Chapter 338
Xie Yunchu received the decree, and finally understood that the emperor punished King Yan on October [-], and the so-called King Yan was seriously ill. It should be that the emperor received news that Xiao Linwu was coming to Beijing, and deliberately fined King Yan to keep King Yan behind closed doors, and it was Xiao Linwu who was waiting. As soon as they entered the gate of Bianjing, let them go to Yinchuan and other places.

Xie Yunchu also understood that the emperor asked Xiao Zhiyan to take over military power because Xiao Zhiyan was the only one of the princes who had military exploits and could convince the public.

Guan Pingxin was sent because Guan Pingxin was mature and prudent. He had risked his life to seek justice for the soldiers because of the military ration case, and was quite prestigious in the army.

However, the special promotion of Li Nansheng to the Minister of War and letting Li Nansheng go with them was to borrow the strength of the Li clan in Longxi.

With the Xie clan in Chen County and the Li clan in Longxi taking over military power for the emperor, he can rest assured.

But letting Xiao Zhiyan go is not a good thing for the Seventh Prince.

After all, Xiao Zhiyan... is also bound to win the throne.

She couldn't let Xiao Zhiyan hold military power.

However, there is no more time in Bianjing for her to make plans.

Eunuch Gao handed the imperial edict to Xie Yunchu, and said, "Lord Xiaoxie, let's set off immediately! The military talisman is at King Yan's place, and now His Highness, Shilang Guan and Shilang Li are already waiting for Lord Xiaoxie outside the city! The old slave sends Xiaoxie away. grown ups."

Xie Yunchu was thinking about the seventh prince in the palace, prepared a lot of books for the seventh prince, and asked Eunuch Gao to bring it into the palace, saying... I dare not forget that His Majesty ordered her to teach the seventh prince. Forget about the seventh prince's studies.

The imperial decree came suddenly. As soon as Mrs. Lu heard that her daughter was going to Yinchuan and other places, she was not prepared for anything, so she was in a hurry and panicked and ordered her servants to prepare the things that Xie Yunchu was going to use.

But when the nobles go out, they always pack a lot...

Xie Yunchu pulled Lu's hand and said, "Mother, it's too late to prepare, it won't be long before Liu Lang will be back, and I won't be able to endure hardship! Besides, Yechen and Yuanbao will follow, and it's enough to pack a few clothes, but it just happens suddenly... "

Xie Yunchu looked at the second Master Xie, who pursed his lips and said nothing, and bowed a long salute: "Liu Lang didn't have time to say goodbye to Master, and asked his father to plead guilty on behalf of Liu Lang and Master."

Xie Erye nodded, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He really didn't expect that his daughter, who disguised herself as a man... could get to where she is today.

The champion of Sanyuan Jidi, the young imperial censor Zhongcheng, and now he has the emperor's green eyes, and he is too good.

If the real Rokuro is still there, I don't know how good it will be!

"The medicine must be brought!" Lu Shi was worried that Xie Yunchu's injuries were not yet healed, and suddenly burst into tears.

Farewell to Second Master Xie and Mrs Lu, Xie Yunchu got into the carriage.

On the way of the carriage rushing out of the city, Xie Yunchu closed his eyes, thinking that now the tiger talisman and the imperial decree to take over the army are in the hands of King Yan Xiao Zhiyan...

If Xiao Zhiyan took over the military power, he would definitely be on the throne.

A madman like Xiao Zhiyan was not fit to be an emperor.

This time, in a hurry to leave, Eunuch Gao was staring at sending her out of the city in person. She didn't have time to say goodbye to Ji Jing.

Fortunately... the people who followed behind the carriage, as well as those who followed in secret, there were the dead men left to her by Mrs. Xie, and the people brought by Second Master Xie this time would probably follow behind her.

When Uncle Xie knows that she is going to Yinchuan, he will send another person if he wants to.

Uncle Xie is a wise person. When Xiao Linwu entered the city and she was ordered to leave the city, she would definitely guess what Xie Yunchu was going to do.

Now... her significance to the Xie Clan of Chen County is not ordinary, especially if this time she can take Xiao Linwu's military power for the emperor, the weight will be even more different.

When she goes to the dangerous place, she will naturally send someone to follow her, and if she sends letters to the Xie clan along the way, she will definitely get the full help of the Xie clan in Chen County.

Xie Yunchu held the pillow beside him, he had to think of a way...

Military power cannot fall into Xiao Zhiyan's hands.

Thinking of this, Xie Yunchu opened the carriage window and saw Yechen riding a horse beside the carriage, Xie Yunchu said, "Yechen..."

Yechen glanced at Eunuch Gao, who was riding at the forefront, and put the reins close to the carriage: "This subordinate is here."

"I want to know about the Northern Wei Dynasty, the emperor, the imperial concubine, and the little prince of the imperial concubine!" Xie Yunchu said, "The sooner the better."

"My subordinate will send someone to deliver the letter!" Ye Chen said.

Not long after the carriage left the city, Xie Yunchu got off the carriage and saluted Xiao Zhiyan, Guan Pingxin and Li Nansheng who were talking.

"Xie Xie, sir!"

Guan Pingxin and Li Nansheng were also busy returning their gifts.

Xiao Zhiyan looked at Xie Yunchu, who was in normal clothes, and stepped forward to ask: "Master Xiao Xie's injury, is it better?"

"Thanks to His Majesty Hongfu, there is no problem. We will never delay the trip to Yinchuan. Your Royal Highness Yan is relieved."

Xie Yunchu always spoke respectfully and courteously, Xiao Zhiyan knew that Xie Yunchu had something to avoid, so he didn't go forward deliberately, and only said: "In order to make it easier to talk about things on the road, from now on... Master Guan, Master Xiao Xie and Master Li will be with this king. ride in the same carriage."


The three responded.

With the concerned adults and Li adults in the carriage, Xie Yunchu was not worried about what crazy things Xiao Zhi would do at the banquet.

On the third day of the group's departure, Xie Yunchu got the news from Chen Jun Xie's about the current Northern Wei Dynasty Hall.

Since the Northern Wei emperor ascended the throne, his health has not been very good. Before, the imperial concubine began to help review the memorials, and now the imperial concubine has accompanied him to the court.

However, the imperial concubine sat in the apse every day and listened to the courtiers discussing the state affairs, and did not go to the front hall.

Xie Yunchu removed the candle and lampshade, lit the letter paper in his hand, and said with Yechen, "No matter what happens in the Northern Wei Dynasty, you must send the news in time."

"Rokuro, don't worry, he has already told him." Ye Chen said.

As soon as Yechen finished speaking, Yuanbao pushed open the door and came in, saluting with Xie Yunchu across the screen: "Liulang, Master Li is here..."

Xie Yunchu opened the lid of the Jin Fushan incense burner on the desk, threw the lit letter paper in, and covered it up: "Please come in, Mr. Li!"

With that said, Xie Yunchu picked up the cold soup and drank it.

Li Nansheng entered the door and saluted Xie Yunchu. Xie Yunchu stood up and returned the salute, and then made a gesture of invitation with Li Nansheng: "Master Li, please sit down, Yuanbao will serve Yunwu tea..."

Yunwu tea is Li Nansheng's favorite tea.

Hearing this, Li Nansheng quickly waved his hand to stop it: "I'll just come and have a few words with Sir Xiao Xie, don't bother."

After Yuanbao and Yechen had both retired, Li Nansheng lowered his voice and said, "Sir Xiaoxie, before we left, His Majesty was already feeling unwell. If we can't insist that we reach Yinchuan to take back our military power, then the third prince of Beijing will be enthroned. , it is necessary to settle accounts with us after the autumn!"

Xie Yunchu glanced at Li Nansheng with a smile on his face: "Master Li, you are Senior Brother Xiu Xing's own brother, you can just say something if you have something to say, you don't need to be so tempted."

(End of this chapter)

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