The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 110 Am I Hypocritical? 'The difference between heaven and hell'

Chapter 110 Am I Hypocritical? 'The difference between heaven and hell'

In the dead of night, everything fell into a sound sleep, and the crescent moon was quietly covered by the floating clouds, leaving only a few stars twinkling in the dark.

When Pei Jiuyin got off the car, he was surrounded by a cold and solemn aura, combined with the surrounding darkness, his fierce aura made people daunting, and he dared not approach him.

Looking at a small light at the door, the emotion in his eyes gradually became joyful, but when he opened the door, the room was pitch black, without the expected figure, not even a light, and for some reason he felt cold cold.

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips tightly and walked to the sofa to sit down, lying on the sofa weakly, his handsome face was slightly tired, and the joy in his eyes turned into deep resentment.

I worked hard outside for a whole day, so it's fine if no one cared before, but now there are people, I don't know how to care, and if he doesn't come back, she won't ask.

The dull pain in the heart became clearer.

Pei Jiuyin stood up abruptly, took off his coat and threw it away, and stomped upstairs in a spirited manner. In the quiet environment, the sound of his footsteps was especially clear.

When he came to the door, looking at the cold door, his momentum unknowingly weakened.

Press the fingerprint and gently push the door open.

Looking in from the door, he could see a small bulge on the bed, and he muttered softly, "I haven't come back yet, but I slept soundly."

After Pei Jiuyin went in, he gently closed the door, took off his shoes, and walked in on tiptoe with bare feet.

Tong Li's auricles moved, and she didn't care if she identified the person who came in as Pei Jiuyin, and continued to sleep.

There was a rustling sound next to her ears, and the seat next to her sank, and a pair of strong hands fell on her waist and abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, she fell into a generous and warm embrace.

Pei Jiuyin rubbed against Tong Lixiang's neck, smelling the familiar fragrance, feeling satisfied for a while.

Seeing that the woman in his arms didn't move, he bit his earlobe maliciously, and complained in his deep magnetic voice: "A woman without a conscience doesn't know how to call me all day long."

"Don't make noise...sleep."

Seeing that the person woke up, Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips and smiled.

"Tongtong, my heart hurts." Pei Jiuyin said in a low voice, her voice was aggrieved and a little coquettish.

His girlfriend doesn't care about him at all, and doesn't look for him for anything. He is like an air in front of her. It is estimated that someday he disappears, and this woman won't find out.

"What." Tong Li woke up instantly, propped up half of her body and looked at him, without any sleepiness in her eyes.

Seeing her so nervous about herself, Pei Jiuyin's heart immediately blossomed with joy, and the previous resentment was swept away.

Tong Li made a gesture to pull his hand to feel his pulse, but Pei Jiuyin held it back.

He put Tong Li's hand directly on his heart: "It's more intuitive to touch it directly. If you touch it, it's right here. The dull pain is like a needle prick."

Tong Li's hands felt the violently beating heart through a thin layer of clothes, once... twice, there was no other abnormality except that it was extremely fast.

She raised her eyelids slightly, and her gaze slowly met a pair of smiling eyes, and she knew that she was being played by someone.

Tong Li subconsciously withdrew her hand, but Pei Jiuyin held it tightly.

Before she could react, Pei Jiuyin rolled over and pinned her down.

Their faces were very close, and Pei Jiuyin kissed her lightly on her lips like a superficial touch, and said with a smile, "It really hurt before, but now I'm fine seeing you."

The room was very quiet, and the atmosphere was very ambiguous. Pei Jiuyin couldn't stop the excitement in his eyes. Looking at the pink lips that were close at hand, he kissed them without hesitation.

The expected jelly-like touch did not come across, but a slightly hard back of the hand.

"what are you doing?"

reject him?
"Have you taken a shower?" If she remembered correctly, he seemed to have just come back, and there was still a faint smell of tobacco on his body. Although there was no discomfort, she couldn't bear it in her heart. A man who didn't take a shower went to bed.

She clearly ordered him: "From now on, you are not allowed to go to bed without taking a shower."

Then push the person away.

Pei Jiuyin froze for a moment!He sneered with desire, and was drenched in the cold.

In the end, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't escape the tragic fate of taking a bath.

With excitement in his heart, after a serious cleaning inside, he came out and saw Tong Li sitting cross-legged on the bed, as if he was waiting for him.

With a smile in my heart, I can do some exciting things next.

But when he saw the row of gold needles on the bedside table, his scalp instantly tensed up, the joy in his heart disappeared, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

It should be...not what he thought.

Hearing the sound of him opening the door, Tong Li opened her eyes, her eyes wandering back and forth on him.

"Come on! Lie down!" Tong Li raised her chin towards the bed, signaling him to lie down.

Pei Jiuyin's pupils constricted slightly, and he retracted his feet just after taking a step, clutching his bathrobe tightly, swearing to the death.

"Tongtong, it's late at night, let's go to bed quickly, we have to go to work tomorrow."

"Come here." Tong Li stretched out her left hand, her complexion was soft and under the surface, there was an air of not allowing others to refuse.

Pei Jiu was terrified and uneasy. He could see that he was afraid of the row of needles. He wanted to step back, but his hand stretched forward involuntarily.

Tong Li held his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The man's fingers were long and slender, and his fingertips were covered with a thin layer of calluses due to holding the pen for a long time.

She pulled him down on the bed with one wrist, this scene is so familiar.

He didn't want to at first, and he doesn't want to now.

Pei Jiuyin moved his mouth and struggled to say: "Tongtong, I don't think you should do this kind of thing now, why don't you go to bed, girls staying up late is not good for your skin."

"No problem." Tong Li methodically untied the belt around his waist, and put a pair of slender hands on his collar.

How could it be so easy to wake her up.

Pei Jiuyin pressed her restless hands, trying to save her again: "Actually, it's just a little dull pain, which can be ignored. Maybe next time it hurts, I'll tell you..."

Tong Li's eyes were slightly cold, and she didn't listen to his nonsense, she used her skill to tear off the clothes.

The strong chest muscles are naked, and under the light, they tremble faintly, as if they are afraid.

'Don't come here! '

Tong Li covered her hand, and squeezed it in a vicious way: I can't say anything about the good feel.

Pei Jiuyin wanted to grab her hand, but Tong Li slapped it away.

Warn him: "Don't move around."

"Don't be afraid, I'll be gentle." Tong Li's voice was coaxing gently, she looked at him charmingly, maybe even if the woman in front of her took him into the abyss of hell, he would be happy with it.

On the other hand, Tong Li thought that if he didn't need to use Yinyue Qi this time, it wouldn't hurt so much.

She just wanted to give him a reassurance. Who knew he would come up with such a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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