One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 99 97 - Golden Saints

Chapter 99 97 - Golden Saints
Under the guidance of the Warring States Period, they came to the hillside, crouched behind a certain rock, and peeped over there.

At first glance, the rocks with the size of a human head twisted and accumulated into two huge stone pillars, standing opposite each other.

He raised his head, but could see a crossing beam between the faint clouds, and only then did he realize that this was a stone gate.

The stone pillars on both sides are engraved with mysterious characters, which are crooked and crooked just like the arrangement of the stone pillars.

Not only did Murphy not know him, but Warring States had never heard of it either.

It seems that the text above does not belong to any known world.

According to the Warring States Period, the gatekeeper was a woman in golden armor. Murphy's first reaction was a graceful, sexy and enchanting female warrior.

But when I saw was a burly female bandit with a grumpy face.

In fact, in terms of reality, this is what a powerful woman should look like.It's just that what Murphy comes into contact with is a product that caters to their aesthetics.

And not only the figure was unexpected, but the golden armor was also unexpected.

Because the other party is not only dressed in gold, but her own skin color is also a statuette.

No wonder it was called a golden saint. Murphy thought that the other party was a completely different race.

"Again? Not a long memory? This is not a place you can enter."

The golden saint's voice was cold.

Her eyes seemed to fall on Murphy and the others' hiding place.

The other party should have sensed their presence, but their strength was too weak to pose a threat to them, so she didn't pay attention.

"Everything must be tried." Zhan Guo said, stretching out the long sword at his waist.

Well, yes, it's a long sword.

The scabbard was simple and heavy, full of the ancient flavor that Mo Fei was familiar with.

Murphy never thought that a weapon like a "sword" could be seen here.

A two-handed giant sword was condensed out of thin air in the hands of the golden saint, with a wild smile on her face.

"It's over here, challenge Lord Sheogorath's majesty again and again, you will die here today!"

The golden saint swung the huge sword, and it was a terrifying chopping wave, splitting the ground in half instantly.

Warring States dodged lightly.

For Murphy and Kuina, they didn't see clearly the trajectory of Warring States' evasion at all.

In the blink of an eye, Warring States was only one meter away from the golden saint.

"Hmph, like a bug."

The golden saint had a disdainful expression, and a burst of golden light burst out from his body.


Crisp metal crash.

Before he could see what was going on, Murphy saw Zhan Guo's body being sent flying.


"Let's go!" Zhan Guo shouted, taking advantage of the strength of being knocked into the air, he turned and ran.

Murphy and Kuina could only follow suit.

Only the distraught golden saints remained.
Back to the shabby cabin.

Warring States just laughed.

It made Murphy and Kuina laugh non-stop.

This time, the Warring States period was just for Murphy and Guina to take a look at the golden saints and get a general idea of ​​each other's abilities.

Really hard guy.

The power of the two-handed sword is astonishing. It almost catches up with the sword of the Four Emperors BIGMOM in Mo Fei's impression. It may be slightly worse, but it is definitely not something that the current Warring States can beat.

According to him, he has not eaten any devil fruit yet.

"The opponent's speed and strength are astonishing, and his perception is not weak. No matter whether it is close-up or long-distance, there is no flaw. It is indeed a problem." Kuina said seriously.

"It's definitely not as simple as it seems. She must be hiding something." Murphy said, "But I don't know if she must not leave the vicinity of that door. If that is the case, it is our side an advantage."

Looking at the two girls who were analyzing carefully, Zhan Guo felt inexplicably relieved.

Indeed, the opponent is not only as simple as it looks, she can even wrap wind and fire around the weapon, and when she gets close, the golden shield that emerges is also worth exploring.

In the impression of the Warring States Period, there is no fruit with such an ability.

Rather than a fruit, this is more like magic that only appears in fairy tales.

"Murphy, Kuina." Warring States thought for a while and said.

The two little girls showed puzzled expressions.

"Come out with me. Do a few tricks. Use your full strength, and I will see your upper limit."

"Then you have to be careful." Murphy said with a smile.

Kuina held the blue lantern tightly, eager to try.
Behind the simple hut is a wide open space, and there are a few simple and self-made cultivation equipment standing there.

If it's just a wooden pile, Mo Fei won't be surprised, the thing that looks like a plum blossom pile over there...

"Haha, it's the first time you've seen this thing. It's understandable if you don't know it. It's called a plum blossom pile. It's a specialty of my parents."

Hearing this, Murphy felt as if his whole body was electrified.

"Your hometown? Where is it?"

She tried her best to keep her expression tense, trying to pretend that she was just asking casually.

"You probably haven't heard of it. It's a little-known legend."

Warring States seems to have no intention of going on.

"Earth?" Murphy suddenly said a word.


Sengoku looked puzzled.

"Tram? Airplane?"

"What do you mean?"

"No, nothing."

Judging from the appearance of the Warring States Period, it does not seem to be deliberately concealing.

It should just be that Murphy was worrying too much.

"Little girls, come on." Zhan Guo said.

"You first." Murphy said, then took a step back.

"Just what I want," Guina said.

"Hey, wait a minute, I mean, let the two of you go together," Zhan Guo said.

"No, I think it's better to fight separately." Murphy said with a smile.

Warring States felt that it was a waste of time at first, but after a while, he felt that this was a wise decision.

Although he had decided not to underestimate these two children, he still underestimated them inadvertently.

This girl named Kuina is indeed a genius in swordsmanship.

Keen judgment, quick response, and adaptable tactics between fights, it is hard to guard against.

Guina used the very skillful double domineering, but according to Murphy, this child has not been in contact with domineering for more than two months.

Warring States is dangerous and dangerous. In the case of fighting with only one hand, the battle ended without injury.

"Guina, are you using...the swordsmanship of the Wano Country Shimotsuki Clan?" Sengoku was puzzled.

He once landed in Wano country in order to capture a certain pirate, and had contact with the samurai of that country, among which the most impressive was the Shimotsuki family's swordsmanship.

It has a lot of influence on his swordsmanship.

"What Wano country? We are just a small island." Kuina said lightly.

"Has there been any changes?"

The Warring States thought that something happened to Wano Country in the past few decades.Afraid that the other party would be sad, he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, the name Shimotsuki Kuina has already confirmed that she is a member of the Wano Country Shimoyue family.

Because of this, after Sengoku left this place, he sent people to search Wano Country for a long time.

By the time she learned that the other party was Frost Moon Island in the East China Sea, Kuina had been confirmed dead for more than a year.

(End of this chapter)

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