Chapter 339
Li Nansheng was a little embarrassed and smiled: "I'm just worried about Your Majesty's body."

"His Majesty held up the third prince high, in order to ask the queen to recall Xiao Linwu to Bianjing, so that we can do things conveniently and take back the military power at the smallest price.

When Li Nansheng heard Xie Yunchu's words, he finally felt relieved, and also frankly with Xie Yunchu: "I don't hide it from Mr. Xie, in fact... I understand what Your Majesty sent you and I to Yinchuan this time, of course... Your Majesty I value Xiao Xie's talent and wit, and I...because of the Longxi Li family behind me."

Xie Yunchu shook his head: "If there is no Xie Clan of Chen County behind me, even if I am astute, it is impossible for Your Majesty to send me to Yinchuan. His Majesty asked King Yan to follow him with a military talisman, and he also sent the Minister of War Minister Guan, it is enough, plus The two of you and I... are actually to use the power of you and me, Your Majesty... I don't want this to go wrong."

Once this thing goes wrong, it must be fought.

Xiao Linwu's army rebelled and Da Ye became chaotic inside. It was difficult to guarantee that the Northern Wei Dynasty would not take advantage of the situation to enter, and it would be easy for Da Ye to be trapped by the enemy.

Li Nansheng nodded: "I got the news, I heard that on the day Xiao Linwu brought his two young sons into the city, in addition to giving us a secret order, His Majesty also sent an envoy to the Northern Wei Dynasty, as if to ask for a marriage for King Huai, do you know this? "

Moreover, the people who entered the Bian capital with Xiao Linwu have been controlled by the emperor.

The emperor detained Xiao Linwu's wife in the palace to be with the queen, and on the grounds of protecting the safety of Xiao Linwu's family, he sent troops to surround the house of Xiao Linwu's family, and it was obvious that he wanted to seize military power.

The meaning of Li Nansheng's words was actually trying to ask Xie Yunchu if His Majesty wanted to appoint the fifth prince, Prince Huai, as the crown prince.

Xie Yunchu pursed his lips: "I haven't heard of this, but your Majesty doesn't want the news to leak out."

Li Nansheng nodded again: "Your Majesty has sent an emissary."

"We want to take over Xiao Linwu's military power, and the stability of the Northern Wei Dynasty is more important. Now King Yan has a birthmark on his face and was a proton in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The seventh prince is young, and only King Huai has not married the princess." Xie Yunchu smiled, "I and I Senior Brother Xiao has been with him for many years and knows that Senior Brother Xiao has no intention of taking the throne, so... Senior Brother Xiao is not a very good candidate for the Crown Prince."

When Li Nansheng heard this, he knew in his heart that Xie Yunchu... or that the Xie family of Chen Jun was not optimistic about King Huai.

So... Chen Jun Xie is optimistic about King Yan?Or... the young Seventh Prince?
Li Nansheng talked to Xie Yunchu again, and when he came out of Xie Yunchu's room, he understood that Xie Yunchu intended to reveal to him that he valued the seventh prince.

Now Xie Yunchu is the teacher of the seventh prince, if the seventh prince ascends the throne in the future, it will indeed be a good thing for the Xie family of Chen County.

But what about them, the Longxi Li family?

And Ji Jingci, who is about to take over as the king of Langya, does he agree with Xie Yunchu?

Has the Wang Clan of Langya teamed up with the Xie Clan of Chen County?
Li Nansheng knew that if the gentry wanted to rise again, they had to join forces.

Their Li Clan is now looking at them, but they are not as strong as Chen County's Xie Clan!
In particular, at the beginning, the Li family almost sent out more than half of their clansmen to the powerful Northern Wei Dynasty.

Now that the Li family wants to prosper, it has to join forces with the Xie family and the Wang family.

After Li Nansheng returned to the room, he sent a letter to his clan.

His speech in the clan is limited, and the idea has to be taken by the suzerain.

Li Nansheng just left, Xie Yunchu was thinking about what Li Nansheng said just now, and Xiao Zhiyan, who had endured for several days, came to the door.

"What did you say to Li Nansheng?" Xiao Zhiyan sat down on Xie Yunchu's side without waiting for Xie Yunchu's invitation.

Xie Yunchu's eyes moved, and he turned to look at Xiao Zhiyan: "Master Li told the lower official that Your Majesty has detained Xiao Linwu's wife in the palace, and Xiao Linwu and his two young sons are also locked in the palace, at this time... the queen may be I also feel that the emperor is to remove the hidden dangers for the third prince to ascend the throne, and to relieve Xiao Linwu's military power, but Xiao Linwu is not stupid... when he has already reacted!"

Xiao Zhiyan looked at Xie Yunchu.

"Xiao Linwu is in the capital of Bian, it is impossible for him to have no eyeliner, otherwise why did he live in Yinchuan for so many years, relying on his sister queen?" Xie Yunchu pouted, "Even if they are close relatives, they are naturally his sons to the queen. Closer! Xiao Linwu must have a way to pass the news in Bianjing, and at this moment I am afraid... The news of Xiao Linwu's trapping is quickly sent to Yinchuan."

Xiao Zhiyan nodded, he also thought of this.

When he got the news, Xiao Zhiyan knew... The emperor was a little impatient and revealed his flaws in advance.

"So, the lower official thought that His Royal Highness King Yan was holding a military talisman and should... immediately set off for the Yan'an Mansion to transfer troops!" Xie Yunchu said.

Xiao Zhiyan turned to look at Xie Yunchu with bright eyes: "You mean just in case."

"Yes, although I can't hold it, I can let Master Guan and Master Li go to Yinchuan with the imperial edict first, and explain the situation to the soldiers first. In fact, the soldiers in the army are not necessarily willing to rebel for the Xiao family, but there are There is no way out." Xie Yunchu said.

Since the emperor made such a move, they had to respond quickly and could not give Xiao Linwu's eldest son a chance to react.

"That's right!" Xiao Zhiyan nodded, and tapped his finger on the table, "It's not too late, prepare yourself now!"

"Okay!" Xie Yunchu responded and got up to send Xiao Zhiyan off.

Xiao Zhiyan walked to the door and turned to look at Xie Yunchu: "You... be careful!"

Xie Yunchu nodded, and said sincerely, "Your Highness, take care!"

Neither Li Nansheng nor Guan Pingxin fell asleep. After hearing Xiao Zhiyan's words, they did not hesitate and set off overnight...

Xiao Zhiyan also set off to Yan'an to transfer troops just in case.

When Xie Yunchu sent Li Nansheng off, he explained to Li Nansheng: "Go to see Xiao Linwu's eldest son, first read the imperial edict, and then make the current His Majesty's health is not good, and the delay in appointing the third prince as the heir, is just worried that his father's military power will threaten him. The future imperial power of the third prince. Be sure to tell all the soldiers that your majesty wants to try... military power is given to the Xiao family, can it be taken back from the Xiao family? You can rest assured!"

"So straightforward?" Li Nansheng was a little uncertain.

"This is not straightforward, this is frankness... friendship!" Xie Yunchu looked at Li Nansheng, "In Xiao Linwu's territory, you are alone with Lord Guan, don't fight with them, use the power of the emperor to suppress, the more frank... ...and willing to make friends, the better!"

When Master Guan listened to Xie Yunchu's words, he realized that Xie Yunchu was more intelligent, and nodded: "Master Xiao Xie said yes."

Both Guan Pingxin and Li Nansheng understood that once Xiao Linwu's army turned against him, perhaps the Northern Wei Dynasty would take the opportunity to cause trouble at the border.

(End of this chapter)

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