The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 108 It can be cured, but the price must be discussed first

Chapter 108 It can be cured, but the price must be discussed first
Qu Rui took him to a lounge and asked him to put the little girl on the bed.

The little girl was silent from the beginning to the end, her eyes were lifeless, she was like a rag doll, ready to be manipulated by others, no matter whether the person who moved her was gentle or rude, she could neither perceive nor refuse.

Perhaps she had lost all confidence in her condition.

For such a long time, she has undergone countless operations, large and small, and everyone told her that it will be possible and successful.

But in the end, she was disappointed again and again.

The doctors said that unless there was a miracle, she would not be able to stand up again, but there are so many miracles in the world.

Although she is small, she also has dignity. She knows that she is a useless person, and she has to rely on others to serve her food, drink and lasciviousness.

She can't wear beautiful skirts, can't play happily with her friends, can no longer wear dancing shoes that bring her glory, and she has to listen to other people's ridicule and accept other people's strange eyes.

Such humiliation is better than death.

But she couldn't bear to let her mother be sad, so all she can do now is to give up on herself, procrastinate day by day, and when her life comes to an end, everyone will be liberated.

Qu Rui saw through her thoughts, touched her forehead, and felt sorry for this little girl.

But with his ability, he really can't make her stand up again, but now with Tong Li, everything is unknown.

"Manman, this big sister..." Qu Rui whispered a few words in her ear, reassuring her that this time she would definitely stand up.

Hearing his assurance, the little girl moved her eyeballs, they lit up for a moment, and then dimmed again.

The same words, the same guarantee, she heard them very well, but in the end, it was still the same result, no different from before?
The biggest difference is that this time the doctor changed to a younger sister.

Qu Rui patted her on the head lightly and didn't speak anymore, no matter how much she said, it would be better to speak with the facts.

When everything was ready, Qu Rui invited Tong Li forward.

"Wait a moment."

Just as they were about to check, a lady dressed in a dignified and luxurious style suddenly barged in from the door, followed by two fierce men.

These people came in such a menacing manner that they thought they were coming to fight without knowing it.

Squeezed in the back was a grapefruit who was not a big deal to watch the excitement. She didn't dare to come in, but only dared to stick her head out of the door and look in.

When the noble lady saw her daughter lying on the bed intact, her beating heart fell back to its original place.

In the next second, he glared angrily at everyone in the room, and shouted loudly, "What do you want to do?"

This group of people was so lawless that they brought her daughter here without her consent.

"Second aunt..." Qu Rui was startled when he saw the person coming in.

"Qu Rui, what do you want to bring Manman here?"

Qu Rui calmly explained: "Second aunt, I found a doctor for Manman today, just to see her injury."

"Cure? Just her!" The noble lady looked Tong Li up and down, with deep dissatisfaction in her expression.

"Hey, what are you kidding?"

Obviously looking down on Tong Li.

"Second Aunt, don't worry. You can see Manman's current situation. Miss Tong is an expert I have found. Let her take a look. She may be able to cure Manman, and Grandpa agreed."

Qu Rui knew that she was nervous about Manman and felt deeply guilty towards Manman. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he believed that the second aunt would not let it go.

Sure enough, Qu Rui's words were like a thunderbolt thrown on her heart, although it didn't explode, it still stirred up twice inside.

Coupled with the approval of the old man, there will be a glimmer of hope in her heart.

"Really?" She looked at Tong Li again with hesitant eyes, and her mouth kept trembling, trying to say no, but she was afraid of missing this chance.

She doesn't need to trust Tong Li or Qu Rui, but if the old man agrees...

Then he looked at Qu Rui angrily: "Okay, I'll let you have a try. If you just want to torment my daughter, I'll never end with you."

Qu Rui smiled as if relieved, and looked at Tong Li: "I believe Miss Tong will find a way."

He had no doubts about her abilities.

Tong Li folded her arms and watched the two arguing endlessly, she didn't intend to intervene, she stood up after they finished talking, and gave the little girl a preliminary examination.

Although she was paralyzed in bed, the family took good care of her.

Thin is a little thinner, but the muscles of the hands and feet are not atrophied, which is what children from rich families can do. Otherwise, the fate of this child can only end in tragedy.

The girl's mother followed every step of the way, and Tong Li's hand would be reprimanded no matter how hard she tried.

"How about my Manman, and what else?" The lady didn't know what to call her, and she didn't know how to call her. She didn't dare to ask questions in front of her daughter, so she could only inquire about the situation in a cryptic manner.

Tong Li didn't answer her, and touched her bones again, pausing for a while while touching her legs.

Qu Rui observed Tong Li's hesitant expression, and stepped forward to tell: "Manman had a car accident last year, and there was a steel nail in his leg bone."

It was that car accident that made her paralyzed from the lower body to unable to move her whole body except her head.

Misfortunes never come singly, I just feel sorry for such a small girl.

Tong Li picked up her foot and dropped it down with a bang, this time she could poke the heart of the noble lady.

I stopped doing it immediately, and pushed Tong Li regardless: "What are you doing, there is no one like you who checks like you, can't you be more careful? The action is so rough, what if you hurt her in a while."

While talking, he put the girl's hands and feet away.

"Second aunt." Qu Rui was startled, and stopped him, but it was too late, the person had already pushed, and Tong Li's face was very cold, as if he was going to get angry.

He was really afraid that Tong Li would say something, if he didn't read it, then all his arrangements today would be in vain.

And Tong Li's inspection method is quite normal, after all, her actions on Mu Simin last time were much gentler than now.

"Am I wrong?" The lady glared at Qu Rui.

Qu Rui was speechless: That's Tong Li's hard-core method that you haven't seen before. Think back to when Xiyou verbally abused her.

Grapefruit was speechless for several days.

He has no choice but to mobilize the noble lady and let her go out first. This is just a superficial inspection, and there will be a bigger inspection later. I am afraid that she will not be able to accept it, and it will definitely delay time.

It's okay to spend a little more time, once Tong Li refuses to treat her, it's useless no matter how light you are.

Qu Rui talked all kinds of things to the lady, and it took a lot of words to get her out.

Tong Li was indeed very upset, she was most taboo about seeing a doctor, someone was whispering in her ear, and even tried to stop her.
After Qu Rui got the man out, he smiled awkwardly at him: "Sorry, my second aunt is eager to love her daughter, and she has a bit of a bad temper. Please take care of me."

"How is it, is there hope?"

(End of this chapter)

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