Chapter 107

In the next few days, Yi Jianzhou brought a group of men and women one after another. There were all kinds of people, those with high education, those with ordinary education and qualifications, those who could speak well, those who worked hard, and all kinds of people who could be found. He found them all, but none of them caught Tong Li's eyes.

He was also worried, he had no idea what kind of person Tong Li was looking for, originally he just wanted to find someone who would serve tea and water, and it was as troublesome as choosing a concubine now.

On this day, Tong Li received a call from Qu Rui, asking her to go to the teahouse, saying that she had something to look for.

Tong Li arrived at the appointment.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Qu Rui came up to open the car door for her, his handsome face shone like the sun rising in the morning.

Tong Li saw the unknown passionate emotions suppressed under his eyes.

"Tong Li." Even when she called her name, she couldn't help raising her voice a few times.

Tongli "?"

"I'll take you to meet a few people." Qu Rui smiled restrainedly, his piercing eyes were shining with hot flames.

Tong Li didn't know what he was excited about, making it so mysterious.

The two walked step by step, and saw no one except the staff along the way, probably because they had been cleared out, and if they could do this, she probably wouldn't be able to meet any ordinary people.

Tong Li looked around, the environment here was quiet and peaceful, and there were various tea fragrances everywhere, which made her depressed mood much happier.

Qu Rui pushed the door open, and four people could be seen around a round table. The moment Tong Li entered, the eyes of several people fell on Tong Li.

Seeing that she was such a young girl, two unsuspecting people frowned, and their faces trembled a few times.

An elder asked suspiciously, "Xiao Qu, is this your so-called miracle doctor?"

Although the others didn't say anything, their eyes agreed with what the man asked.

Tong Li turned her head to look at Qu Rui, Qu Rui gave her a reassuring look, and led her to sit aside.

"Uncle, don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, a little girl who was not good at walking was pushed out from the small space on the left.

The child is about ten years old, very thin, only a row of skeletons are left in his whole body, his eyes are like two big copper bells, he looks quite scary.

Originally, the eyes of a little girl at this age should be full of vigor and vitality, but at this moment, her eyes are dull and dull, and there is no emotion on her face, just like... a dead person, without any desire to survive.

The four elders frowned when they saw the little girl, "Xiao Qu, what did you bring Manman here for?"

Qu Rui smiled politely at them: "Uncle, please be safe and don't be impatient."

He lowered his head and leaned into Tong Li's ear, briefly explaining the whole story to her.

It turned out that when Qu Rui was attending a family dinner two days ago, a little nephew suddenly had an asthma attack while playing.

Originally, it could be relieved by just inhaling bronchodilator drugs, but this child's medicine didn't know where to go.

He gave emergency rescue to the child, but the child suffered from hereditary asthma, which had developed to a severe stage, and it could not be relieved without specific drugs.

He could only procrastinate for some time by pressing a few acupuncture points, seeing that the child was about to suffocate and die, Qu Rui remembered the medicine that Tong Li had given him back then.

For some reason, he just stuffed the pill into the child's mouth.

He had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect that pill to really work.

The pill melted in the mouth, and the little boy lying flat on the ground, his breathing gradually became steady from the original shortness of breath, and his complexion gradually returned to normal flesh color from the previous pale.

The most fatal thing was not these, but the shocking news from the little boy's mother the next day.

The little boy's severe respiratory asthma turned into a mild one overnight, and even the family's personal doctor said it was impossible.

You must know that asthma is spent on drugs for a lifetime, especially if it is severe, and a slight abnormality is a fatal existence.

Now he actually said that he had returned to the light level. Apart from that medicine, he couldn't think of other effects.

Only then did he suddenly realize that what Tong Li said at the time could cure any disease, she was not joking with him, her medicine could really cure any disease.

That day, the elders in the family asked him to go over and question him. Originally, he didn't want to tell Tong Li, and he had to get her consent if he wanted to.

But he also thought of Lu Zhibai, who was trying to teach Tong Li a lesson.

Although he thinks it is impossible with Tong Li's strength, Tong Li's current status is indeed a bit low, and her current job is a bit out of the question.

Furthermore, if they appear in front of the Pei family as a doctor, the future of the two will be easier.

So he didn't tell Tong Li in advance, just because he was afraid that she would disagree.

Last time, Tong Li, a master ghost doctor, let him see what it means to rob people under the hands of Hades.

If Mu Simin's situation is special, then he wants to see if she can cure a person with congenital paralysis of the lower limbs.

If she could, then she would definitely have a place in Chinese medicine, and those who pushed her up were the leading figures in the medical field in front of her.

The girl in front of her was paralyzed from the neck down because of practicing dancing when she was a child. She has been diagnosed by both Chinese and Western medicine, and there is no possibility of recovery.

In other words, she could only stay in bed for a long time in her whole life, which was undoubtedly a fatal blow to a child.

And the little girl, knowing that she can't stand up again, has no desire to survive, and now the family gives her nutrition injections every day to hang her life, but this is still not an option.

This is also the first hurdle he gave Tong Li to advance.

Isn't she good at creating things that others think are impossible?
Then let them see what she's really capable of.

In other words, if Du Zhibai is favored by these people and protected by them, even if Du Zhibai has amazing abilities, he will not dare to do anything to Tong Li.

Tong Li was silent for a long time after listening to his narration, and finally said: "Let me see."

The four elders have been engaged in medical work for most of their lives, and they have an excellent understanding of various diseases.

People like Qu Manman have no cure, even if the Da Luo God comes, there is no way for her to stand up.

So when Qu Rui said that someone could make Qu Manman stand up, they didn't believe it.

It's just that seeing what he said so confidently, they took a look at it with the mentality of a bystander.

Originally thought that she must be an elderly person, but it turned out that the girl was younger than Qu Rui, and they didn't believe her when she was killed because of her excellent medical skills.

"Too nonsense."

An old man sitting in the upper position has never said a word, and his cloudy eyes are shining.

Qu Rui is his most proud successor, and his every move is under his surveillance. Before the hospital reported that he had revived a dying person, he thought it was impossible.

When he asked him to come over for questioning, he also faltered, and he didn't speak clearly, so he knew there must be a reason for it.

Now he brought this girl in front of them again, based on his guess, this should be...

(End of this chapter)

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