Chapter 522
The emperor and the empress are deeply in love, which Xiao Zhiyan himself played to Xie's people.

But it is not only Xie's people who are present today.

Xie Yunchu raised his eyebrows to signal Xiao Zhiyan to move away, but he didn't move at all, the hand holding Xie Yunchu's belt tightened, and the hand holding Xie Yunchu's cheek moved to her neck, the eyes were full of haze, and he said: " If it weren't for Yun Zhao! I really want to strangle you!"

"I'm very grateful to Yun Zhao in my heart!" Xie Yunchu's smile didn't reach his eyes, "But His Majesty is always planted in the same hands in the same way, it doesn't feel like His Majesty's style."

If it weren't for Xiao Zhiyan's health getting worse and worse, she might not be able to succeed if she wanted to come, and it would really threaten Xiao Zhiyan.

Seeing Xie Yunchu who seemed to be in control of everything, without any scruples, Xiao Zhiyan gritted his teeth and looked at her... While pinching his neck with his hands, he noticed that the hairpin in Xie Yunchu's hand was embedded in his neck again. Some, who are about to die with him, are not afraid of death at all.

After all, before Xie Yun first entered the palace, he had the consciousness to die with Xiao Zhiyan when necessary.

Xie Yunchu was like a sea urchin with thorns, Xiao Zhiyan wanted to hold her in the palm of his hand, and his hands would be covered with injuries.

"It's boring to kill you!"

Xiao Zhiyan, who was kneeling on the couch, loosened Xie Yunchu's neck and straightened up: "Tell you an interesting thing, your Ji Jingci... is still alive!"

Xie Yunchu's hand holding the phoenix hairpin tightened unconsciously, sat up and looked at Xiao Zhiyan.

"Ji Jingci has been missing for more than a year, do you know...why doesn't he come back?" Xiao Zhiyan chuckled and looked at Xie Yunchu who stood up to organize his clothes, rubbing the phoenix blood jade pendant around his waist, "To Ji Jingci It’s true that you were his wife in your previous life, but in this life you are a disciple who inherited his philosophy of governing the country, you are just Ji Jingci’s most perfect work, and he wants to use you to implement his new policy…”

"Shut up!" Xie Yunchu turned around with cold eyes.

Seeing that Xie Yunchu, who had put on a mask on his face since he beat him back to Beijing, finally showed a state of anger, Xiao Zhiyan felt very happy.

He lazily put his arms on the pillow and leaned over, the gloom between his eyes dissipated: "I know you have worked so hard to arrange so many people to find Ji Jingci, why can't you find it? According to what I got The last time Ji Jingci appeared in Penglai, there was a woman with Qingfeng who went to sea! He never came back after that! You can send someone to investigate! If I have a half-truth... I won't be able to see Yun Zhao in this life! "

Xie Yunchu stared at Xiao Zhiyan with an ugly face. She sent someone to search for Ji Jingci, but she never searched in the southeast direction.

"And I checked the woman, and rumors say... she's the righteous daughter of Doctor Gu."

Xie Yunchu said in a cold voice, "Joke! Where is the righteous daughter of Doctor Gu!"

It was not the first day that Xie Yunchu met Gu Shenyi. The past life and this life add up to two lifetimes. Is it possible that Gu Shenyi has a righteous daughter or not? She still doesn't know?

"Why are you so angry? Does God Doctor Gu have a righteous daughter? Go and ask God Doctor Gu if he can save him!" Xiao Zhiyan's smile deepened, looking like he was watching a good show, "If God Doctor Gu really Having a righteous daughter means that Ji Jingci has already empathized and fell in love with Gu Shenyi's righteous daughter! Xie Yunchu... You are just a pawn for Ji Jingci to realize his strategy for governing the country."

"I don't know if I'm A Ci's chess piece to realize the strategy of governing the country, but you... are Yun Zhao's chess piece to rule the world, but it's real!" Xie Yunchu sorted out his clothes, looked at Xiao Zhiyan and said, "Besides, , The New Deal comes from my hands, Aci's strategy for governing the country is my strategy for governing the country, and we do not use it."

After Xie Yunchu finished speaking, he sat back in front of her desk that Xiao Zhiyan ordered to be moved to Xianyang Hall, and after reviewing the papers, he was very calm, and said without looking at Xiao Zhiyan, "Thank you for telling me. Ci is still alive!"

A Ci has been missing for more than a year, this is the news she most wants to hear...

"I'll see you... After seeing Shenyi Gu, can you still be so calm!" Xiao Zhiyan wiped the blood on his neck with a handkerchief, looked down at the bright red on the bright yellow handkerchief, Knead it into a ball and throw it together with the handkerchief Xie Yunchu discarded.

When the sun was setting, Xie Yunchu came out of Xianyang Palace.

Yu Hui could melt gold, and according to Xie Yunchu's delicate and picturesque eyebrows carved like white jade, she stepped down from the golden white marble and looked at the soaring Panlong Dan Bi, her eyes could hardly hide the killing intent.

Although she couldn't wait to kill Xiao Zhiyan, she still had to wait to be more secure.

"Yechen..." Xie Yunchu retracted his gaze and stared at the stone steps under his feet.

"Yes!" Ye Chen stepped forward.

"Go to Doctor Gu in person and ask if Doctor Gu has a righteous daughter. If so... send someone to check this righteous daughter." Xie Yunchu said calmly.


"Go now!" Xie Yunchu looked at Yechen solemnly.

"Yes!" Ye Chen saluted.

Xie Yunchu bent down and sat in the sedan chair, closed his eyes and leaned against the pillow, with tears shining from the corners of his eyes.

She didn't believe that Aci would change her mind and find his love.

From the beginning to the end, even if the two of them had differences, even if her style and style did not conform to Aci's principles of a gentleman, or even had quarrels and unhappiness.

Xie Yunchu never doubted the relationship between the two of them, and a third person could intervene!

Xiao Zhiyan just wanted to make her unhappy.

Maybe she doesn't know what kind of righteous daughter Gu Shenyi really has. If Gu Shenyi's righteous daughter is really by Aci's side, then the medical skills are not a problem, and she can rest assured.

As long as she follows the line of Gu Shenyi's righteous daughter, she will definitely find Ah Ci!

What she is most afraid of now is that Aci is just like her who had just been reborn.

The reason why she wanted to kill Gu Shenyi so much, but she never killed him...

The purpose is not to let God Doctor Gu heal the seventh prince, but for Ah Ci!

She and A Ci fell into the water together. They were rescued first and they couldn't recover from the winter cough, let alone how long A Ci had been soaking in the icy river water.

Xie Yunchu clenched the pillow tightly.

Inside Fengqi Palace.

The candles trembled slightly, and the hall was silent.

Xie Yunchu sat beside the open window lattice in the inner hall, staring at the swaying flames in the lamps depicting landscape paintings, holding the wooden hairpin that Ji Jingci had given her in his hand, waiting for Yechen to return, like a picture scroll painted with warm colors.

The warm light reflected the green bamboo that Xie Yunchu ordered to be moved last year outside the window.

"Holy Queen, Yechen Guard is back..." Zhou Xinglai reported to Xie Yunchu with the screen on his back.

"Let Yechen come in!"

Xie Yunchu got up and walked outside.

Yechen entered the door and knelt down and saluted, got up and said, "Shenyi Gu denied that he had a righteous daughter at first, but then he seemed to remember and said that he did!"

(End of this chapter)

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