One Piece I want to go home

98 Chapter 96 - Rainbow Fog 4

98 Chapter 96 - Rainbow Fog 4
I have to say that the cooking skills of the Warring States Period are really good.

Murphy looked at him, and didn't throw any strange cat's head in, but normal ingredients.

After a while, the aroma of rice overflowed.

The goat called Asriel also seems to be very docile.

No matter how Murphy and Kuina touched it, it didn't respond.When eating, I just lie there, enjoying the grass in my bowl leisurely.

"This sheep came in with me." Zhan Guo said, "In this crazy village, it is the only one that reminds me to stay awake."

"What's going on in this village?" Murphy said.

"I don't know the specific situation. But the only thing I know is that the people there look normal on the surface, but in fact they are all lunatics. When I first entered the village, I was scolded as an alien. Half of the people in the village They were all chasing and trying to kill me. Someone stopped me later, and I was saved, but as soon as I turned around, he put a noose around my neck. What are you talking about, little Ma Ruili, come home with me, I finally found You're...crazy."

"It's probably conceivable," Kuina said.

Both of them can hardly forget the scene where the woman chased out with the bloody cat's head.

The cat's head's eyes are not completely dead, and the sharp and fierce cat pupils seem to be the resentment before its death.

"This kind of weird violence usually happens in their own village. Just a month ago, the whole village was chasing a pregnant woman, saying that her belly was a devil's fetus. I saved her, But she was stabbed with a dagger and almost died."

Warring States lifted his collar slightly, and there was a hideous scar there.

"The strange thing is..."


"I once inquired that this village has existed for at least a hundred years."

Murphy's expression changed.

Kuina wondered, "What's unexpected?"

Murphy explained, "This village doesn't seem to take human life seriously. Violent incidents occur frequently. And judging by their mental state, I doubt whether their fields can be properly managed. Logically speaking, the number of people will definitely It keeps decreasing, right? Eventually it goes to desolation. But... more than a hundred years? Basically, this kind of absurd village may perish in less than ten years, right?"

"Indeed..." Kuina also found it incredible.

"So no matter what happens in this village, don't worry about's not something we can manage." Zhan Guo said.

Murphy and Guina agreed.

Besides, they didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

"However, it is still possible to do some basic transactions with them on weekdays. Just be careful. And there are many... normal animals on the mountain. Hunting is no problem." Warring States said.

When he was talking, his gaze involuntarily passed the window and looked into the depths of the forest.

"Is there anything to watch out for?"

"Before I tell you, I have to ask, what is your background?" Zhan Guo's eyes became serious.

It seems that one second she was a kind tour guide lady, and the next second she became a police uncle interrogating at the gate.

"we are……"


Murphy spoke out a second before Kuina.

She was really afraid that Kuina would report herself as a pirate without hesitation.

"Navy?" Sengoku showed a skeptical expression.

"Captain Basil Murphy, report to the sir."

Murphy stood up with a standard military salute.

Zhan Guo suddenly laughed, "Don't be kidding, although I can see that the two of you are very skilled and don't look like ordinary little girls, but it is impossible for you to be a navy."

Since you don't believe it, then using actions to prove it is the fastest shortcut.

Without saying a word, Murphy rose up against the crime and launched an attack on the Warring States Period.

Navy six, used one after another.

Surprise flashed in Zhan Guo's eyes, and he reached out and firmly grasped Murphy's finger gun.

"This is really... Only the elites of the navy can learn the six styles of the navy. Even so, there are not many who can fully master the six styles. How old are you this year?"

"Twelve...It's going to be my 13th birthday soon." Murphy smiled slightly, "The title of captain doesn't come for nothing. I don't mind if you praise me as a genius."

"So is she?"

"Guina is just the daughter of a certain island gymnasium. She has practiced swordsmanship since she was a child, but she is also good at martial arts. It took a week to get started with armed color and knowledge-colored domineering. Our just by chance."

Zhan Guo nodded. At this time, he had already believed [-]% of what Mo Fei said.

Murphy never thought that the Navy Type [-] could turn into a bargaining chip for him to win his trust.

"We were looking for the whereabouts of a group of pirates." Murphy said, "The ancient temple in Guina's hometown was destroyed, so join us halfway. Finally, we tracked down their whereabouts on Yangshou Island. But... as you See, we're drawn into the rainbow fog. Here in the hell."

Murphy was the first to tell half-truths and half-truths.

The purpose is to prevent Kuina from "nonsense".

"Yangshou Island... I don't have any memory. I was involved in this place on the Akiba Island of the Great Route. It was also during a certain battle."

Sengoku looked at Murphy dotingly, as if looking at the future of the navy.

"It shouldn't matter if I tell you now. After my exploration, this island is an isolated island. I used to make my own boat and sailed in one direction. I didn't turn around, but I still returned to this island. I tried this three times. From different directions on the island, but the result is still the same."

"It doesn't feel very surprising anymore." Murphy said, after meeting those lunatics, Murphy didn't find anything strange about what happened here.

"However, at the top of the highest peak, there is a huge ancient stone gate. There is a female warrior in golden armor at the gate, who claims to be a golden saint. She is the gatekeeper of the ancient stone gate. If I guess correctly, there should be a Besides, the only way to get in and out of the island."

Zhan Guo said, covering his chest.

Under the navy uniform, traces of bandages were faintly exposed.

"Can't beat it, can you?" Murphy said.

"I've been recuperating since yesterday, and went to practice when I woke up. That's why I missed the rainbow fog."

Sengoku looked ashamed.

"To be honest, I might as well not know that I will become the admiral of the navy in the future... I am so weak, how can I protect the people from those wolf-like pirates."

"But this is not a place we are familiar with. The level of combat power cannot be generalized. Maybe that golden saint can easily kill the Four Emperors in an instant." Murphy said.

Zhan Guo forced a smile and was comforted by a child. This feeling was indescribably complicated.

"But having said that, how strong are you and that golden saint? If you continue to train, can you win?"

Zhan Guo pondered for a few seconds and looked at Murphy.

She understood and became familiar with this strange environment faster than herself, without any confusion or hesitation in her eyes, as if she knew exactly what she should do.

Recalling the strength that Mo Fei showed just now, Zhan Guo couldn't help laughing.

In the face of the junior genius of the navy, he, the senior who is also called a genius, can't admit cowardice.

Must be a good example.

"Can win."

Warring States said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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