invulnerable, and it cannot be destroyed by cutting, so it is very likely that it will still stay here.

Another thing they searched for was a phone bug marked LAW.

After Luo left the island, he couldn't find it.

Finally, LAW's phone bug... the body of the phone bug was found in a dump somewhere.

It is said that this thing was originally picked up by a woman in the dust, and she was going to make a good fortune, but after that, Luo decisively left Wuyan Island, and the phone bug kept ringing, which was annoying, so she simply threw it away. Into the gutter.

No one knows what kind of inhuman experience this phone bug has gone through, and finally its shell was found empty in a garbage dump.

"But the phone number above is still there." Luo Song said with a sigh.

Luo still remembered the little phone bug that Murphy used when he was in the navy, but this phone bug had just been changed, and neither of them could remember the number.Murphy suggested sticking the number directly on the snail shell, but Luo was worried about losing it, so he directly engraved the number on the snail shell with a knife, which also attracted Murphy's questioning.

Said how he hadn't considered the snail's mood.

Luo pursed his lips, thinking that she was fussing over a fuss.

However, it turns out that his approach is correct. The numbers on the snail shell can be opened as long as the stains are washed away.

Dial the number.

Luo took a deep breath and was fully prepared for the scolding from the ground.

But what he was even more afraid of was that there was no response from the other side.

blu blu-

blu blu-


"Hello, who are you?"


"It turned out to be you. I'm Kuina."

"Where's Murphy?"

"There she is..."

"Hey, Kuina, who are you talking to?"


"Hurry up, we're running out of time. The rainbow fog is about to disappear."

"I'm here." Guina said, "Sorry, I'll explain things later."


Although the other party hung up the phone, Luo slumped on the chair like a sigh of relief.

"They're all right."

This is the news that Luo wants to know the most.

The next step is to find their life cards and join them.

"By the way, I haven't asked where they are yet."

Luo continued to dial the phone.

blu blu-

blu blu-

He just listened to this sound for a few minutes.

Luo frowned, hung up and redialed.

Still no one answered.

He pondered for a while, and then dialed Kuina's phone bug.

But the same no one answered.
an hour ago.

Yangshou Island.

Mo Fei swallowed. She never expected that after going around in a circle, the place where the rainbow fog appeared was actually here.

They sailed carefully and circled to the rear of the island.

And as soon as he went around, Mo Fei could clearly see a colorful mist surrounded by a mountain, like an aurora, like a dream.

Murphy and Guina glanced at someone who was still unconscious, and then decisively threw him on the boat. They cleaned up briefly and planned to explore the way first.

"You don't need to bring so many things. Let's just take a look." Murphy said, "Take mine for the phone bug, and leave yours here. If Cavendish wakes up, you can use it to contact us."
Two 10 minutes ago.

"I still can't figure it out, how does the rainbow mist unlock the good box?"

Guina wiped the sweat from her brow.

It looks very close, but when we walked, I didn't expect this fog to be the center of the island.

"It's probably because there are great benevolent people there, and they are puffing clouds over there. Maybe it happens every once in a while, so there is a time limit." Murphy said, and then climbed a tree. Trying to confirm the direction, but saw something unexpected.

"Hey, Kuina, there is a flock of sheep over there! It's a goat! Wow, there is also a lamb, so cute... It seems that not only the island is shaped like a sheep, but also many sheep live here. "

"Can you eat?"

Murphy looked at Kuina seriously.

Guina smiled awkwardly, "I was just joking."

"But I don't think it's a joke." Murphy said, "When we come back later, we can hunt a few. I want to eat lamb...Guina, let me teach you how to cook hot pot, get a charcoal fire."

As he spoke, Murphy swallowed.

Kuina thought, perhaps Murphy was a little more terrifying than she imagined.
2 minutes ago.

They have come before the Rainbow Mist.

blu blu-

The phone rings.

The bag containing the phone bug was on Kuina's body, so she picked it up.

The person who came from the opposite side was a guy called Butterfly.

Although his name was hard to remember, his nickname was like a brand, which Guina could never forget.

Kuina subconsciously looked at Murphy, without telling her who was on the other side of the phone.

Because she remembered, Murphy kept saying that he was going to tear down Butterfly Man.

"Hurry up, we're running out of time. The rainbow fog is about to disappear."

Murphy was urging.

The rainbow fog was just around the corner, and Murphy's countdown was less than 2 minutes away.

"I'm here." Guina said, "Sorry, I'll explain things later."

She hung up the phone and ran after him.

(End of this chapter)

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