Great Ye Empress

Chapter 521 Disgust

"No one told me what to do, you think too much. If you are pregnant, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to yourself! You are the most important person to implement the new law, and you can't make mistakes! And you have nothing to do with Xiao Zhiyan. Feelings, with your will never be shy towards Xiao Zhiyan."

Xie Yunchu stared at Li Nanyu for a while without saying a word, and then said, "Brother Xiu Xing, don't worry, I have it all in my heart."

"You know what's best!" Li Nanyu's words brought him a sigh of relief, "If you need Senior Brother Xiuxing, you will be my will die!"

Xie Yunchu nodded: "Yechen, send brother Xiuxing off."

When she arrived at Xianyang Hall, Xiao Zhiyan was summoning Taiwei Wang, Zhongshuling Lord Xie, Shangshu Lingliu, Song Shaozhong, a censor, and several other ministers.

Eunuch Chen wanted to inform Xie Yunchu that he raised his hand to signal that there was no need to inform him. Hearing Xiao Zhiyan's voice scolding Lord Liu of Shang Shuling came from the hall, Xie Yunchu called Eunuch Chen aside and asked, "Have you done what Yechen ordered last night?"

"After returning to the Holy Land, at the last moment... Your Majesty asked Concubine Shu to leave." Eunuch Chen lowered his head and said, "I only ordered the servants to help me to take a bath. Your Majesty found out that Concubine Shu was trying to win favor, but since Concubine Shu is a The daughter of the Xie family, for the sake of the queen, she did not deal with it, so this morning she ordered the servants to go to Concubine Shu's palace and tell Concubine Shu to do it for herself."

Xie Yunchu raised his brows.

Xiao Zhiyan's will was really powerful, and even with such a strong medicine, he was able to endure it.

Seeing Xie Yunchu being thoughtful, Chen Muqing whispered again: "Now your Majesty's body is not as good as it is day by day, such a violent medicine... Does this servant think you should not use it?"

Xie Yunchu's eyes fell on the cautious Chen Muqing, and he let out a low laugh.

Chen Muqing's back was cold, and he bent his waist lower: "Slave talk!"

Xie Yunchu said coldly: "Record the matter of Concubine Shu's sleeping last night..."

"Yes!" Chen Muqing responded.

"Let's pass it on!" Xie Yunchu raised his feet and walked into the hall.

"The Queen is here..."

Hearing the sound, Taiwei Wang, Zhongshu Ling Lord Xie, Shangshu Ling Lord Liu, the imperial censor, and several ministers retreated and bowed respectfully on both sides.

"I heard your Majesty make a big fire outside the hall." Xie Yunchu said calmly and bowed to Xiao Zhiyan, "During Your Majesty's absence, all the adults acted according to my instructions. I don't know what went wrong. Annoy Your Majesty?"

Uncle Xie was a little surprised to hear Xie Yunchu call himself me in front of the emperor.

What surprised Uncle Xie even more was that the emperor even condoned...

"I'm here to train people, it's better for you... to take them down!" Xiao Zhiyan stretched out his hand to Xie Yunchu, his voice was obviously not as angry as before, and he even became warmer.

Xie Yunchu looked at Xiao Zhiyan's hand, and then his eyes met Xiao Zhiyan's deep eyes.

Is Xiao Zhiyan going to play the role of the empress and empress?
Xie Yunchu stepped forward and held Xiao Zhiyan's hand with a smile, and sat on the couch with Xiao Zhiyan under everyone's attention.

"Why is Your Majesty angry?" Xie Yunchu asked.

Xiao Zhiyan didn't let go of Xie Yunchu's hand, but Xie Yunchu pulled his hand lightly, but couldn't pull it out...

"What else could it be because they are obviously the people who do things for me, but they actually gave me the relegation and murder! I won't know until I come back!" Xiao Zhiyan rubbed the knuckles of Xie Yunchu's knuckles, "Shang Shu Ling Liu and the Ministry of Punishment Shang Shu Master Xia, quibble that...the prisoner never made it clear that he was acting under my secret order."

"Is that so?" Xie Yunchu pulled his hand out of Xiao Zhiyan's hands with all his strength, and held up the tea cup on the table and handed it to Xiao Zhiyan, "Your Majesty calm down, this is probably my fault, and before your departure, Your Majesty did not meet with him. I made it clear which people acted under His Majesty's secret order, so I ordered all the ministers to do business!"

Xie Yunchu still took things down.

"It's true! If these people really act on secret orders, even if they are loyal to His Majesty, they can't speak clearly to the Lord Chancellor, but they can always speak out to me, but they just keep silent, and they will inevitably cause misunderstandings!" Xie Yunchu He smiled and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, it's just a matter of calling people back."

Xiao Zhiyan took the hot tea that Xie Yunchu had brought to his hand, and said, "Since you have already opened your mouth to plead for mercy, then call the person back and let it go, have to cook tea for me yourself!"

Xie Yunchu fixedly looked at Xiao Zhiyan: "Okay, I'll let Zhou Xing come to prepare tea utensils."

Taiwei Wang, Uncle Xie, Master Liu and several other ministers came out of the palace after watching the empress and empress in love...

Taiwei Wang put his hands in his sleeves and couldn't help sighing, "Your Majesty really loves the Queen!"

As soon as the person left the hall, Xie Yunchu stood up from the emperor's side, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped the hands that Xiao Zhiyan touched one by one, so as not to hide his disgust for Xiao Zhiyan.

Xiao Zhiyan stared at the handkerchief in Xie Yunchu's hand, as if stung by a poisonous bee.

With a gloomy face, he said to Xie Yunchu: "Xie Yunchu, if you really want the daughter of the Xie family to give birth to my dragon heir, so that you can kill me and help the youngest son ascend the throne, why bother to let Concubine Shu do it! Come on... Guaranteed to fulfill you!"

"I appreciate His Majesty's kindness, but unfortunately I hate His Majesty too much! I have to ask the sisters in the clan to do it for me."

Xie Yunchu looked back at Xiao Zhiyan, threw the handkerchief on the desk and was about to leave, when Xiao Zhiyan, who was full of anger and tense facial features, grabbed his thin wrist and pulled it.

Xie Yunchu staggered, fell back to the couch where Xiao Zhiyan was sitting, was pinched on the seat by Xiao Zhiyan's neck, his bloodshot eyes stared at Xie Yunchu like a knife blade, his lips were cold and thin.

"Since you hate me so much, if I want you, won't you be disgusted for the rest of your life?"

Saying that, Xiao Zhiyan tore Xie Yunchu's belt with one hand, pinched Xie Yunchu's cheek with the other, and was about to kiss him.

Just as Xiao Zhiyan's lips were about to touch the corner of Xie Yunchu's lips, Xiao Zhiyan's neck froze, stopped, and looked at the person under him with heavy breathing.

Xie Yunchu's black and white clear eyes met Xiao Zhiyan's eyes, his eyes were calm, and he showed a smile: "Then I don't mind arranging an assassin to kill your majesty, I can only help the seventh prince to ascend the throne, after all... The Holy Empress and His Majesty are deeply in love, who can doubt that I killed His Majesty? Your Majesty, what do you say…

Saying that, Xie Yunchu held Feng Chai's hand hard, Xiao Zhiyan was in pain, lowered his eyes to see the Feng Chai touching his neck, and then his eyes fell on Xie Yunchu's loose bun.

Xiao Zhiyan could feel that the sharply polished phoenix hairpin had pierced the skin of his neck, but Xie Yunchu did not intend to relax his strength at all, so he raised his hand to grab Xie Yunchu's hand, and Xie Yunchu pressed his neck with a cold face. The force on his neck forced Xiao Zhiyan not to act rashly, so he slowly distanced himself from Xie Yunchu.

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