57 Lucky
"But I see it's not..."

"The colors of the rainbow."

Yan Manjia treated the wound on Wang Geyan's heart in the room, and carefully picked up the cotton soaked in alcohol with tweezers, bit by bit the small but faintly visible heart, and the expression on his face showed Take care of yourself.

Wang Geyan held the bed sheet tightly and endured the pain. The pair of different pupils in the light sense was even more unique. Looking at the flushed cheeks scattered on her through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he recalled what the girl said to his eyes before. , I always feel in my heart that I am not worthy of the girl's praise for me.

The girl who heard this paused the tweezers cleaning the wound in her hand, and looked up to see his humble expression with lowered eyes, feeling pity in her heart.

"The eyes of wild animals are the most unique."

"It's not as vicious as they say."

"Your eyes are not the source of their fear."

"It's their own cowardice born from the heart."

Yan Manjia gradually approached him, pressed lightly on Wang Geyan's forehead, closed her eyes and stroked his face, then turned her face, quietly watching Wang Geyan's wonderful and special eyes.

And when I was staring at him intently, my protective cold eyes couldn't hide my spirituality from the deep sea.

"Your eyes are as sincere as an animal's."

"The world you see is natural..."

At this time, Wang Geyan no longer wanted to hide his heart for the girl, so he made a more intimate move. Before Yan Manjia could finish what he wanted to express, he felt his colorless lips embraced Unprecedented warmth and heat, she only felt that the beating frequency in her heart gradually became more gentle, and she didn't want to blink her eyes.

She didn't want to miss his handsome aura at the moment when he closed his eyes, the white eyebrows on his forehead were as gorgeous as the edge of the white prairie head in winter, and when his shy eyes trembled slightly, the thick eyelashes that looked like snow-white feathers were even more like butterflies waving in the air As beautiful as wings.

The rippling spots in the beam of light dotted the mountain-like sharp jaw that he slowly turned back, and he pursed his lips slightly.

Raising her eyes innocently to see the trace of shyness in her lively eyes, she found that Yan Manjia's slightly pink cheeks were gradually turning red.

"Mutual giving."

"You kiss my eyes."

"I kiss your lips."

Wang Geyan bent his arms and caressed the girl's thick and beautiful lips, raised his eyebrows, and raised his eyes, which were full of deep meaning.

Yan Manjia dodged his eyes that would make his heart beat faster, stepped back and covered his mouth, but the soft-spoken voice passed by his ears and penetrated into his heart. At this time, he just felt His heart was beating very fast, like a little rabbit.

"That's because your eyes are pretty."

"I can't help but think..."

Wang Geyan moved his ear closer to Yan Manjia, listening carefully to what the girl said in a muffled voice.

Then a deep smile that hadn't been seen in a long time appeared on his face. He stretched out his hand and put down the girl's hand, held it tightly in the palm of his hand, and placed it on the palm of his other hand. He exhaled slowly and nervously, and eased the state. He squinted his eyes.

There is no longer the expression of inferiority that he used to hide with sternness on his face, only the sincerity born of a girl.

"Why am I not?"

The person who stabbed Wang Geyan was Mr. Dong's right-hand man, Owuta. At this moment, he was holding an inspection report in his hand, and he took the elevator to the top floor. Standing very straight in front of the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. Before he knocked a second time, Mr. Dong, who was in the luxurious presidential room, opened the door.

Mr. Dong had just arrived in the city by plane, and had not had time to arrange accommodation, so he could only temporarily live in the hotel arranged by the staff.

Owuta bowed respectfully to Mr. Dong before entering the room.

After taking a bath, Mr. Dong was still holding a towel in his hand. Don't look at the report in the hand of Owuta, who is a head shorter than himself. Owuta noticed Mr. Dong's eyes and wanted to hand over the test report to Mr. Dong. The hand was opened.

"I don't need to look."

"Just tell me if you're healthy or not?"

Mr. Dong walked across the room to the dressing room, raised his head and wiped his hair in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Owuta followed his footsteps, lowered his head with his waist bent, and looked at the floor.

"Yes, unhealthy."

"Although there are symptoms of albinism."

"But worse than albinism."

"Because the source of his disease is from the heart."

After listening, Mr. Dong stopped his hand, looked impatiently at Owuta who bent over and lowered his head in the mirror, gritted his teeth, stroked his short but dense beard on his chin, and threw the veil On Owuta's head, Owuta made Mr. Dong angry again for some reason, so he had to kneel on the ground to beg Mr. Dong's forgiveness.


"After saying these three words, will you become dumb?"

"It's uncomfortable to have saliva in your mouth, just swallow it."

"There's no need to speak out because of nonsense!"

Mr. Dong passed by Owuta's side, and after finishing speaking in a fierce voice, he walked to the living room and sat down on the leather sofa.

At this time, Owuta blinked his eyes, raised his head carefully, looked at Mr. Dong who was sitting on the sofa and squinted angrily, rubbed his knees on the floor, and slowly walked towards the living room on his knees.

"I am so sorry."

"I just want to practice my Chinese."

"Well, I don't have your fluent and superb eloquence."

"I can't speak an authentic Chinese language."

"Using... Chinese words means... you are very knowledgeable."

"I'm too stupid, you're too good."

As soon as Mr. Dong heard these flattering words, the anger in his heart dissipated. He stood up and looked at Owuta who was about to move to his feet. He raised his eyes in surprise, and when he thought of what Owuta said, he felt happy in his heart. The old Mr. Dong changed from expressionless to smiling, raised his hand and let Owu stand up.

"I've been in China for a few years."

"I won't tell, no one here knows."

"I'm not from their country."

When Mr. Dong spoke, the look on his face was even more arrogant. He turned around and went into the dressing room to change his clothes before opening the door, letting the sun shine into the room. Looking at his tall appearance in the mirror, Owutai was full of suspicion. Seeing Mr. Dong in a red and black suit, Mr. Dong turned and walked out of the dressing room to see his puzzled expression.

"Since his heart is not working."

"Then it can only be that girl."

Mr. Dong looked at his proud eyes in the mirror, and the expression on his face was full of arrogance. When he spoke, he still pretended to hold his head high, giving himself a sense of greatness with lofty ambitions.

After simply disinfecting Wang Geyan's wound, Yan Manjia was still worried that there might be some cuts on his heart that couldn't close. With that worrying expression, she still took Wang Geyan to the hospital for stitches. Yan Manjia knew that the inferiority complex still existed in Wang Geyan's heart, and it would not disappear completely just because of a few words of her own.

"wait for me."

"I'll come to you."

Chen Shi drove to pick Wang Geyan to the hospital. Wang Geyan thought Yan Manjia would be with him when he got in the car, but the girl just closed the door lightly. Wang Geyan quickly rolled down the window, and Yan Manjia looked at him The eager eyes trembled in his heart.As soon as Wang Geyan saw her head bent, the dimples on both sides of her smiling cheeks stuck to her hair, he smiled back and nodded.

"it is good."

After watching Wang Geyan leave, Yan Manjia took a car to the former barber shop.

At this time, after closing the car window, he looked at the back of the girl turning away in the rearview mirror, and he no longer wanted to suppress the pain in his heart. Chen Shi, who was driving the car, was full of anxiety, observing Wang Geyan's state through the rearview mirror from time to time, and had to concentrate on driving.

"Then you don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Can you hold on?"

Wang Geyan clutched his painful heart, and slowly raised his finger to point to the storage box next to the co-pilot. His weak and numb limbs made him unable to move. Chen Shi noticed Wang Geyan's state and behavior, and then Quickly opened the storage box and took out a bottle of medicine. When the car drove to the intersection, it stopped for a while because the light was green. Uncap the bottle.

Wang Geyan looked at his head and took the last medicine in the medicine bottle, took the mineral water and poured it into his mouth.

The whole body leaned against the car seat weakly, the shortness of breath gradually calmed down, he licked his dry lips, looked at the passing crowd and the street weakly, and slowly closed his eyes in a relaxed state, regaining strength and lifting Pressing his temple with one hand, he swallowed.

"She worries about me."

"It's better to go to the hospital for stitches."

"Investigate the origin of that person as soon as possible."

Although his condition has improved after taking the medicine, his strength has not yet fully recovered, and Wang Geyan's voice is very low.

Thinking back to the person who stabbed him again, his first instinct was that although he was wearing a mask, those eyes could give him a feeling of uneasiness and chills, and he realized that the person's target was not a small animal, but himself .

"I'm sorry, little one."

I remembered that because I was the target of that person, the little sika deer who died for no reason was a baby animal that was just born and was only able to leave the protection of its mother and run in the forest and grassland, playing freely. Just like that, he left without a sound, Wang Geyan was really bitter in his heart, and his eyes were full of pity.


"I didn't expect it to look better than I imagined."

"Especially like an elf coming out of the sea."

"Hey, don't tell me, it really looks alike."

Yan Manjia opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. She had long blue hair the color of the sea, a pair of blue eyebrows like blue sky and white clouds, and a pair of dark blue pupils. Several employees of the barbershop looked at her sitting in her shop. In the girl, who was more delicate under her elaborate grooming, a makeup artist looked left and right, and then brushed Yan Manjia's eyelashes with blue mascara.

"I won't tell lies this time."

"You are the most stunning one I put on with this makeup."

"It's really beautiful, can I take a picture?"

Yan Manjia got up, glanced at herself in the mirror, and wanted to walk out of the barber shop, but the makeup artist grabbed her wrist.

"I'm in a hurry."

"It's okay, just a second."

After Yan Manjia opened the door and finished speaking, the make-up artist quickly took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera and quickly took a sloppy photo. The corners of Yan Manjia's mouth slightly raised in polite manner, and the make-up artist pressed the camera button. Yan Manjia didn't have time to speak to the barber shop, so she left.

The barber watched Yan Manjia get into the taxi, and drove away on the street.

"Be a good girl before makeup, and a fairy descends after makeup."

The barber looked at the several hundreds of banknotes in his hand, with a smile on his face, and felt even more elated in his heart, but when he looked back at the employees, the moment he blinked his eyes, the money in his hand was gone. In the hands of the other three people, the money that was still tactile became a thin red banknote.

"What are you grabbing, it's not like you won't give it."

"Hey, I'll send a circle of friends, give it to me first."

After Yan Manjia got off the car, she was scrutinized several times by the passing crowd, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Originally, she thought that she could feel the same strange gaze as Wang Geyan. People who look back frequently don't feel a sense of rejection to themselves, but an indescribable light in their eyes.

"Fortunately, you usually exercise."

"Have strong pecs, no heart damage."

At this time, Wang Geyan had already had his stitches done, and when he walked through the hospital corridor, many people would avoid him. Chen Shi was talking, and when he walked behind him, he saw those people standing in front of him with strange eyes. The tall and handsome handsome guy shrugged his mouth and shook his head, feeling that these people are short-sighted and don't know how to appreciate other beauties.

"No wonder it's in the hospital."

Chen Shi glanced at these bystanders with the same squint, and some of them even spoke in a very defiant tone.

But looking at Wang Geyan's indifferent appearance, he couldn't help but sighed. After walking out of the hospital gate, Wang Geyan stood in front of Chen Shi in a daze.

At this time, Chen Shi was still turning his head, looking at those people who were pointing fingers at Wang Geyan, and when he rolled his eyes and turned his head, he had already bumped into his back.

Wang Geyan moved in small steps under the force, but his eyes were always on the most conspicuous girl in the crowd. The sunset glow in the sky reflected the earth, and the blue-haired Yan Nitong stood in the light with a smile on her face. With the light shining, he didn't recover until the girl's familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Wang Geyan."

Yan Manjia waved his arms at him, and then ran towards him from beams of light. Chen Shi poked his head out and took a closer look, as if his eyes lit up for a moment, he took a long breath and pouted with an expression of exclamation.

Wang Geyan blocked Chen Shi's sight and walked towards the girl who was running towards him with small steps. The expression of Yitong was even more pampering. When he stretched out his hands, he could only feel a pair of small hands resting on his palms. What rushed to him was as warm as a warm current, Wang Geyan lowered his eyes and smiled, looking at the girl who raised her eyes and looked at him.

There is only one unique thing in their eyes.

Wang Geyan caressed her radiant and clean cheeks, gradually stroking her eyes, saw some sticky blue stuff sticking to his hands, and smiled.

Looking at her long blue hair, stroked to that pair of blue eyebrows, fixed her eyes on the girl's pair of blue and black pupils again, blinked her eyes, and swallowed her throat.


"really beautiful."

Yan Manjia pursed her lips and lowered her head with a shy smile, looked at the gazes of the people around her, and then raised her eyes to look at her eyes that amazed him.

"But I still haven't."

"Feel what you feel."

Listening to the girl's words of feeling lost for himself, Wang Geyan still had the doting in his eyes, but when he glanced at the girl's blue hair, he knew it was a wig. Yan Manjia couldn't help but smile knowingly. Hearing this laughter, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows with curiosity, and the blue cream on the eyelashes was even more conspicuous when he blinked his eyes.

"Silly girl."

"Who gets sick with blue hair."

When Wang Geyan walked in the crowd holding the girl's hand, the eyes of those people changed from strange to appreciative, and some couples passing by were even more envious. Seeing that his partner seemed to have met eyes, they looked at each other with a smile.

Yan Manjia walked beside Wang Geyan's tall body, looking into the beam of light, the eyes could no longer see the word inferiority, but filled with pride.

"How not."

"It was you who made me feel them."

"The feeling of the scene in front of you."

Today is the first time I feel the eyes of others on the street. It turns out that true self-confidence is like this.

Before she appeared next to me, I was alone in the face of many strange eyes that looked at me like a "monster". I don't care, but in fact, those eyes of others have been engraved on the side of my heart that I don't want to trigger.

But on this ordinary day, I, Wang Geyan, feel that I am luckier than having someone to eat with, having an umbrella on a rainy day, and going out in a clear sky, so today is not ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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