Great Ye Empress

Chapter 337 Military Power

Chapter 337 Military Power
In the afternoon, the emperor recruited the three princes into the palace to help him approve the memorial.

Who can't see this, the emperor wants to train the third prince as the prince.

The three princes are now proud of the spring breeze, and they enter the palace every day to review the memorials for the emperor...

Most of the courtiers looked at the wind, and the mansion of the Third Prince became a hot spot.

The third prince helped the emperor to approve the memorial for three consecutive days, and the emperor suddenly asked the third prince: "You said... your mother's birthday, our father and son... What birthday gift is good for your mother?"

When the third prince heard the words "our father and son", he felt very happy, and quickly said: "The mother's most hope is that the father is healthy and our family can be reunited and safe!"

The emperor nodded: "Yes, your mother... is the most considerate, and because I have suffered a lot, you must be filial to your mother in the future!"

"Don't worry, the father, the son will be filial to the father and mother!" The third prince was very excited.

The emperor lowered his eyes, looked at Xiao Linwu's questioning text in his hand, and suddenly said: "I saw your uncle's questioning text, but I remembered... Your mother and your uncle have not seen each other for six or seven years, right?"

"Yeah, my uncle guarded the frontier for us, Da Ye, and has not come back for many years," said the third prince.

"That's it... I sent someone to send a secret edict to let your uncle bring your cousins ​​back to celebrate your mother's birthday. Do you think... your mother will be happy?" The emperor seemed to have thought of what gift to give. His expression looked a little happy.

The third prince didn't want to spoil the fun, so he said, "The father's intentions are good, but if my uncle comes back, who will defend Wei for us?"

"No problem! Come back for a reunion, don't delay! Your mother hasn't seen her brother for many years. One of them has been loyal to the country in the frontier and the other has contributed to me in the harem. They should also meet their brothers and sisters! You should also meet with Your uncle should cultivate more feelings, and your cousins, which will be good for you in the future! The days when the royal father can accompany you are not long, in the future... these cousins ​​are your right-hand man, you can We must cultivate and cultivate feelings with them, and remember...they are back, don't take the air of the prince!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he leaned forward and lowered his voice to exhort: "However, you must also understand that you have to carry the heavy burden of Da Ye on your shoulders, and you have to use... and guard against it! Do you understand? This time... also... I want to test Xiao Linwu's loyalty and whether it can be used by you in the future!"

Hearing the emperor's last words, the third prince couldn't find Bei immediately, and hurriedly kowtowed: "Yes, the father's teaching, the son should keep it in mind."

The third prince turned his head and proudly told the queen about it. The emperor wanted to invite his uncle and cousins ​​back to Bianjing to celebrate the queen's birthday, and to hide the things that the emperor told him to guard against.

Indeed, in the eyes of the third prince, now the father has no choice but to choose him to inherit the throne.

And the queen mother and uncle, brother and sister are deeply in love. If you know that he guards his uncle, I am afraid she will be unhappy.

Just when the empress became suspicious, the close nanny stepped forward again and whispered in the empress' ear: "The news sent by your majesty, your majesty has written the edict of the crown prince, and used the seal, it seems to be in the Empress, on your birthday banquet, treat it as a congratulatory gift..."

The queen grabbed the armrest of the seat suddenly, and turned to look at her own maid: "Is the news accurate?"

"No mistake!" said Mammy.

The queen recalled the changes that the emperor had changed after he was drunk that day. Perhaps... the emperor lost Empress Chunde and the eldest prince, and really wanted to help his son, the third prince, as the crown prince.

Bring your brother back...

I am afraid that in addition to wanting their brothers and sisters to reunite, they also want to test the loyalty of their brother.

If the elder brother comes, that is loyalty, and the emperor will make his son the crown prince.

If the elder brother does not come, the emperor is suspicious of the elder brother, afraid... and dare not make his own son the crown prince, for fear that if the crown prince is established, the elder brother will force the palace to rebel.

The queen looked at her son: "Did your father say anything else? Don't hide it from your mother! You have to know... the mother is only a son like you, but your father is not! Only the mother can have no reservations. Good for you!"

The third prince tightened his fists, thought for a while, and finally said to the queen: "The emperor said, let the son use his uncles and cousins ​​in the future, don't put on airs in front of them, maintain a good relationship, but also be on guard! ...I want to test my uncle's loyalty to see if my uncle can be used by his son in the future!"


The queen leaned back on the group pillow.

"Okay! The queen mother knows, you can rest assured... The queen mother will not let your crown prince position go wrong!"

There was a slight smile on the corner of the queen's lips, and she had to send a letter to her brother.

After Xie Yunchu's secret letter entered the palace, the emperor was unwell every three days, so the third prince came to the court on his behalf, and the imperial physician also entered the emperor's palace every day, but she was quite leisurely.

Xie Yunchu recovered from his injury. He read books on weekdays, saw how his mother and eldest sister were in high spirits when they were planning business, and played chess with Ji Jingci, which was very pleasant.

Second Master Xie was sent to Bianjing by Grandpa Xie, because he came to Zhangluochen County to move Xie's family to Bianjing. Naturally, he was very busy, but he didn't have time to see Xie Yunchu.

With Uncle Xie in the hall, Xie Yunjing will take the name of visiting Xie Yunchu and deliver it to Xie Yunchu in time.

"The emperor released the news, and now all the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty think that the third prince is now the emperor, and he is not far from the position of the prince." Xie Yunchu dropped Heizi, stared at the chessboard, and said with Ji Jing on the opposite side.

Ji Jing resigned, straightened his sleeves and asked Xie Yunchu with a smile: "Then do you know the other deep meaning of the emperor's release of the news?"

"The emperor wants to see, now there is only three princes left in the court. Among the courtiers... who will look at the wind!" Xie Yunchu said with a smile.

When this kind of third prince has already grasped the overall situation, those who usually hide their secrets will also reveal their tricks.

Therefore, Xie Yunchu has asked Xie Yunjing to bring eight words to Uncle Xie...

The way of direct ministers is to be loyal only to the emperor.

On the twelfth of October, King Yan contradicted the emperor, and was reprimanded by the third prince for his lack of power.

That night, King Yan had an old illness, and he would not go out to recuperate. The important officials in the court moved to look at the wind, and more court officials turned to the three princes.

October 26 was the queen's birthday, and on October [-], the general of Anbei, Xiao Linwu, took his wife and two young sons to Bianjing to celebrate the queen's birthday, and ordered the eldest son to stay in Yinchuan to guard.

At the same time that the emperor ordered the third prince to welcome General Xiao Linwu into the palace, another secret decree entered the Xie residence.

Eunuch Gao personally announced the decree, ordering the second prince Xiao Zhiyan and the imperial censor, Xie Yunchu, the minister of military affairs Guan Pingxin, Li Nansheng, and others to immediately set off for Yinchuan to take over military power with His Majesty's imperial decree and tiger talismans.

(End of this chapter)

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