One Piece I want to go home

95 Chapter 93 - Rainbow Fog

95 Chapter 93 - Rainbow Fog
"Are you ready?" Murphy swallowed and said.

"There's nothing to be prepared for."

Kuina dropped a sentence, and then walked straight into the rainbow fog in front of her eyes.


Murphy hurriedly followed.

She seriously doubted this guy, Kuina, and didn't know what danger was.

Entering the rainbow mist, Murphy seemed to have stepped into the rainbow house, surrounded by colorful lights all over her body.

Even after watching it many times, Murphy couldn't help but praise it.

But Kuina looked calm, as if she wasn't very interested in the surrounding scene.

The two did not split up their actions, but chose to walk straight down the road in tacit agreement.

In about one or two minutes, the rainbow fog around them began to fade and become thinner, revealing a faint green forest in front of the two of them.

Until the fog completely dissipated, the two were already in a forest.

At first glance, the forest looked the same as the forest they had come to, as if they had simply passed through the rainbow fog.

And directly in front of them was a hillside.

Looking down from here, it is a small village.

The scale is less than a hundred people.

"Yangshou Island is an uninhabited island. There are no villages," Murphy said.

This point, the Don Quixote family can confirm.

"It seems that after we passed through the fog, we came to other strange places."

"Is there any change in the mission?" Kuina asked.

"No." Murphy said, looking behind them, "The rainbow fog has disappeared."

"It seems that we can only go forward." Kuina's eyes were firm.

"Hey, aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"Worried about going back or something."

This is the opposite of the rainbow mist, which is obviously a completely unknown island.

"The bow of the boat is naturally straight. Besides, don't you still have your invincible ability?"

Kuina smiled, then strode away.

Mo Fei was speechless for a while, and said to herself, the last invincible had stopped thinking in space, and she didn't want to become like that.

But thinking back seriously, when Kuina faced Torrebol and the others, Kuina's first reaction turned out to be positive...

She didn't know if it was because of Kuina's original personality, or because she thought that she died once, and she ignored everything.

As Murphy got closer to the village, her mood got better and better.

Because this is the standard paradise in Murphy's impression.

Scattered and simple but neat houses of various colors, chirping birds, gurgling water, and the aroma of mother-like meals wafting in the air.

Residents in the track and field are dressed in simple clothes but not poor, with smiles on their faces and a peaceful atmosphere.

As soon as the two entered the village, they were warmly welcomed by the villagers.

"Are the two from outsiders? It's amazing to be able to come here for such a young friend. The traffic on this island has always been very blocked."

"Little friend, you're starving. Come to my house for dinner. My family just slaughtered a pig today. It's very rich."

"No, no, come to my house. My new goat's milk, the goat's milk cake made by my wife, tastes first-class."

Both Murphy and Guina smiled awkwardly and hurriedly declined.

"Let's talk about the meal later. If possible, can you tell me more about the island?"

"What are you talking about, idiot? Of course these two little girls are coming to my house to eat! My food is richer and more nutritious!" The previous aunt rolled up her sleeves with an angry face.

"You bastard! My wife's cooking is the best in the village, what right do you have to compete with me here! Last year's autumn harvest meeting, I used my son to breed the biggest blood pumpkin in the village! "

"Hey Hey hey……"

Murphy took a step back. What was this uncle talking about?
"come to my home!"

"Don't come to my house!"

The two actually argued about it.

"Two calm down." Kuina said.

But it was this persuasion, which seemed to be persuading the gunpowder between the two of them.

The aunt and uncle instantly set their eyes on Kuina, full of malice.


The two actually grabbed Kuina's shoulders, one left and one right.

"Little girl, come to my house."

"No, let's come to Uncle's house."

"come to my home!"

"my home!"

The two were so childish that one was on the left and the other was on the right, like a tug of war, they began to compete for Kuina.

"Stop it! I see how about the two of you each putting your own food at the entrance of this village? Let everyone comment on who's food is the best." Murphy said.

The two suddenly calmed down and glared at Murphy at the same time.

"You are mentally ill."

And then... off.

All the residents also drove away.

"I... did I come up with some bad idea?" Murphy said.

"No." Kuina replied decisively, "There is something wrong with this village."

Then, an old woman walked over tremblingly, leaning on a cane.

"I'm really sorry, two little girls. Those two have been arguing since childhood, causing us a lot of trouble and scaring you."

"Is that so?"

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, it seemed that there was a reason for the incident.

However, this does not mean that she can ignore what the other party said... the blood pumpkin made by her son.

"Little girls, come to my house to rest. I also have a daughter. Her food is good, and it should be able to fill your hungry stomachs due to the long journey."

"Then, thank you very much." Kuina said.

The two walked with the old woman, but Murphy did not forget to pay attention to the surrounding situation.


Sure enough, an abnormality was found.

These residents who dispersed in a rush, all went about their work step by step, completely ignoring the two of them.

They don't even look at it.

"It always feels weird here."

Once the seeds of doubt were planted, everything Murphy saw was weird.

For example, the shoes on the left and right feet of that person were reversed, that person was chopping firewood with a kitchen knife, and that person was carrying a bucket, but there was not a drop of water in it, but he yelled, "I came back with a full bottle of water!"

It's okay if only one person is like this, but everyone is like this, and Murphy can find a little problem in almost every villager.

"You bastard!"

Suddenly there was a cry, and one person picked up a brick and threw it at another person.

"I told you not to use honorifics! Don't use honorifics! Are you deaf!"

Brick fell down twice, and the man lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Murphy could feel the wave of the man losing his life, and he should have died on the spot.

But the person holding the brick didn't stop yet.

One after another.

Murphy looked around, but all the residents didn't seem to notice it, and none of them took a second look this way.

There was one and only one child passing by, chewing dogtail grass, squatting expressionlessly next to the smashed head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Murphy and Guina looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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